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Date: 29 January 2016, week 2

Time: 5:30-8:00pm; 5:30-8:00pm

Duration of Observation: 5 hours
Total: 8 hours
Through the social recreation sector of Alpha, there are always events going on for
people to attend. On Wednesday evening we put on a Scrapbooking night for both the adults and
teenagers. On Friday evening the teenage group, called Teen Extreme, had their cool down
evening in honor of the winter season. For the scrapbooking night, Amy provided all the
scrapbooking supplies and pictures. The pages that each individual made were created to go into
the Alpha scrapbook that is used to show people, who want to know about Alpha, what the
program is about. I helped to find pictures for people, peeled stickers off of sheets for people
who didnt have the fine motor skills to do it on their own, guided individuals who appeared
unsure in their efforts and interacted socially with as many people as I could.
On Friday at Teen Extreme, I had the pleasure of meeting many more people. I was
struck by the variety in disability and functionality between each individual yet the undeniable
friendships shared between them despite their disability or the differences among themselves.
The acceptance of one another is profound- something we could all learn from. The nights
theme was winter cool down. We did two science experiments with ice and then made
homemade ice cream. I loved hearing the laughter throughout the night and seeing how the
activities were thoughtfully created for everyone to participate successfully. One thing I was
made aware of was that one teenage boy with low functionality will grab hair or clothing and can
pull strongly. I experienced his strength, in a positive circumstance, when he grabbed my by my
arm and took me to where he had been playing during the night. I know from experience he is

strong. From this interaction, I was made aware of how his strength can also created harmful
situations. Unfortunately, later in the night, he grabbed Alis shirt because he wanted her ice
cream. No harm was done, but it really scared Ali. I watched how Amy reacted by removing
Alis shirt from his hand and taking Ali aside to calm her down and comfort her because she was
genuinely distressed. I learned that it is important for everyone to be aware of their surroundings
and not ignore potentially dangerous ticks that individuals may exhibit even in the context of fun.
There are always ways in which to integrate my Christian faith and the work. I have
found that the most seamless integration happens when I am oriented towards God and in right
relationship with Him. In these seasons, the integration happens without having to put much
thought into it. In this particularly setting of working with individuals with disabilities, the
integration can simply be my attitude and recognition of their humanity. As I mentioned in my
Special Populations article reflection of Jean Vaniers Seeing God in Others, In every
interaction, I must remember to meet my fellow brother or sister, no matter their race, faith or ability,
at the foot of the cross. At the base we are all equal in the sense that we are accepted and known by
grace through Christ. In this stance of humility, I am able to recognize the humanity of every
individual with disabilities that walks through Alphas doors. It is this attitude that is not often
exhibited by society that will point to the love and grace of Christ.
In a tangible sense, the field of social recreation opens many doors to provide a more explicit
integration, depending on the regulations of the program. Ideally yet not always practically, I would
provide Bible, integrate different spiritual disciplines into activities and plug people into a church.
Hillside Covenant Church in Walnut Creek, CA where I attend when I am home has a program called
Compassion, Justice and Missions. One of the five cares under this program is helping and including
individuals with disabilities in the church. Personally, this is a great example of integrating people
with disabilities, faith and the purpose of the church.

Throughout my time at Alpha, I want to continue to display the love and grace of Christ
through a stance of humility. The most important reminder these people can receive is that I love
them because Christ loves them. Providing more explicit services may come at the right time, there
to show acceptance is a powerful action and attitude that is always appropriate.

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