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Director's Report aoe MID yu Finance Private Limited i i PD rc rivarice vuvrnet uses ty, Gaurae Buran Me Gacharan Os Mes, Jayati Chatterjee Me. Ravi Katha Me Nien Kachihae ‘Me. Shivashis Chateron Me. Yuveaja Chanakya Singh Company Seece ‘Mr. Sahib Paha Statutory Aadttoos SR.Batlibot & Associates LLP Charineed Accountants wl Avatione Sanjiv Syal & Associates Chavtord Accountants Corporate lofiaenassion -Noininve Director -None Eaeative Chateenan -Non Executive Diretur Non. Gacuutive Dirwctor Non Executive Dizector {Joint Managing Divector Joint Mansysing Dirwetoe $Y % Compliaace OtTieer RST TC aT Fe (9 Rouse Ava, owe Ot. 19802, e091 Hora n es91 Leap sinkadtion io Hoekof li Sito Sank oF Eydesabod 80: Bank HR Ba Pasko Baroda Kotak Madi Sank DMI Housing Fioanoe Pot DMI Management Serve Oe La DMC Capital Pv wid) DME BINANCE PRIVATE LEMUTRD Dinegtor's Report Te, Che Members, DME Finance Prioate Limited ‘Your Directors ace pleased to present the 06H Directors Report of your Company together with the Avlited Pinaacial Statemonts of Accounts and the Auditors’ Report for the Finns cial year oneted! March 312013, BIMANCIAL REST The suunmarizerl financial rexults For the pero ending Sst March, 2014 ave as undlge Pactigaines Finanekd year vuckeel | Hewcia yaar eadea Stet March, IDA | Stet Maret, 28% (Ra, 10 Mn, I (ka. do Hn.) oa sone - “ona a ott xpanrs *Gjn630 ey Profi ete Tax | por a Curent ox | aaa w.26 bose oa pass? “D3a7 tie \ | oitued FINANCIAL Income Daring the year, the Company excued a total ingomte oF Rs. YLOFDB Min, agaist REZ (Min. én the previows your whic shows 2 58.99% Increase ia total income. Tacome pied POE? ora vovasice vrevare umeto eotitatter ts the Ci vious yeae which show an increase oF #7.918% than previous yoo: npany’s profit bolae tax rose to Rs 284,57 Ma as against Rs. 193.48 Ol, fa the pros Profit atter tax Statutory Reserve The company has maincained a statutory coserve of Rs. ISLEL Ma. for the Flaancial year 2013-14 as requinnl uncer Sec 451C oF REL Act, 1984 to be maintained by an NOR Loan Portfolio Duving the year the Lean portfolio increased! to R&552422 Mn. as compared to previous you's Rs. $803.71 Mu, which shows subseanthal increase in the portfotio of vie company ius, by 45.25% us compared to previous your Portfolio waa ME BENANICE PRIVEE LOMETED spose ‘Tho company being a Nun-Deposit accepting NonBankiny Financial Compary (°NBEC") fas not accepted any public doposits as dafined unter RBI regutations and uneler Seetion 58A gout SBAA of Companies Act, 1956 during the Financlal Year andled March 31st 204 BINDEND) ne onder tp conserve its cast eosources anu Looking at the future growth of the company. tw Board dos aot recommesel any dividend! for the yee 2003-44. COMMELCES: OTHE BOARD ‘he Board of Dieoctors of the company bad formed various comenittees in accordance with RBI eyxtations. ‘The dotais ofall he commteiatass slong, with Iss maemnburs, date of ene an functions ig annexed as Annectce-A to this report. CHANGES. t CARLO BURUCHURE Authovized Share Capital During, the year into consideration the company increased its authorized share capital as per detatis mentionael bulow eereese frome Re, 2,030,000,000 €o Re, 2,55000,000 the authorized stare capital of doe caimpany was Increased Goer Ws, 2,080,000,000/- (Rapes Two Hucured Theee Crores Only) clivided inte (79,000400 feventeor Croves [Ninoty Laka aquity shares of Re. 10/-4Rnpees Ten) exch ant 26,000,000 (Two Crowes Hovty Lakhs) Compuleorliy Convortile Preference Shaees of Rs. W1/-{upees or) each to Re, 2asiRMyOND/iupsss two Cunedeed Filey five Crores Only) divided into (74,000,000 {Sevenen