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of the
Association of Florida Colleges

The name of this organization shall be the Indian River State College Chapter of the Association of
Florida Colleges (AFC).
The purpose of this Chapter will be to promote communications within Indian River State College,
between Indian River State College and colleges within the Florida College System, between Indian
River State College and the general public, and to support the purposes of the Association of Florida
Colleges as stated in its Bylaws.
Section A.


Membership in this Chapter is open to all employees, Trustees, and Retirees of Indian River State
College and other individuals who support the purpose of the Association upon payment of the
stipulated annual dues.
Section B.

AFC Dues

Each member will be assessed annual dues by AFC.

Section C.

Chapter Dues

Chapter dues will be levied at the discretion of the Chapter Executive Board based upon a members
annual salary or employment status at Indian River State College. The amount of the annual dues will
be reviewed and published annually within one month of the President taking office on January 1 of
each year.

Section A.


The elected officers of this Chapter will be President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and
Membership Chairperson.
The appointed officers are identified in Section C.
Section B.

Elected Officers

President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Chairperson will be elected by the
membership for a term of one year, commencing on January 1, of each year. Elections will be held
annually prior to state convention, but no later than January of each year.
Section C.

Appointed Officers

The incoming Chapter President will appoint for a term of one year, commencing on January 1, a
slate of appointed officers to fill the positions listed. Duties of these appointed officers are determined
by these bylaws and by the incoming Chapter President.
The Chapter President may also appoint persons to temporary positions not named in the bylaws to
fulfill specific duties provided a majority of the executive board approves the individual and the
temporary position. Chairperson positions may be filled by more than one individual at the discretion
of the Chapter President and majority approval of the Executive Board.

Alumni-Retirees Chairperson


Awards and Commissions Chairperson


Communications Chairperson


Community Service Chairperson


Fundraising Chairperson


Legislative Chairperson


Scrapbook Chairperson


Site Chairperson

Chastain Campus


Dixon Hendry Campus


Mueller Campus


Pruitt Campus


Other Sites

9. Social Chairperson
Section D.

Duties of Officers
The President will:

1. Preside at the meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Board.


Represent the Chapter in all matters.

Call meetings of the Executive Board.
Serve as a delegate to the AFC Assembly of Delegates.
Establish and appoint members to committees, as necessary, and serve as an ex-officio
member of each such committee.
6. Submit recommendations for commission seats to the Administration of IRSC.
7. Assign members of the Executive Board to appropriate commissions.

The President-Elect will:


Perform the duties of the President in the event of absence or disability.

Perform duties assigned by the Chapter President.
Assume the office of President following successful completion of the term of PresidentElect.


The Secretary will:


Record the minutes of all meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Board.
Handle designated correspondence of the Chapter.
Maintain an AFC reference file for the Chapter.
Share reports with the Communications Chairperson.
Perform the duties of the Chapter President in the event of absence or disability of the
Chapter President-Elect.

IV: The Treasurer will:

1. Receive all money of the Chapter.
2. Safeguard and disburse Chapter funds upon authorization of the Chapter Executive Board and
forward annual dues to the State AFC Treasurer as required.
3. Submit a financial report at the Chapter meetings as well as an annual financial report.
V. The Membership Chairperson will:

Organize and direct membership drive.

Collect AFC and IRSC Chapter dues for payment to the Chapter Treasurer.
Provide membership information to the Chapter.
Maintain a current roster, and provide a copy of said roster to the State AFC Office.
Perform duties assigned by the Chapter President.

Section E.

Executive Board

Executive Board will consist of the elected officers of the Chapter. The immediate Past President will
serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board will:
1. Serve as a Membership Committee.
2. Plan for regular meetings of the Chapter.
3. Review proposals from the State Organization, the State Legislature, the Division of Florida
Colleges, and any other agencies having any effect upon Indian River State College and
recommend appropriate action.

