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Good morning my dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

Welcome to this Eucharistic

Today we celebrate the feast of St. Thomas, the apostle of Jesus Christ.
In todays Gospel, the encounter between Jesus and St. Thomas is a great reminder to all
of us that through the gift of faith we, too, are able to recognize the presence of the risen Lord in
our personal lives. The Holy Spirit reveals the Lord Jesus to us and helps us to grow in
knowledge and understanding of God and his ways. Through the gift of faith we are able to
proclaim that Jesus is our personal Lord and our God. He died and rose that we, too, might have
new life in him. The Lord offers each of us new life in his Holy Spirit that we may know him
personally and walk in this new way of life through the power of his resurrection.
Today as we celebrate the First Friday of the month, we commemorate Jesus suffering in
the cross that all of us may be saved. Let us thank God in this mass with great humility and
reverence with Mary as His great instrument in this plan of salvation.
Presiding our Eucharistic celebration is ______________________, together we all join the choir
in singing the entrance hymn. We all stand.


Christ came to all sinners, offering them salvation. With humility of spirit, and aware of
his call, let us bring our prayers to the Father as we pray...
1. That the church may be seen as the healing home of the weak and the sinful. Let us pray
to the Lord.
2. That those who hold public office may be honest and faithful to their duties. Let us pray
to the Lord.
3. That in this Eucharistic offering we may experience Gods healing mercy. Let us pray to
the Lord.
4. That we may look with compassion and understanding to those persons who are living
sinful lives. We pray to the Lord.
5. That the dead may experience the saving power of God. Let us pray to the Lord.

Father, with the faith of Abraham who followed your call, your Christian people bring their
prayers to you. Grant what you inspire us to ask through Christ our lord. Amen.

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