Crowes Ninety Lakly) Suity shaves of Rs. 20/-Rupees Tan) euch anu 76,000,000 (Gown Crore Sixty Laich) Compulsovily Convertible Preference Shares of Rs. W/-(Rurpees Von) each vide Ordinary Resolution passed by the sharaholders on Apel 29th 2013 MP suc ewnrcscaverauneco eae erease from Rs. 000,00 to 2,750,000 Subsequently the authorized shave capital was insweasis From Ba, 2:550,0000NN0/ (apse ‘wo Hunlnal Fly Five Crowes Only divider ints 179,000,000 (even La) Equity shares of Re, 10/-(Rupecs Ten) each ane 75,000,000 (Seven Crore sity Lah) Cooiputsorily Convertible Preference Shares of Rs. 10/{Keurpees Tea) bo Rs, 2750,000,000/- Croves Ninety (Rupees Two Hundied Soveaty Five Crores Only) divicid into 179,000,000 (evontov Cromes Ninety Lakh) iquity shaves of Re, 10/-{Rupaas Ten) each andl 96,000,000 (Noe Crane Sixty Lalsh) Compulsorily Convertible Preference Shaves of Rs. 10/-(Rupees Tea) cech vide Ordiaary Resolution passed by dhe shageholders.on Wiay 08" 2013, Inerease rome. 2 750,000,000 to Rs 3,400, 000,000 ‘The authorized share eapital was agin ineveaseal frome Ws, 23750.000,000/-(QRupue Tow Husa Seventy Five Crores Only) divided! into 179,000,000 (Sovertuen Graves Ninety Laleh) Equity shares of Rs, 10/-(Rupees’ten) each ant 96,000,000 (Nine Croces Sixty Lakh) Compuborily Convertible Preferenar Shares of Rs. 1O/-(Rupees Ten) each wok. 1 400.000,000/-(@upoes inwe Hundred Forty Crores Onty} dividted into 214,000,000 (wen ty Foue Crores Forty Lak) kiquity woares of Rs, 10/-(Rupans Ten) eat andl 96,0000 wares of Ra, 10/-{RRupees (Nine Crores Sixty Lala) Compulsorly Convertible Praferene 2018. en) vide Oealinary Rasatution passed at fly Reclassification of shace copltal The authorized share capital was cadlassfed duvinys the year by iaccansny, the eyuily shares from Rs. 3.400.000 008N/-(RRupees hae Hunclesd Forty Crones Only) divided into 214,000,000 (Twenty Fou Crores Forty Lakh) Equity shaves of Ps. ¥0/-(Rupees Yen) euch, anc 96,000,000 (Nine Crores Sixty Lakh) Compulsorily Convertible Proforcnce Shaves of Rs. 10/-(Rupees Ten) tos. 3.400,000,000/-4Ru:pees thee Munuted Forty Croees Only) sii «xt te 819,000,009 (Thiety One Crores Fifty Lath) Equity shaves of Rs, L0/-(Rupees Ten) ‘ach and 25,000,000 (Two Croces Fifty Lakh) Compulsorily Convertible Preference Shaves of Rs. 10/-(Rupees Ten) each viele Ordinary Resolution approved on August 0, 200 Hosntosta Repee tin Ancrense from Rs, 300,000,000 Rs, 330,000,000 The auttorized shace capital was further increased fom Ry, 9:400,00,000/- (Rupees Thee Srones Filly Lakh) Riis Hunalced Forty Cores Orly) divlelet inte 315,000.00 (Thirty One ty shares of Rs, 10/-{Rupees ton) each andl 25,000,000 (Two Crowes Fity Lakeh) Compulsori= ly Convettible Preference Shaws of RS. 10/-(Rupens Ten) each to Rs, 3.44KL,000,000/- (Ru pees tices Hundaed Eighty Croces Only) livid! into 355,000,000 (Chitty Five Crore itty Cat ie rity shares of Ro. W/ (Rupe mipulsovity Convertible Pretecencs: Shares of Rs, 10/-(upees Tan) each vide Ordinary ten) exch and 25,000,000 (two Crores Flity Lakh) Resolution date Mawel 28, 2044 o OM QENON-LONYER TILE DEBENTURES Duving the fieuneial year 2013-44, the company ( ucconlaoge with Board resolution a “nce proved on August a8, 2013 duly redeemed L000 Uasoruved Reeleemable Nor-Convertible Debentures amounting 0 Rs, 100 Crores, SUBSUOMARY COMPANEES le acrorelanen with lecular no, RBL/2013-14/117 AP, (DER Serles) Circular Not davect July 04, 2513, every FDL recipient indian company at the Hirst level which is responsibte for ensuring compliance with the PDF conditionality’s (ike ao lndlivact foreign investetent ia prohibited seco, entry route, sectoral