4. Develop policy recommendations concerning Chapter affairs and submit them to the Chapter
as appropriate.
5. Supervise implementation of approved policies.
6. Serve as representatives of appropriate commissions as assigned by the Chapter President.
7. In case of a vacancy in an elected office, the Executive Board shall appoint a replacement to
serve until the next election.
8. Authorize expenditures of the Chapter funds.
Appointed Committees of the Board
Section A.

Appointing Committee Officers

Prior to the first chapter meeting of the calendar year, the President and members of the
newly-elected Board shall appoint committee officers, referred to as chairpersons, who are
responsible for the leadership in specific areas. With the exception of the scholarship committee, the
committee chairs will hold their positions for a period of one year, starting on January 1. Each
committee officer position may be filled by more than one individual at the discretion of the Chapter
President and the majority approval of the Executive Board.
2. Scholarship Committee The Past President of the IRSC AFC Chapter will serve as chair of
the Scholarship Committee. In the event that the Past President cannot serve in this capacity,
the current President will serve as the committee chair. The Scholarship Committee will also
consist of an appointed representative from the Financial Aid Office, an appointed
representative from the Foundation Office, the elected President for the year, and the
Secretary. Appointed representatives from the Financial Aid and Foundation Offices are
encouraged to serve as standing advisors to the committee and do not have to be officially
appointed each year.
Section B.

Duties of Appointed Chairpersons

Scholarship Committee Chairperson (Past President) will:

1. Recruit members to serve on the committee at the beginning of the year.

2. Organize meetings to discuss the status of scholarships.
3. Work with Financial Aid and the Foundation to organize the list of scholarship applicants to be
presented to the Board at the appropriate time in the year.
4. Evaluate the selection process, criteria, and awarding of AFC scholarships and present
changes in process to the Board.
5. Work with the elected President to prepare the presentation of the awards and communication
with the scholarship candidates.

Social Committee Chairperson will:

Recruit members to serve on the committee at the beginning of the year.

Organize regular meetings of the members of the committee.
Provide an annual agenda of social activities that will benefit the diverse membership.
Recruit and organize the membership to assist with social events.
Report activities to the Board.
Work with the Communications Chairperson to ensure that events are posted on the website
and communicated to the membership. (This activity repeats under each chair.)


Fundraising Committee Chairperson will:

1. Recruit members to serve on the committee at the beginning of the year.

2. Organize regular meetings of the committee.
3. Provide an annual agenda of fundraising activities aimed at increasing the funds available for
scholarships, social activities, and operational costs.
4. Recruit and organize the membership to assist with fundraising events.
5. Report activities to the Board.
6. Work with the Communications Chairperson to ensure that events are posted on the website
and communicated to the membership.

Scrapbook Committee Chairperson will:


Recruit members to serve on the committee at the beginning of the year.

Organize regular meetings of the committee.
Organize the scrapbook based on the requirements outlined in the AFC Leadership Manual.
Report to the Board the progress that is being made on the scrapbook and areas of service
that need more attention according to the guidelines provided by AFC in the Leadership
5. Work with the Communications Chairperson to ensure that events are posted on the website
and communicated to the membership.

Awards and Commissions Chairperson will:

1. Recruit members to serve on the Commissions outlined in Article VI.

2. Report on the representation of IRSC members on various statewide Commissions to the
Chapter Board.
3. Receive and communicate Commission Meetings and Awards to the appropriate members of
the Chapter.
4. Work on the coordination of nominations for statewide awards and exemplary practices.
5. Work with Commission Leadership to organize conferences and develop the purpose of the
Commissions within the Chapter.

Communications Chairperson will:

1. Edit the existing communication plan for the Chapter as needed.

2. Ensure the Chapter is receiving regular communication about events, meetings, statewide
issues, awards, and other AFC related news.
3. Work with Institutional Advancement to insure that IRSC is well represented in AFC
4. Update the AFC Chapter website.

VII. Legislative Chairperson will:

1. Coordinate all legislative activities with the Office of the President.
2. Assist the Presidents Office with legislative campaigns that may include AFC members.

