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Chapter 13 Outline

Section 1: Japan Modernizes

The United states in 1853 showed Japan its military might. As a result, Japan decided to end its
isolation and modernize.
Discontent in Tokugawa Japan
I. Feudal System
A. Shogun were the military general
B. Emperor was a figurehead
C. Tokugawa Shogunate took over Japan and imposed Isolation
1. Little foreign trade
II. Discontent
A. Daimyo are poor because land are worth little in commercial economy
B. Samurai were poor
C. Merchants had no political power
D. Peasants suffered high taxes
III. Shogun had less power

The above is an image of the Meiji Emperor. He is the symbol of the ending Japanese
feudalism and modernization. He took the name of Meiji or enlightened ruler. During
his rule, Japan modernized.

Japan Opens Up

Japanese feared that similar events of the Opium War may happen in Japan
I. External Pressure and Internal Revolt
A. Mathew Perry led American ships to Japan
1. Carried a letter from American president demanding the opening of Japanese ports
B. American Navys superiority forced Japan to accept
1. Rights for extraterritoriality, low tax
C. European powers gained similar rights
D. Revolt by Daimyo against Shogun restored Emperor Meijis power
1. Moved capital back to Edo
2. Took Meiji, or enlightened ruler
II. The Meiji Restoration
A. Japan modernized during Emperor Meijis rule
B. Wanted to strengthen Japan ignorer to prevent foreigners from interfering
1. Rich country, strong military
C. Sent samurais to study abroad
D. Sent Japanese to learn Western culture, technologies, economy, government
The Meiji Transformation
Japan changed successfully
I. A Modern Government
A. Want to build a strong central government
B. Took German Model
1. Had democracy in the Diet
a) Diet is the parliament
2. Had a strong emperor who retained power
3. Beaurucracy
a) Has departments of finance, army, education
C. Built a strong army
1. Samurais are not the only warriors anymore
II. Industrialization
A. Built infrastructure
1. Railroads
2. Postal system
3. Telegraph system
4. Central bank
5. Open factories and sell them to private enterprises
B. Industries develop
1. Major business families develop
2. Called zaibatsu
C. Raw materials
1. Raw materials help with industrialization
2. Population boom
3. Farmers move to urban area
III. Changes in Society
A. No more class distinction
B. Education
1. Establish schools and universities
2. Hire westerners to teach new technologies
C. Women in society

1. Got some rights

a) More education
2. Denied other rights
a) Not allowed to participate politically
IV. An Amazing Success
A. Causes
1. Homogenous society
a) Strong sense of society due to same people
2. Strong Tokugawa economy
B. Resistance
1. Are strong enough to resist foreign imperialism
2. Build imperial empires itself
Japans Growing Military Strength
Due to lack of resources, needed to acquire foreign empires. Use strong newly developed
military to gain foreign empire.
I. Korea in the Middle
A. Stuck in East Asia
B. Competition between rich and powerful nations for influence
1. Russia, China, Japan
C. Tributary state to China
D. Change of hands
1. Chinese influence declines
2. Russia expanded to East Asia
3. Japan gained control of Korea
a) Force Korea, a nation that also isolates itself, to open port to Japanese trade
II. Japan Gains Power
A. China
1. Sino Japanese War due to competition in Korea
2. Japan won due to modernization
a) Gain Taiwan and Korea
B. Russia
1. Russo Japanese War
2. Japan won
3. Japan gained part of Manchuria and Korean port
III. Japan Rules Korea
A. Japan annexed Korea and set out to modernize it by building much infrastructure
B. Japan imposed harsh rule
1. Tried to erase Korean culture and identity
C. Korean nationalism brewed
1. March First movement: Korean rebelled against Japanese rule
2. Japan crushed the rebellion
Section 2: Imperialism in Southeast Asia and the Pacific
The West divided up Asia for regions for raw materials, market, and Christian converts
Europeans Colonize Southeast Asia
Sea lanes in Southeast Asia control trade between India and China. In the 1800s, Europeans
started to control and takeover the region.






