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Satan is your enemy so treat him as an enemy.

Hesummons his followers that they will beamong the people of

the Searing Blaze. ( Surah Fatir, 6 )

Group 5 Anesthesiology Posting 2004/2005

1. Premedication helps in
A. Relieving apprehension of the patient
B. Drying of airway secretions
C. Decreasing the dose of anesthetic requirement
D. Reducing the sympathetic response
E. Using glycopyrrolate in patients for bronchoscopy


2. In Intensive Care Unit ( ICU )

A. Pa CO2 60 mmHg indication for ventilation
B. Central Venous Line led to nasocomial infectionT
C. Entral feeding lead to bacterial translocation
D. Apnea test by 2 specialist to conform intact brainstem T
E. Tension pneumothorax common.
3. Atropine
A. Bradycardia in low dosage
B. Given through ETT in emergency
C. Produce moderate CNS depression
D. Increase heart rate
E. Given in organophosphate poison


4. Pre-Operation evaluation
A. Neurological examination is a must prior to spine surgery
B. Thyromental distance is 5 cm
C. OHA change to parental
D. Chest X- ray must be done in patient more than 60 years old.T
E. Stop aspirin 1 day prior to operation (7-10D)
5. Regarding shock
A. Stroke volume rate increase in septic shock
B. Treatment of cardiogenic shock include IAUD
C. Nor adrenaline is a systemic sympatomemitic of choice for septic shock
D. Pre inflammatory mediator is also release in hypovolumic shock
E. Refluctuating atrial fibrillation can lead to cardiogenic shock.

6. Sensory nerve supply to larynx

A. Gloss pharyngeal nerve
B. Recurrent laryngeal nerve
C. Trigeminal nerve
D. External branch of superior laryngeal nerve
E. Internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve
7. Suxomethonium ( scoline )
A. Is antagonist of neuro muscolojunction (NMJ)
B. Cause hyper repolarization at NMJ
C. Can be used in increase intracranial pressure
D. Is agent for anti convulsion


It is written of him that if anyone takes him as a confidant, he will mislead him and guide him to the punishment
of the Searing Blaze. (Surat al-Hajj, 4)

Satan is your enemy so treat him as an enemy. Hesummons his followers that they will beamong the people of
the Searing Blaze. ( Surah Fatir, 6 )

E. Act by increase the Na+ and K+ into the membrane

8. Anaesthesia for C-Section
A. Risk difficulty in intubation high
B. Spinal anaesthesia is a common technique
C. Dextrose given to prevent hypoglycemia
D. Hypotension minimized with isotonic fluid
E. Epidural anaesthesia can be converted to post operation epidural analgesia T
9. Transportation critically ill patient
VIVA Question
Scenario I
55 year old Male in A&E with chief complains of chest pain, appeared
As MO in charge , how you manage ?
o Quite history and PE
o Bed rest, prop up 45
o oxygen,
o serial ECG and cardiac enzymes,
o IV access- blood Ix (cardiac enzyme, FBC, BUSE, coagulation profile,
blood sugar, lipid profile, LFT, RFT
o analgesia-GTN, Iv morphine with metoclopramide,
o V/S, SpO2, ABG monitoring
o Antiplatelet, anticoagulants
o consult cardiologist
Differential diagnosis of chest pain ? Investigation ?
o AMI/angina, pericarditis, pleuritic chest pain dt pneumonia, pulmonary
embolism, pneumothorax, GERD, acute abdomen
Would you like to intubate this patient ?

How to treat metabolic acidosis?

Scenario II
Pregnant lady, placenta previa III with profuse bleeding. Viable fetus and
plan for C-section.
What method of introducing anesthesia in this patient ?
o General- risk of DIC, CI for RA
Induction agent to be given in this emergency C-Section ?
o Ketamine-hypovolemia
Complication of massive blood loss & massive blood transfusion.
o Massive blood loss- hypovolaemic shock, hypoperfusion, multiorgan
o Massive BTF- fluid overload, hyperkalaemia, hypocalcaemia,
hypothermia, metabolic acidosia, coagulopathy, citrate toxicity, 2,3-

It is written of him that if anyone takes him as a confidant, he will mislead him and guide him to the punishment
of the Searing Blaze. (Surat al-Hajj, 4)

Satan is your enemy so treat him as an enemy. Hesummons his followers that they will beamong the people of
the Searing Blaze. ( Surah Fatir, 6 )

DPG deficiency, cardiac arrhythmia/arrest, microemboli, viral

transmission, haemolytic reaction

We created you and then formed you and then We said to the angels, "Prostrate before
Adam," and they prostrated-except for Iblis. He was not among those who prostrated.
[Allah] said, "What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you to?" He [Iblis]
replied, "I am better than him. You created me from fire and You created him from clay."
He [Allah] said, "Descend from Heaven. It is not for you to be arrogant in it. So get out!
You are one of the abased." He [Iblis] said, "Grant me a reprieve until the day they are
raised up." He [Allah] said, "You are one of the reprieved." He [Iblis] said, "By Your
misguidance of me, I will lie in ambush for them on your straight path." [Iblis said,] "Then I
will come at them, from in front of them and behind them, from their right and from their
left. You will not find most of them thankful." He [Allah] said, "Get out of it, reviled and
driven out. As for those of them who follow you, I will fill up Hell with every one of you."
(Surat al-A`raf, 11-18)

It is written of him that if anyone takes him as a confidant, he will mislead him and guide him to the punishment
of the Searing Blaze. (Surat al-Hajj, 4)

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