3. Coordinate opportunities for the membership to receive a legislative update from the Presidents
Office and/or from AFC state leadership.

Site Chairperson will:

1. Recruit members to serve on the committee and to join AFC at the branch campuses.
2. Work with the Board to promote AFC at the Branch Campuses.
3. Report membership issues on the branch campuses to the Membership Chair and President.
4. Work with other members of the Board to promote AFC meetings and events at the branch
5. Report to the Board.
Section A.

Determination of Commission Representatives

Representatives to the various AFC Commissions will be forwarded by the Chapter President to the
state AFC office, Tallahassee, following appropriate appointment designated authority as follows:
Each commission will have up to two representatives to be recommended annually by the Executive
Board and approved by Administration.
Section B.


Final selection of representatives to the commissions will be completed 4-6 weeks prior to the Annual
Section C.


Representatives selected for commissions will serve as voting delegates to the Annual Convention.
Section D.

Responsibilities of Commission representatives will:

1. Perform such duties and fulfill such responsibilities as may be required by their respective AFC
2. Represent the interests and concerns of the IRSC Chapter at the various State and Regional
3. Report to and consult with the Chapter concerning these activities as may be appropriate.
Delegates to the Assembly of Delegates
Section A.

Number of Delegates

The number of Assembly Delegates will be selected on a one to ten ration, i.e., one delegate per ten
paid individual members. Each delegate must be a current member of AFC.
Section B.

College President

The College President or his/her designee shall serve as a delegate.

Section C.

Chapter Executive Board

Members of the current and incoming Chapter Executive Board will serve as delegates.
Section D.

Chapter Membership

Such additional delegates to the number authorized will be selected from among the Chapter
representatives to the various AFC Commissions, AFC State Board of Directors, and/or members at
Adoption and Amendment of Bylaws
Section A.

Adoption of Bylaws

The Bylaws will be adopted upon an affirmative vote by two-thirds of the membership in attendance at
a general meeting of the Chapter following proper notice.
Section B.

Amendment of Bylaws

The Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Chapter by concurrence of two-thirds of the
members in attendance provided the amendment has been submitted in writing to the members at
least 10 days prior to the meeting in which it is introduced. Minor changes to the bylaws may be made
by the Executive Board (e.g., locational changes, committee names, etc.) without chapter approval.
Section A.

Meeting Guide

Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised will be used as a guide for matters not covered herein.
Section B.

Chapter Meetings

Meetings of the Chapter will be announced to the membership at least one week in advance of the
meeting, except in the case of emergency and upon two-thirds vote of the Chapter Executive Board.
Meetings may be called by the Chapter President, the Chapter Executive Board, or upon the signed
request from at least 20% of the current membership.
Section C.

Online Communication

Email and the Chapter website will be used to announce meeting dates, chapter events, distribute
minutes, etc., as appropriate.
AFC Scholarships

Section A.

Scholarship Criteria

Eligible AFC Recipients must have the following:

1. Candidate must be an AFC member in good standing or a dependent of an AFC member in
good standing.
2. An AFC member in good standing has currently paid AFC dues for the year of the scholarship
3. Dependents will be eligible for scholarships using the following criteria.
4. Dependents include:
5. Biological Child/Children (25 years of age or under)
6. Stepchild/Children (25 years of age or under)
7. Adopted Child/Children (25 years of age or under)
8. Other

Funding source is available for Indian River State College students only
Candidates can apply annually as an IRSC student
Graduating candidates are available for a one time transfer scholarship (non-renewable) to
another Florida four-year degree-offering institution
Student must have cumulative GPA of 2.0
Student must be declared certificate/degree seeking
Students who are IRSC employees have no credit restrictions
Students who are not college employees must be enrolled at a minimum half time status:
Definition of half time student:
6 credits Fall Semester/ 180 clock hours

6 credits Spring Semester/ 180 clock hours

3 credits Summer I and/or Summer II/ 90 clock hours

Bylaws were reviewed February 4, 2016.

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