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Andrea Claire

Lesson Plan
Unit essential questions:
Background information: Since we have not done any mathematics in the program so far
(the majority of the focus is on science experiments which the students love!), I asked the
students what topic they were covering in their regular math class. They are working on
geometry so I decided to enhance their learning by having them work on word problems
incorporating geometry. Not all of the word problems are based on geometry as I want to
see where they are with this type of math. Since I am unsure of the students levels in
math, I am starting out at a 5th grade level and will take the knowledge gained from this
lesson to increase the level of difficulty in later math lessons. The main focus of the
lesson is to teach a new technique for solving word problems.
o How can you solve a complex word problem?
Lesson question:
The word problems are all at a 5th grade level.
Possible word problems:
o Tom Terrific has a garden in the shape of a rectangle. He wanted to plant a tree in
a specific spot. He wanted it to be in the exact center of the garden. What would
be a way that he could find the center without using any measurement? (5th grade)
o Groups of campers were going to an island. On the first day 10 went over and 2
came back. On the second day, 12 went over and 3 came back. If this pattern
continues, how many would be o the island at the end of a week? How many
would be left? (5th/6th grade)
o It takes 6 cubes to build a staircase with 3 steps, how many cubes will it take to
build a stair case with 11 steps? (6th grade)
o The tables at a party are shaped like a hexagon, if you push the tables together to
create a long line of tables, how many tables would you need to fit 50 people? (6th
Common Core or other appropriate standard:
Mathematics Common Core:
o CCSS.Math.Content.5.G.B.3
Understand that attributes belonging to a category of two-dimensional figures also
belong to all subcategories of that category. For example, all rectangles have four
right angles and squares are rectangles, so all squares have four right angles.
o CCSS.Math.Content.5.G.B.4
Classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy based on properties.
o CCSS.Math.Content.5.OA.B.3
Generate two numerical patterns using two given rules. Identify apparent
relationships between corresponding terms.
ELA Common Core:

o SL.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in

groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts,
building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Lesson objective:


Students will identify steps to solve a math

Teacher observation during lesson.
word problem and use those steps to correctly
Rubric evaluating individual word
solve two math word problems, one
problem responses.
collaboratively and one independently.
Remind Students to use the new interrupting strategy and praise those who use it
How to Solve a Word Problem: (discuss as a group the steps)
o Give each student the worksheet
o Discuss as a group why each step is important, how to follow the steps as a group
1. As the students come into the room they will be instructed to sit at the table with their pre
chosen groups. They will have 5 minutes to get settled and quietly use their iPads or talk
with their peers. (5 min.)
2. The groups will be instructed of the days objectives: (1) complete the small group
lesson, (2) reflect on the group lessons, (3) present lesson segment 1 posters, (4) begin
lesson segment 2 research on approved topic and get approval for presentation method.
One student (possible 2) may need more time to finish their first poster and will do so
during the presentations in order to have them present next week. (5 min.)
3. The groups will then begin their small group lessons. Math Problem Solving Lesson
procedure is as follows (20 min.)
a. The Opener procedure will be followed. (Approx. 5 min.)
b. The students will be given a word problem, paper, and pencilsthe students will
work together to solve the problem. (Approx. 5 min.)
c. The teacher will be present and listening to the conversations and available for
questions. (Approx. 2 min.)
d. After the students feel confident in their answer, they will explain their reasoning.
(Approx. 2 min.)
e. Then, the students will receive a different word problem and solve it
independently to turn in for analyzing for the use how to solve a word problem
steps, and a correct response. Although the main focus is to show an
understanding of solving a complex word problem. (Approx. 5 min.)
f. The Closer procedure will be followed. (Approx. 5 min.)
4. Mr. Perillos small group lesson procedure can be seen on his lesson plan.
5. After both small groups are finished, the students will have some time to reflect and hear
what the other groups did. This will be done whole group and the students will simply
take turns telling the class what they did in their group and what they learned.
6. Next the posters will be presented to the class. (15 min.)
7. Finally, the students will begin research on their chosen topic (after approval is given for
the topic) and decided on a presentation method (and gain approval for the method). The

rest of the time left will be dedicated to research (possible relocation to the computer lab).
(Remaining available time approx. 15 min.)
Tiered by _Product/Student Choice_: (product, challenge, complexity, resources, outcome, or
3 different tiers
The class is split into two groups (one group of 3 and one group of 4), the Math Word
Problem and Nicks Science Lesson
The students were able to choose which group they would most want to be in. This also
depends on how many students are present. Some students have also been predetermined
in a group based on behavior expectations.
Whole class reflection: student will share with the entire class (even the other group)
what they did in their group, and what they have learned.
Math word problems
How to Solve a Word Problem Guide (1 per student)
How to Solve a Word Problem Rubric

How to Solve a Word Problem

Basic Four Step Process

* Can you state the problem in your own words?
* What are you trying to find or do?
* What are the unknowns?
* What information do you obtain from the
* What information, if any, is missing or not

* Look for a pattern.
* Examine related problems, and determine if the
same technique can be applied.
* Examine a simpler or special case of the
problem to gain insight into the solution of the
original problem.
* Make a table.
* Make a diagram.
* Write an equation.
* Use guess and check.
* Work backward.
* Identify a sub-goal.

* Implement the strategy or strategies in step 2,
and perform any necessary actions or
* Check each step of the plan as you proceed.
* Keep an accurate record of your work.

* Check the results in the original problem.
* Interpret the solution in terms of the original
problem. Does your answer make sense? Is it
* Determine whether there is another method of
finding the solution.
* If possible, determine other related or more
general problems for which the techniques will

Understand the
Devise a Plan



0-Not Evident

Carry out the


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