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Group 4
February 20, 2016
Trapping Protocol
Since the primary vector for the new, unknown pathogen for this medical outbreak are
ticks, there are two primary choices of methods to utilize in order to trap and study the tick
specimens from different habitats (Ginsberg and Ewing 1988).
One type of trapping methods to use is the dry ice baited tick trap. This method can be
accomplished by inserting dry ice into a container that has a slight opening to allow the carbon
dioxide gas to exit, and the arthropods will be trapped by a layer of masking tape around the
container. Because the ticks and other hemophagic vectors are attracted to the carbon dioxide
emitted by humans and animals, thus the dry ice is effective in stimulating their host seeking
process (Logan, Pickett, and Cameron 2013). In addition, this trapping method is effective in
capturing ticks that will not require the use of human or animals as a direct source of attraction.
In other words, this method will reduce the number of reinfection of any vector-borne diseases
by minimizing direct contact with the arthropods. Additionally, the traps set up is easily managed
by using either a white cloth or sticky tape for easy detection of the ticks that are captured.
Furthermore, this method is best suited for an environment high in humidity such as forested,
and river banked areas or moist areas of heavy human visitation (Allen 2001). This is the case,
because favorable conditions like these allow the ticks to complete their metamorphosis cycle
(Nuttall 1904).

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Figure 1: Dry Ice Tick Trap

Another method that can be manipulated is the flagging/dragging mechanism. This
mechanism can be completed by waving a corduroy flag over high vegetation, or dragging a
corduroy drag over ground level vegetation (Dabtas-Torres, Lia, Capelli, and Otranto 2013). In
other words, this suggests that flagging would be more effective in areas with dense
undergrowth, whereas dragging would be more effective in more open areas (Rulison, Kuczaj,
Pang, Hickling, Tsao, and Ginsberg 2013). Because the ticks are extremely sensitive to
movement, carbon dioxide, and body heat emitted by the trapper, they will latch onto the fibers
of the flag or the drag and become trapped. In addition, the samples collected by the flags or the
drags can be standardized by manipulating the same materials to have equivalent surface areas
(Ginsberg and Ewing 1989). In other words, this allows a more selective tick species trapping.
Although this method may not be as safe as the dry ice baited trap due to more chance of contact,

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yet can be a more effective method for specific ticks that are not responsive to the dry ice baited

Figure 2: Flagging Trapping Method

Materials and Methodology

For this specific medical outbreak, we will apply a combination of both the dry ice baited
traps and the flagging/dragging mechanisms to capture ticks in the heavily forested, humid areas
of California, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida. Although, we will run several trapping
events in the other states, Floridas Everglades National Forest will be the geographic range of
crucial focus. In this project, approximately five hundred dry ice baited tick traps should be set
up in total, where every cup will survey 200 yards around the forested, humid areas of chosen
testing zones in the different states. The traps should be prepared in their designated sites before
sunset and collected at sunset. The dry ice traps will be prepared using styrofoam cups holding
dry ice. Near the bottom of the cup need to have small holes on the side of the cup to allow
carbon dioxide gas to escape the system. Furthermore, the top of the container needs to be sealed
off using a cup lid. Lastly, masking tape will be put around the system to trap any arthropods

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attracted to the carbon dioxide emissions. Also, the flagging and dragging methods will be used
around the Canepatch, a camping spot in the Floridas Everglades National Forest.
Approximately five volunteers will be needed to perform the flagging and dragging methods in
the area once in the morning and once in the evening.
Howard S. Ginsberg and Curtis P.Ewing. 1988. Comparison of Flagging Walking,
Trapping, and Collecting from Host as sampling Methods for Northern Deer Ticks, Ixodes
dammini, and Lone Star Ticks, Amblyomma americanum. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.,
Amesterdam pp.313-320.
Ginsberg, H.S. and Ewing, C.P., 1989. Comparison of flagging, walking, trapping, and
collecting from hosts as sampling methods for northern deer ticks, Ixodes dammini, and
lone-star ticks, Amblyomma americanum (Acari:Ixodidae). Exp. Appl. Acaro. 7:313-322.
Dantas-Torres, F., R.P. Lia, G. Capelli, and D. Otranto. 2013. Efficiency of flagging and
dragging for tick collection. Exp. Appl. Acarol. 61:119-127.
Rulison, E. L., Kuczaj, I., Pang, G., Hickling, G. J., Tsao, J. I. and Ginsberg, H. S. 2013.
Flagging versus dragging as sampling methods for nymphal Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae).
Journal of Vector Ecology, Vol. 38: pp. 163167.
Allan, Sandra A. 2001. Ticks (Class Arachnida: Order Acarina). In William M. Samuel, Margo
J. Pybus & A. Allan Kocan. Parasitic Diseases of Wild Mammals. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 72106.
Nuttall, George H. F. 1905. Ticks and tick-transmitted diseases. Transactions of the
Epidemiological Society of London 24: pp. 1226.
James G. Logan John A.Pickett, Mary M. Cameron. 2013. Vector Control Using
Semiochemicals. Biological and Environmental control of Disease Vector. London School of
Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London UK .pp 95, 97.

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