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Arlen Reyes


Its the brains capacity to change and adapt

Informs you of what you decide and how you act

They are Nerve Cells
In the late twenties the brains aging process begins and
starts to lose neurons

Ways of Making the Brain Grow

Making mistakes
Challenging yourself
Learn new things

Growth Mindset

Belief that intelligence is developed and can

improve over time
A Fixed Mindset is the belief that intelligence is

Work Cited
Popova, Maria. "Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our
Lives." Brainpickings. Web. 14 Feb. 2016. <>.
"You Can Grow Your Brain." KhanAcademy. Web. 14 Feb. 2016. <>.
Boaler, Jo. "Mistakes Grow Your Brain." Youcubed at Stanford University. Web. 15
Feb. 2016. <>.

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