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Correlation and Regression

True/False Questions
1. The product moment correlation, r, is an index used to determine whether a linear, or
straight-line, relationship exists between X and Y. It indicates the degree to which the
variation in one variable, X, is related to the variation in another variable, Y.
2. The hypotheses for the test for significance of the coefficent of determination are: H0:
RpopH1: Rpop
3. The general form of the multiple regression model is:
Y =0+ 1 X1+ 2 X2+ 3X3++ kXk+e
Multiple Choice Questions

_____ is best to use to determine how strongly sales are related to advertising
a. Regression analysis
b. Partial correlation coefficient
d. Product moment correlation (r)

36. The _____ is a measure of the association between two variables after controlling or
adjusting for the effects of one or more additional variables.
a. regression analysis
b. partial correlation coefficient
d. product moment correlation
37. _____ is a statistical procedure for analyzing associative relationships between a
metric dependent variable and one or more independent variables.
a. regression analysis
b. partial correlation coefficient
d. product moment correlation

The bivariate regression model that accounts for the probabilistic or stochastic nature
of the relationship between X and Y is _____.
a. = a+b1X1+b2X2
b. Y = 0+ 1 Xi
c. Yi =0+ 1 Xi+ ei

d. i = a+bXi
48. _____ is a statistical technique that simultaneously develops a mathematical
relationship between two or more independent variables and an interval-scaled
dependent variable.
a. Chi-square
b. The least-squares procedure
c. Multiple regression
d. Bivariate regression


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