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ESwWwys . NYE 2S) Ferdinand Beyer (<< = r Seo: aD 2 2S Sy &)@ © ELEMENTARY OCI yz yt INSTRUCTION BOOK >} Roe for the aa ) PIANOFORTE Revised and Enlarged by WM. SCHARFENBERG Ey i REN % aL We. a =< ai 3 METODO DE INSTRUCCION */ ELEMENTAL NA para NE, PIANO : Revisado y Augmentado por WM. SCHARFENBERG Traduccién espafiola de M.C. BOVEDA G. SCHIRMER, Inc. ‘Ferdinand Beyer ELEMENTARY INSTRUCTION BOOK for the PIANOFORTE Revised and Enlarged by WM. SCHARFENBERG RRA A NIE S27 NE ATES METODO DE INSTRUCCION ELEMENTAL do y Augmentado pi WM. “SCHARFENBERG Lc TOVEDA. ao co1piscyp LL... Contents. First Part. Page. Elementary remarks 3 Exercises for the touch, for each hand alone, and hoth together & 6 Air with 12 Variations for three hands; viz: for the teacher, and the pupil’ right hand alone 8 Air with 8 Variations, for three hands; viz: for the teacher, and the pupil's left hand alone 10 Ducts for the teacher and the pupils both hands . 14 Exercises for both hands, within the Intervals ¢ Se wt SE Pea ing the knowledge of the notes Duets for acqi vp to: _ Rt Exercise for acquiring the knowledge of thenotes down to: 26 = Duets for acquiring the knowledge of the notes up to 28 Dwets for the exercise of the Value of the notes up to Eighth-Notes 30 Exercises in Fighth- Notes 32 OF the notes in the Bass Clef and their ee, With a comparisnn of the notes of the Treble nd Bass Chefs Duvts in Bighth Notes Wp to here chiefly with the hand in the same position.) Second Part. xereises for both hands in the easiest Seales, Dowble-notes, Triplets, Appogiaturas, ete. 40 Duets for the Exercise of the Value of the notes up to Sixtennth-Notes, and for acquir- fluency in exvevtion aes 50 Exercises for both hands in Fighth- Notes, dotted Eighth. and Sixteenth Notes, ete... 32 Chromatic Seale and Exercises for it 02, Six short pieces for Recreation Ot Sequel. Finger Exercises for each hand alone, and hath together. 68 24 major and minor Seales. 74 Succession of all the keys, and their relationship. . 77 Indice Primera Parte Pagina Prinoipios olementales. . ss . « 8 jercicios de pulsaciin para ambas manos y cad una separadamente cae 6 Aire con 12 variaciones, para tres manos, es deci: el maestro y la mano derecha sold del diserpulo . . . 8 Aire con 8 varlaclones para tres manos. El maes- tro y la inquiorda del diseipulo . . 6... oc) Pioras a cuatro manos, para maestro y discipulo. . . 44 Bjercicios para ambas manos dentro de los inter we SSE ES cus ee aber CI Pioras a cuatro manos para conocer las nctas haste == Sane ee Ejereiclo pare aduiir el concinieato do Ins rota basta ae es Eee eee eds ea 28 Plenas a cuatro mance para concer ol valor de saieeasce steric ame ee 20 Ejoroicio do orchoas. 2. ee BR Notas on la Clavo de Fa y su uso, comparadas con las de la clave de Son... 2. 2 BH Piozas a cuatro manos,de corchoas.. . . . . - . 88. (asta agai principalmento con la mazo en ia misma posieiéa) Segunda Parte Bjercicios para ambas manos en las escalas mis ieilos, notas dobles, tresilles, apoyaturasjete.. . . . 40 Piozas a cuatro manos para conocer el valor de las notas hasta las doble-corcheas; y adguizir soltura al toar og eee eee. a 50 Ejorcicios para ambas manos en corcheas, cor- cheas con puntillo, doble-corcheas ete... . - . 62 Escala Cromitica y ojereicios para la misma. . . . 62 Seis ploceoitas reoreaciones . . ss. 2 Secuela Ejorcicios do digitacién para ambas manos; y para cada mano por separado.. ....... . 68 Voiate y cuatro escalas mayores y menores . . . . 7% Orden sucesivo do los tonos mayores y sus re- deltyostmeniresll alee giclee (y= = 7

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