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Holographic Wills It must be entirely written, dated and signed by the hand of the

If it the testator does not have hands use the mouth to write yes this is
valid holographic will
By the hand of the testator should not be taken literary.
It does not have a date Not valid a holographic will
Ideally it should be a complete date Month and the Year are sufficient in the
absence of Bad Faith, forgery or fraud

Even if there is a month and year that is considered a vaid date in the
absence of any indication bad faith, forgery or fraud ( Feb/61 a valid date as
reiterated by the SC.

The Date maybe placed in any part of the will.

Labrador vs CA
The blind can make a holographic will as long as he knows how to write


Art 811 if there is no opposition at least one witness who is familiar with the
handwriting and signature of the testator must be presented to identify the will
If there is opposition at least three (3) such witnesses shall be presented
The requirements of the 3 witnesses as merely directory not mandatory because
the availability of the 3 wtinesses who are familiar with the handwriting and
signature of the testator
The availability of the three (3) witnesses who are familiar with the handwriting and
signature of the testator he may not be able to locate the three

Presentation of the expert witnesses

Azoala vs singson

The req

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