The Dutch East Indies Established

A. Dutch controlled Dutch East Indies on Java and Moluccus Islands
B. Expanded from there to dominate Indonesia today
1. Wanted profit on coffee, sugar, and indigo
The British in Burma and Malaya
A. Burma
1. British clashed with Burmese as British expanded eastward from India
2. British defeated Burmese despite Burmese resistance
B. Malaya
1. British colonize Singapore, the southernmost tip of Malaya
2. Singapore brought prominent trade from Britain
French Indochina Seized
A. Portugal colonized Vietnam early on
1. French and Western missionary flooded in
B. Vietnam feared Western influence
1. Killed missionaries and converts
C. French invaded Vietnam and overtook it
1. Later expanded to Loas and Cambodia
2. Also known as French Indochina
Siam Survives
A. Modern day Thailand
B. King Mongkut modernized Siam
1. Read Western books
2. Studied foreign languages
3. Negotiate treaty with skills learned
C. Hired foreigners to teach Thais how to utilize modern technology
D. Passed reforms modernizing Siam
1. Built roads
2. Modernize army
3. Fix government
E. After gaining power, unequal treaties were repealed
Colonial Southeast Asia
A. Chinese took economic opportunity
1. Escape Chinese turmoil
2. Had economic opportunity
3. Form economic or industrial networks
B. Europeans controlled
1. Modernized Southeast Asia
2. Benefitted Europe

The United States and the Philippines

I. Spanish takes Philipines
A. Spain took Philippines
B. Catholic Church abused it
C. Suez Canal improved trade and lives for Philippine
D. Phillipino became educated and worked to improve Spanishs treatment over them
II. Spanish-American War
A. About Cubas attempt to gain independence
B. American supported it

C. American also support Philippines gain independence

III. American took Philippine
A. American took Philippine after Spanish American War
B. Debate over American Imperialism was made
1. Senate passed treaty for taking Philippine by only one vote
C. Philipines rebelled, but was crushed by Americans
D. Americans modernized Philippine and promised gradual transition to self rule
Western Powers Seize the Pacific Islands
I. Taking Islands
A. Industrial nations look to the Pacific
B. Missionaries spread Christianity in Pacific
C. Nations used ports in Pacific Islands
II. Samoa
A. USA, Germany, and Britain established triple protectorate
III. Hawaii
A. US built plantations in Hawaii
B. When the Queen tried to limit American influence
1. American plantation owners overthrew her
C. US annexed Hawaii
Section 3: Self-Rule for Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
Canada, Australia, and New Zealand gained self rule more easily due to same language,
culture, and stronger racial attitudes.
Canada Achieves Self-Rule
French missionaries remained in Canada after British won the war. British loyalist fled to
Canada. Native Americans also remained to East Canada.
I. Unrest in the Two Canadas
A. Constitution act eased cultural tensions by creating English protestant Upper canada
and French Catholic lower canada
B. Unrest grew because small elites controlled each different region
II. Britain Responds
A. Learned from American Revolution
B. Had politician analyze the situation
C. Joined both Canadas to a province
D. Legislation established, too
1. Control part of trade and domestic laws
III. Canada Becomes a Dominion
A. Settlers urge for confederation
1. As more settlers came in, leaders call for Canada to be united with all British North
American settlement
B. Dominion made
1. Britain agreed by making Canada a dominion, or a self-governing nation
2. French remained close ties with Britain, but had control over foreign policy and other
3. Parliament created
IV. Canada Grows
A. Canadian Railway improved trade, transported settlers and communication


Native Americans were forced to adhere to unfair treaties

Metis, or decent of French and Native Americans, revolted
Hard to have single Canadian identity as French catholic keep their identity
Fears of US dominate Canada also is a problem today

Europeans in Australia
Captain James Cook first claimed Australia, which was too far for British interest. But Europeans
later used it.
I. The First Settlers
A. Aborigines were the indigenous people
B. Called themselves Kooris
C. Live in small hunting and gatherer groups
D. Suffered when British colonized Australia
II. A Penal Colony
A. British originally sent prisoners to North America
B. After American independence, there was no outlet for British prisoners, jamming prisons
in London
C. British decide to sent prisoners to Australia
1. Prisoners were treated harshly

Here is an image showing Australia as a penal colony for British convicts. These convicts were
sent to Australia from Britain to work to clear Australian lands for colonization by settlers.

2. Had to survive long sea trip and work to clear the farmlands, which the urban
prisoners were not used to
III. The Colonies Grow
A. British encouraged people to settle in Britain by providing free tools
B. Sheep herding caused wool to became a dominant industry
C. Gold rush in Australia got more people to come
D. The Outback was carved into ranches and herding areas
IV. Achieving Self-Government
A. British granted Australia right to self rule to prevent other European countries from
B. Australian government

