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Linette T.



1. Blessing means a gift bestowed by God. Family should be considered as a blessing

because it is a core reason of who and what we are. The family is the place of affection.
As we grow up with our family, we develop ourselves by breathing in the warmth of the
2. Treating the family as a blessing preserves marriage by strengthening the relationship
between man and wife. It helps nourish the relationship by taking good care of it and
giving importance to it. Marriage is a gift from God that should be loved, cared for and
3. Faith in God and personal efforts play a crucial role in married because it directs a
marriage to where its going to be and what will it become. In married couples, clinging
to their shared faith in God will help them get through bouts of illness and other family
hardships along the way. They dont have to be Christian to have a beautiful marriage,
but having a shared faith helps. Personal efforts will help them understand and love each
other unconditionally even in the simplest ways.
4. The matrimonial union of man and woman is indissoluble. Mark 10:9 states that "what
God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Divorce does not only insult the
sacrament of marriage but also God. People get married knowing that they will to commit
to their partner until the end of time. Why would one get married with divorce as an
option if things go wrong?
5. The article was actually eye opening. It made me realize that marriage and having a
family arent that simple. Its not just two people who love each other but there are also
other factors that should be considered in order to make it work. Being married and
having a family is a life-long commitment and you should not enter in one if you are not
101% ready for it.

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