cap/conditionatity’s, ete. for the dowastraamy inc vwestinent raul by i in the subsidiary companies at second level and 90 09 and so forth het to obtain a certificate this cect feom its statutory auditor on an annual basis as re- gates status a compliance with the instructions on downsteraen investment aa coopl- ance with FEMA provisions, The fact that statutocy auclitor has cetifed thatthe eompany EMA {in compliance with the regulations ws cegarcle dowasteenen iovestenent ancl other prescriptions also sls to be wentionsst in the Dextor's report in the Ancual Report of the indian company. ‘The eompaay hax abtolned necessary eextficate froma woe statutory aualitors eegarding the compliances related ko downsteaam investments made by the eom pany From April O1, 20U f» March 3, 2044 The company has investenent in the Following subsidiaries of the company as on March 31, awe f SE ea ab PB ora eranecr vavarernacreD Paocror’s Ronn? 201% 14 Sa [Sua ai Satidiany Cava esol hae opi he ATE Pav 00.000 CCP Details as roquicsd to be mentioned wrder Soetion 202 of Companies Act 1955 are attached 5 Anmexurentt ibe au Board Resolutina for Non-Acceptance nf Publie Deposits and Compliance with Cruden: ULATIONS Undier Non-Banking Finance (Non-Deposit ar holding Companies Pruciential Noes (Re- serve Hank) Directions, 2007, the Boar! of Direcors of an NOE ceath year witha 0 days of commencement of finaocial yeas needs ty approve in theie meting, the nonawceptance of public deposits by the company durieg financial yene, the company in order & comply ‘ith te same fas passe the resolution for nor-aeceptanae of public deposits on April Ot 2014 and submitted the same with BEL Gs hw Hoard of Dinwetons In eheie ee the faie Practice Cue, ‘The said BPC! is also placed on the weidsite of the company. felines on aie Kxactions Code ERE") cting held on Wlay 10, 2019 have reviewed anwl adopted NBECa Auditors Report: re dicoctions to the auulitors of Nonsfunking Financial Conypanies were isnt by Re- serve Dank of India 01 0204,1998 vide Nosfieation No, DEC-1I7/OG (TY-88, According, te the suid Notification duly upulatad «s 09 30.06.2007, i adlition to every repork made by tion 227 of the Companies Act 1956 an the accounts, the Auditor shall also wake a separate report te the Boar of Directors ofthe Company on the specified the Auditor under matters. Where, in the Auclitors Report, if there is any unfavorable or qualified statement. it stall by the obligation of the auditor ty make a seport containing the details of such slate ment ¢o the consorned! Ragional Office of the Department of NonBanking, Supervision oF pi.) DME FINANCE PRIVAT eectors oper 2B M4 curren, the Reserve Hank of tndla uncer whose jurisdiction the myfsterad office AF the connpany’ fs locate. The Auditors Report dated 32.06.2004 madly az por the said divecions dows not sontain any uafavarable or qualified statement, Capita’ Adowuasy Ratio (CRAR Tie company is maintaining a CRAR oF 13.95% as on Mace 31, 2008 wh bs higher than th presided minima CRAR OF 15% as por Prudential Norms, Brenk up CRAR & es eentioned below Bigia auae Maite” [eae pada 108.95 RESPONSIBILITY ss CEMA Pursuant to Section 217/20) of the Companies Act, 1956 the Board of Oleactors af dhe Company comrirens that standards have a) In preparation of the Anausll Accounts, the applicable accounting boa follower by The Directors fad selected such Accounting Poticies anul apptied therm consistantly and male judginents anu estimanes thatare reasonable andt prudent so as to give a true andl fale view of the state of affairs oF fhe eompany at the end of the Finaricha syorr ancl of the geafit oF loss of the cormpany foe that pexiod. 