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"God's love for others does not stop at the border; neither should ours.

- Dillon Burroughs
Immigration and the refugee crisis is an alarming issue which needs to be
resolved immediately. This is an issue which closely concerns people from
all around the globe and to come to a long term solution, we as global
citizens need to rise to the situation. Transformation and acceptance are
the only tools with which we can find a solution to such a situation. We
must transform, not only politically, socially, culturally and economically
but also on humanitarian basis. What we as humans fail to realise that
these very immigrants, refugees, internally displaced persons, stateless
persons are one of us and it is our duty to provide them shelter. What we
need is for major economic groups such as the G4, the G20, and The
European Union to come together and solve this issue as a united
international community. However various legal restrictions impede
governments of various countries to come forward and tackle the situation
on our hands.
For instance, the EU, its institutions, and its member states have specific
legal obligations to individuals on its territory and at its land and sea
borders. Governments should embrace the human rights and protection
imperatives at the core of this crisis and respond in accordance with the
fundamental values at the heart of the Unions acquis communautaire.
Its response to this crisis must match its legal responsibilities and stated
values. In a world characterized by rising displacement, conflict, and
human rights abuse, EU leadership is more important than ever.
Implementing effective border and migration controls and helping
vulnerable people avoid hazardous journeys is essential. But it is also very
important to assure that on reaching their country of refuge these
immigrants are not subject to human rights violations. Immigrants, from
the very beginning of their journey fall victim to horrific incidents in their
country of origin which caused them to search for refuge in other
countries in the first place. If other countries do not let them in, and do
not protect and help them once they are in, then they may be
condemning them to an intolerable situation where their basic rights,
security and, in some cases their lives, are in danger.
In conclusion, we all must remember that we belong to the same human
race and every one is a representative of the humanity in this
international community. The inscription under the Statue of Liberty states

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe
free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the
homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
We must indeed lift the lamp and open our golden doors as an act of
humanity to those suffering, vulnerable souls who do not find themselves
safe within the borders of their own country.

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