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Dr A P Singh, SGGS College, Chandigarh;

S.No Scientific Name Common Name Systematic Position Habits Nature of Damage to Crop

1. Sesamia inferens Wheat Stem Borer O. Lepidoptera 1. Attack Wheat, Rice, Barley, Jowar, Bajra, Sugarcane, 1. Caterpillars attack young shoots to cause their uneven
(Walker) Pink Stem Borer F. Noctidae etc. growth.
2. Moths are nocturnal 2. Damage to crop is severe in hot and humid climate.
3. Female lays 300 rounded eggs in 2 – 3 rows on inner
surface of leaf sheath.
4. Emerging caterpillars bore in to stem to feed inside only;
they may bore upwards as well downwards.
5. Caterpillars undergo 6 – 7 moults to be full-grown;
undergo pupation, generally below dried leaf sheath.

2. Microtermes White Ants O..Isoptera 1. Attacks Wheat, Barley, Sugarcane, Pea, Jowar, Bajra, 1. Termites attack crop soon after sowing and also near
obesi Holmgren Termite F. Termitidae Groundnut, Fruit Trees, Vegetables, Wood & maturity; effected plants dry up and soon die.
Odontotermes Dimak Household Articles. 2. When attacked later, white ears develop.
obesus (Rambur) 2. Termites are nocturnal, omnivorous and social (colonial,
polymorphic with division of Labour – with casts like
queen, king, worker, soldier and nasutes); live in
termitarium (with external and internal galleries and
3. 7 – 10 days after nuptial flight (mid air copulation)
fertilized female lays 100 – 130 eggs; later abdomen
enlarges to turn her into a queen which lays 30,000
4. Eggs hatch after 7 days of incubation in to larvae; these
form different casts depending on the conditions.

3. Amrasca Jassids O. Homoptera 1. Attack Wheat, Barley, Cotton, Ochra, Brinjal, Potato, 1. Damage is caused by both adults & nymphs.
biguttula (Minor Pest) F. Cicadellidae Sunflower, Tomato, etc. 2. Attacked Leaves undergo discolouration.
biguttula Ishida 2. Feeds on the foliage
Zygnilia Details have been studied under cotton
4 Eurygaster maure Wheat Bug O. Hemiptera 1. Attack Wheat and Barley. 1. Damage is caused by nymphs and adults.
(Linnaeus) F. Scutellidae 2. E. maure feeds on the sap/juice of foliage and ear heads; 2. Leaves undergo discolouration.
Aethus laticollis Aethus laticollis feeds underground on the sap of
Wagner mesocotyl of young seedlings.
5 Macrosiphum Wheat Aphid O. Hemiptera 1. Attack Wheat, Barley, Oat 1. Both nymphs and adults suck sap/ milk of foliage/ ears
miscanthi (Major Pest) F. Aphididae 2. Reproduction sexual and parthenogenetic; later decrease the yield
(Takahashi) responsible for abundance of females. 2. Damage is severe in cold and cloudy years.
3. Abundance during cold and cloudy winters; during 3. Loss up to 36% is recorded
summer winged males and females migrate to grasses.
4. Nymphs and adults suck sap of foliage and milk of years

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