2) The Dicactors hud taken proper and sulficlent cane for the maintena of adequate aaccountiys records in aecorcance with the provisions of this Act for safeguarding, the assets ofthe company andl for preventing and detecting Fraud and other ieee levi. A) “The Directors had erapacee the Annual Aasounte on a going conceea bass, "The re- quired disclosuses and the significant accounting policies are appeating ie sched! les co annual aecounts, wid rinse evan ered ih ot WCLOSURES UNDER SECTION 8170 (12 OF LUT COMPANIES ALE 26 xcept ae stivctoseal elsewhers i this report, thure have bear ao material chases stn commitments which could aft the finaacial position of the Company oacarvedl betwee ‘of the Company and alate oF this report the ena! of dhe financial y PARTICMOARS OF FAEDLOYEES Toes ove lovee! uncler section 217(2A) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Comporiien (Parti lars of Employees) Rules, (973, Companies (Particulars of Employees) Amendment Rules, (Hoon) emapioyces af Uae company whose particulars ove eexgusedl te be dit 201 Foe the fennel yoar 2012-13. Tho Paetiewlnes ace attached! os Annexare-C AMLIORS The company hcl evived eesigeation fetter finan M/s SR. Batibol Co., LG? Cloactered Accountants, Guegaon, Fen Registration No. LOOUOW dated October OY, WKS ant the same was accepted by the Boord ox Oceober Ut, 2018 Further M/s $.2, Gatliboi & Associates LLP (FRN: 101089W), Chartowed Aevountuats, Gur goo were appointed as the aturnry auditors of the eompiny’ for nancial yea 2013 the EGM held on October 15, 2013 ALDETORS RILEY The obsecvations of the auclitues i tivit capone acu velEexplanatiory ant dhevetor, ta the ‘opinion oF the Diractors, do not call for further comments LINOLOGY. ABSORPTION, AMD. CONGERUATION .OF EINER, EXCHANGE EARMINGS Aap OUTED ‘The particulars as roquieed under the provisions of Section 217(1) (@) of the Companies Act, 1956 io sespect of conservation of cnengy and fochaology abwocplio ave aot required to be fering the nature of activities undectaken by the company daring the year furnished cons tundler review. Fuether dharing the year wader review, the Company las used foreign ex change for the fallowing tranactionss or onuatce | ‘Ault Committee [Nene Cortese | ek Sa agement atl Asses Linbitty Comaiittee Comics “a The Tawaaticat” Commie Was Ford Tae HD nec cousncu esvareinuren tonetas epost 14 Comnttioes uf Ue Haarel ns um Tiesponsiiiities ‘8. Guocsow ing ifeanclat report 1b. Reviewing periodic Haanelal results, tinsel taternents ad adequacy oF eternal Control 33> tena 1 Rovinwing the annual fanngial statements wi the Wisengeanent al the Slabutory Aweltors a ecomsenetiding consideration Hereo! Wythe Rear ‘of Dizwctors 4. Discussion, Approval of buxigets and operational expenses ancl review oF period reports. ©. Approval ancl wview of risk polit, procalunes nd regortig acts Apprnbal nae nevew oF various tamits and ge nmetes (Or fones ane Haociey, viz. setting Wp author ation tints for Compaury oie, ete; 1m Boviuw of AL ail Reporte hata subunit! to the Committee tear tine © time ander BCS DWE Direwsions and rake maueyerent port, bk Monitoring of complianes withthe approved and slatubory Hak polices, procedures prewar, of, 7 Fo oSare HEARS geueralcracie® of the tna: sagem shal wot be pejadictl to dhe cateest of ( present ava future stake aklers and anise ensuring the Fitaad proper status oF proposed ar seating Dinetors b. (o pominate for appoiatacor oF dimetons ane fowersee soecession Tor the serine level of mane agement beloos the Executus Diewtors with “Et _e prope” cetera Annwacure-A red, 1018 1b. Me Yuveaa Canale Single Mi ya Chats Me, Gyarwy Barman {Representative oF fer