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BECOMING A CONTAGIOUS CHRISTIAN PARTICIPANT'S GUIDE ‘Communicating Your Flin Stylo That Fits You MARK MITTELBERG LEE STROBEL BILL HYBELS with contributions by WENDY SEIDMAN and DON COUSINS tae wittew Oureevion Bronveavaw: We an rrr yous las sed our cant seat the oak urine of evew@sandenancon Thankyou Bzonoenvaw: ‘ening Can ot Spates ary los Cnt Cay eosin deemed nda nal Moe i iotereathad "pik edo rarer ida Sc Used oy pan ot iu adn ee Lang Fn enter Nano agin, ti ar ped a od a aya ch tended amie ‘Tothe followers of Christ ll over the work ‘who will confidently and compassionate reach ‘out to family friends, and strangers with the sospel message, which s “the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.” Acknowledgments Induction SESSION 1 ‘The Benefits of Becoming a Contagious Chistian SESSION 2 Being Yourself—and Impacting Others SESSION 3 Deepening Your Relationships and Conversations SESSION 4 “Teling Your Story SESSION 5 Communicating Goes Message SESSION 6 eping Friends Cros the Line of Path APPENDIX Becoming Contagious Chron Course Evaluation, Sle Survey, Taking Next Steps of uth Additional Gospel stations. ‘Write Out Your Story Recommended Resources 8 5 » 85 88 » 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors express their sincere appreciation to 1 The people of Willow Creek Community Church in suburban Chicago, where this project originated years ag, and where thousands have been both trained and reached, ' Jim Mellado, Nancy Raney, Christine Anderson, Doug, ‘Yonarmine, Stephanie Oakley, and the entire Willow Creek Assocation publishing team for flitting the publishing process and for your encouragement along the way. ' Wendy Seidman, Willow Creek Association’ training gor, for your extra efforts in updating and improving this ‘course forthe next big ran, ' Don Cousins, whose early influence on this project shaped itin significane ways, 1 And to Garry Poole, Judson Poing, Karl and Barbara Singer, Kevin and Sherry Harney, Brad Mitchel, Laura orans, Paul Braoudakis, Steve Bel, Andy Cook, Gary Schwamnmlen, Jim Becks, Dave “Supe” Wright, Graeme Paris, Jason and Rachel Lane, Lary and Rosemary Estry, Dave Moore, Rick Richardson, Mark Miler, Rickey Bolden, Beth and Larry Dahlenbutg, Ruse Robinson, [Nancy Grisham, Courtney Stevens, yn Norum, Joe ‘Sherman, Doug Martinez Julie Harney, Marie Little, Chad ‘Meister, Jim Russel, Tom Chapin, nd everyone else whose names we should have mentioned, and especially our own families—thank you forthe ways you've encouraged end supported this kingdom venture. We appreciate you al ‘Also, deep appreciation to » John Raymond and Zondervan, for your partnership in producing and distributing the orignal and now this ‘updated course for use by churches and ministries around the word, ‘Ando the following ministries: CON (Church ‘Communication Network —espocilly Bil Dallas, Jay Mitchel, and Ryan Erps); Outreach, Inc (especially Scott and Susan Evans, Ron Forseth, Lynne Marian, Jenifer Dion, Paul Pickard, and Kim Levings); the Luis Palau Evangelistic Association (espcilly Luis and Kevin Palau and Alan Hotchkis); International Bible Society (especially ‘Tom Youngblood); the Billy Graham Center in Wheaton (especially Lon Allison}; and Mission America (specially aul Cedar and im Overholt fr al ofthe significant ways you've partnered with us for evangelistic and ministry purposes. 0 INTRODUCTION 1995 The Becoming a Contagious Christan course is designed to help everyday Christians—like you and me—to confidently and ffectively spread their faith to people they know. The emphasis {son natural approaches that work overtime to bring family members friends, coworkers, and neighbors to the point of trusting in Christ, If you are someone who thinks relational evangelism is very Important bu “isnot realy my area,” then we want you to know that this course i especially for you, We are convinced tha, as you _move through thee sessions, you wil sense a growing excitement bout how God can prepare and use you to impact the lives of| others for eternity. ‘Through a variety of formats inchuding video vignetes, group discussions, role playing, and teaching segments, you will learn how to communicate the message of Christ in your own personal, God-given stye. As you gain confidence and begin to put into action what you have eerned, you will discover what thousands ‘ofpeople who have taken this training before you have found out: becoming a contagious Christian is an unparalled adventure! You will have the til of sensing the Holy Spit work through you as you build strategic relationships, raise spiritual topics of| conversation, express what God has done for you, and encourage Your friends toward commitment, When God uses you a par of the team thet leads someone across the lie of ith, watch out You " ETOP RICHEY, us will never the same gain. You will experience the exhilaration ‘that comes with knowing you have played a key role in fullling God's central purpose on earth —"to seek and to save what was lost” So get ready, rll up your sleeves, and let the adventure begin Mak Mi South Barringtot,Ilinois 2007 Wyhard believe thats been morethanadecade and overaaillion| people trained since we frst introduced this couse. But along the ‘way weve learned a lot about equipping Christians —especially those who are convinced that evangelism isnot for them —to naturally and effectively communieste thee faith. We've applied thot Iesonsto this revised and updated edition, Our prayers that itwillserve you and the people in your group well, and that 2s a result God will use you to reach many more for him, Your partner inthe gospel, Mask Ma Trabuco Canyon, California 2 UA SSSI i THE BENEFITS oF BECOMING A CONTAGIOUS CHRISTIAN {Who Is Jesus? @B vp: Who Is Jesus? Notes: 13 ‘The Goal of This Course To prepare us to be contagious Christians ‘who are active in leading others to Christ For the Son of Man came sak ant save what wast (sk 110) ‘Ath Father has sent me, Lam sending you John 2:2), You wil be my witness Jerusalem, and in al ude and Samaria, and rth ends ofthe oarth (Acts 1:8). ‘The Benefits of Becoming a Contagious Christian QB DvD: Stories of Contagious Christians | Notes: 4 ‘When we help people find the forgiveness and leadership of Jesus, what are the benefits to us, te others, and to God? ‘irite down few responses to each ofthese three sof beni, Tout 1 To others? "To Godt 6 ASSES 0 0 goto: \The Problem of Perceptions Evangelism Contagious Christianity is fueled by love [flows out of. Nogative Positive 16 Ws built on relationships, Ws expressed in both actions and _ ‘Ara how ca they belive i hme ifthe have neve hea about i? And he a they hear abou him un smeone ls hem? Romans 10:14, NIT) Itisaprocess. My bast plant he sed your hearts, and Apa watered it tit es God, no we, who made grow t Corinthians 3:6, NID. Wsalwaysa partnership. Who is Apollos, end whos Pel, hat we shoul be the case of ‘ch quarrels? Why, wee oly servants, Through us God ened yout elee ach of sd he work he Lod ger (Corin ‘hiane 55, NZ) ‘A person's coming to Chris islike a chain with many ins, ‘There are many influences and conversations that precede etson's decison to conver: to Christ. {know the jy of being the firs nk a times, a middle ink usually and ocasonal ‘he ast link. God hat not called met only be the ls ink (Care Ker, sutho, speaker, and evangelist "Cle Kechil, Give Men Anewe Inte Pres 1986 wv i i PD civics etn: Bein a Prayer List and an Impact List ‘Turn tothe lst page and the inside back cover. Groups: Praying for the People on Your Impact List Directions 1. Pair up with someone near you, introduce yourselves if you don't already know each other, and share the first name of the person you wrote down on your Impact List, and what your rationship to them is (coworker, sister, brother-inJaw, spouse, neighbor, parent, et.) 2, Take few minutes to pray together for the people you've both mentioned. To help you know how to pray, follow the simple prayer guide onthe righ side ofthe Prayer Liston the last page of your Participant's Guide. Recommended Reading Read chapters 1-3 ofthe companion book for this course also called Becoming 1 Contagious Christian, These chapters ace filled with ditional information and exciting real-life stories. 18 fi LL Sea 2 BEING YOURSELF — AND IMPACTING OTHERS. Directions: Read each ofthe 36 statements on pages 20-23 and record a namber by each that reflects the degree to which you think that statement its you. Your choices are from 1 to5, with 1 being the lowest match to who you are, and 5 the highest. Here’ a description of what each number That's totaly me Pretty much ke me ‘Somewhat ike me Ate tke me That's not ma at all 2. Transfer those numbers tothe grid at the bottom of page 23 and total each column, 9 | 1. In conversations, Iitke to approach topics directly, ‘without mach small tall or “beating around the bush” 2. Thave a hard time getting out ofa bookstore without ‘buying a bunch of new books that will help me ‘understand what people are thinking 3. Loften speak out of my personal background or ‘experience in order to illustrate a point Lam trying to make. 4. Tama "people-person” who places high value on Siendship. 5. enjoy adding or including nev people in activities Tin involved i, 6, [see needs in people'slives that others often overlook, 7. don’ shy eway from challenging someone when it seems necessary 8. Trend tobe analytical and logical 9 Toften identity with others by using phase ike,“ ‘used to think that, t00” or “Tonce elt the way you do” 10, People have commented about my ability for developing deep friendships. 1. Toe honest, often watch for situations in which someone “better qualified” can explain concepts to ry fiends. 12. Ifind fulfillment in helping others often in beind- the-scenes wy. 1. Ido not have a problem confronting my frends with the truth even if strains the relationship. 14. In conversations, Inaturally key in on questions that are holding up a person's understanding or progress. ——15. When I talk around the locker room or the drinking fountain people realy listen, 16. I would rather delve ito personal lif issues than abstract theoretical ideas. 7 isnot unusual for me to attend special events or concerts and bring slong carful of frends, 18, Twould rather show love through ations than through words, 18. Tthink the world would be alo better place ifpeople ‘would stop being so sensitive about everything and just speak the truth! —— 20. Lenjoy discussions and debates on difficult questions. —— 21. Lintentionally share my mistakes and strugles with others when twill help them consider solutions that could help them. 2. | prefer discussing a person’ lif before getting into the

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