1. Recognized British monarch as head of state

2. Constitution similar to American and Canadians
3. Granted women suffrage rights and established secret ballot much earlier than other
New Zealands Story
Captain Cook also claimed New Zealand for Britain. Missionaries poured in to convert the Maori
to Christians.
I. The Maori Struggle
A. British raised cattle and sheep
B. Maori people lived in condensed areas
C. Were descendants from seafaring people of Polynesia
D. Lived as settled farmers
E. When colonists poured in, they destroyed Maori and murdered them
F. Diseases and alcoholism killed Maoris too
1. Maori population decreased
II. Settlers Win Self-Government
A. New Zealand won Self-govern rights from Britain, but retained close relationship with it
Section 4: Economic Imperialism in Latin America
Dependence did not develop in Latin America. Technology made Latin American economy
dependent on American and European economies.
Lingering Political Problems
Leaders originally wished for a united Latin America. But it failed to take place due to local
nationalism. They established constitutions similar to that of the United States, but later fell into
revolts and dictatorship.
I. The Colonial Legacy
A. Life for Latin Americans did not change much after independence
B. Social hierarchy remained, as an elite class emerged
C. Mestizos, blacks, and others life did not change much after independence
1. Although constitution called for equal rights
2. Deep rooted inequality prevented equal rights
3. Racial prejudice took shape while owners of hacienda controlled peasants
II. The Search for Stability
A. Regionalism develop
B. Local armies were raised to fight against central government
C. Dictatorship was stablished as generals gain control
1. Looted treasury and ruled corrupt governments
D. Dictatorship did not change
E. Liberals support laissez faire and call for wider education
1. But they did not care about the lives of majority
Mexicos Struggle for Stability
Mexico was ruled by dictators with elites such as catholic church, army leaders, and land
owners. Mestizos and Indians lived in poverty.
I. Santa Anna and War With the United States
A. Santa Anna took power in Mexico
1. Originally a liberal reformer

2. Changed stance to end reforms

B. Texas
1. American migrated to Texas
2. Texans became independent

This image shows the amount of territories Mexico ceded to the United
States after the Mexican American War. This expansion was the result
of the treaty signed after the war.

3. US annexed Texas
4. Mexico sees this as an act of war
C. Mexican American War
1. Mexico was defeated embarrassingly and losses much territory
II. La Reforma Changes Mexico
A. Benito Juarez opened La Reforma, a period of reform in Mexico
B. Reforms
1. Ended Churchs exclusive rights
2. Separate Church and state
3. Strip military of power
C. Conservatives receive help from France
D. Juarez battled with France and conservatives
E. Maximallian was shot as France retreated
F. Juarezs attempts for reform failed due to conservatives resistance
III. Growth and Oppression Under Diaz
A. Diaz, a general of Juarez, staged revolt and took control of the Mexican government
B. Rule as dictator
C. Had economy prosper by building railroads and other through foreign investment
D. The rich benefitted but the poor did not

The Economics of Dependance

Colonial rule made colonies dependent on their colonizer state, as they were not allowed to
develop their own industry and had to export raw materials to their colonizer country.
I. The Cycle of Economic Dependence
A. After independence, Britain and United States replaced Spain and Portugal for the
colonies economic independence
II. Foreign Influence Mounts
A. Foreign goods flooded Latin America, creating large profit for them
B. Foreign investors pressure their government if local reforms or politics affected their
III. Some Economic Growth
A. Economic growth was present in Latin America
1. Developed their own industries, such as mining, agricultural, ranching, and oiling
B. Foreign invested in Latin America
C. European immigrants went to Latin America
D. Wealth created did not improve the lives of most Latin American, while development was
still limited
The Influence of the United States
The United States expanded and dominated Latin America.
I. The Monroe Doctrine
A. Spanish plotted to recover American colonies
B. Britain did not wish their trade to be blocked
C. President James Monroe issued the Monroe doctrine that discouraged European
colonization of America
II. The United States Expands Into Latin America
A. Americans took much lands from Mexico
B. USA involved in foreign conflicts
1. Involved with Cuban fight for independence by Spanish American War
2. Cuban successfully won independence
C. Force Cuba to adhere to the Platt Amendment to constitution
1. Allowed US to have naval bases in Cuba and interfere with their politics
III. The United States Interferes
A. The US invested heavily in Latin America
B. Roosevelt Corollary gave US policing power in Western Hemisphere
1. Dominican Republic invaded because it failed to pay back American debts
C. Dollar diplomacy increased American economic influence
IV. Building the Panama Canal
A. US wanted to built a canal in Panama
B. US supported Panamas fight for independence from Columbia because Columbia does
not allow US to built Panama canal
C. Panama won independence and granted US right to build canal
D. Panama Canal
1. Took years to built
2. Engineering feat
3. Cut travel distance across America
4. Panama Canal was another sign of American imperialism

a) Panama canal was returned to Panama in the late 1900s and today form a major
part of Panamas economy

Below is an image of the construction of the Panama Canal. It helped shorten the distance of
travel by ship between the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. The Panama Canal is a symbol of
American Imperialism in Latin America, for which America implemented its construction by
supporting Panaman rebels.

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