ston) fe Mr.Sahi Pate: sr(Secntany the ceoutmities) Vie Livia Gams Sigh [O. MrSlivusbish Chater poke Fe Mr-Caweav Barman | Bepreseonatve oa. SHeonnge dea b.25Jor| Wea LLS-Now= os ve O6-Rebe TO Ato to eSpects reac fw Asset Cabin Mae 6. Cuisuring aulherence to the Gisk Mangement Poe lies approved by tw Boar / Couictves ofthe Booed Monitor the asioe ability yap anel steategiae a6 oe wy antiga risk alae. ceacatie wil lave ary tOUh 2073 and the Fosmed ane mentioned in ie. | Me-Gauray Burman (Reptesentative of te vesion Me Sahib Pay swoeereaey tthe eomruee) ‘ston i Mb. Sahib Bala eee i tay 2 te co Bee Me Yavraja Chang [a age Singh bABANOr- 1b, Me Shivesbist Chatter: « ameny Breet (Representative af fae vain) Mp Sahib Pa sa(Secrntiey to the conwatter) | a Me Yavrays Chana TW ent agrgmenéelntet fam Singh bas. Auget onsite to be per bo Me Shivashiah Chasior | 6. 26098) ie AUG 2.ihfan-tt EUs gaan tt pid DIMI PENANCE PRIVATE Lier Your Directors plas Bankers, Hmployous and Businesn Asseiates «tal levels For ancl on behalf of the Boaed of OMI Finance Private Limited Aa af fueabigs eeccaitecan Mec cp tay iets a Se OW O36) 80 vice Nas w vir gratitud For (he eontinuiny suppurt of Shacebwidlers, i Drivetas Rear 28 bd IDP su cxance mrnceinures Stagenent Corsuant to Sertion 2 of the Comproies Bet, Commaniey [ Rane oF ie bsg Cai age Wiad awebing W the Siar Equity and CES) roti] ensios} ot the siibeidiaty Cloaapany Foe is Fieancial yeu vo foe a 8 eves tee members oF DMI Finance Frivate Liotted wot dealt within te onints of DME Finanest Private Limited foe ee ued the Maren Ste 208 for the vane ( Ma) For Previous yours (Rs fn Mix) Private Lins Bi ig Baa’ iS subside | THAR (One Crore | 100 foo Lak Fity Powe ‘house Nine dlsed Only) sues ‘oie Hee exuity (256, el | March S03 ating Ua, sacs aw pie [om 1 fewat Sreviean } Bet Lae i Tia | So Teta ie Trowanedeenty | Thowsaneequity shares and 6,000,000 Gixy Luxhs) Cony pulsorily Conwsribie Prefecuns Shas ‘a AnsneaiereBs isin Moech 310 2000 Gor te year 1 et Into he ‘ave at oF ny DME lane tual yor. [ Wate Changes twist een oF Waa i uf the Subsidiary Company and the DMI Finance | rete Lite a vespect of. Linte’s Ge 1) iavestinent of Subsiclénry 2 Monay kent by the Subsiiony Money boreowat by the Subsidiary Com briny for any purpose ottoe than that of °) ea A othary | meeting erat abilities (206 (oo 30 (002) i a aggro Bin Tessa Fa vb inry Company tic fave been sat with i the ecouet of Bt Fagene Private Caited for the wt Ne ine tatseat of Ghat Face Private Lin of the Subsitngy Campnay | NA NA, NAL >} oe. soo OME FINANCE PRIVATE COMCTED iewears Repent 2814-04 Aumercarecl Slant of purticutens of anployews munsuont to. the yrowtsions of section 212%) of the Companies. ant, 1958, rear r01t8, Communion Partenlars uf employnusd, Rates, 1978, souk luvenclavent thenwor fo, the aed! year ecules hae Mure, 2OUH ein ceived nln tes ay al Bo (Rf Me) Tia of empty ent, wir cof Peaanait Baplyae”" "| einai Epa Looe ot other Filter tora nel vomelitows, NA. Na _ if theeinptayes” | Snag tie overall”) Whanaging he vent) and Rela Manage j vastussor de company | buses or de-company | tug inves: Rettions and Recratnen Satna ane partnce OTe PAN Beoasics Pacanon | RIF Appa, Mathers BA Phi wea Tepe employer. University, 198 ie fron Rood Collope tact Banking 17 years Harvard (oiversty | JO from Sfoxthweaste NBR: 5 ye Bankng - (5 yours enn DUC 8 yenes NRC 2 yoars | hee Vow awezorz | Bit commana of Sapiage PCBS i Bee aE peas “Yai years ra ai ~ Fang Wien Cf Wanaging Divo GY CoundorFPacae vf "4 Group (USA Group Global Marit — | tnglgu Capita wach Sey Garnier 2 Co ice Oa a Lbs empty ot

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