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Stress management amongst graduates

Stress management amongst graduates

Stress management amongst graduates





Stress management amongst graduates




Stress management amongst graduates


Our group sincerely acknowledges the courtesy extended

to us by Prof. SHILPA PESWANI for her valuable assistance
and guidance for our project. Needless to say that without her
assistance and guidance it would not have been possible to bring
out the project in the present form.

Stress management amongst graduates


The stages involved in managing stress are:

1. recognising the symptoms of stress
2. identifying the causes
3. taking action to address the causes and thereby reduce the
4. Where necessary, taking interim steps to relieve the symptoms
until the underlying causes have been addressed.

To build a foundation of Truth within our own consciousness

maintaining ethics, integrity and happiness under all circumstances

Stress management amongst graduates



Need Of Study
Define Stress
Effects Of Stress
Understanding Stress 22
Causes Of Stress
Types Of Stress
Facts About Stress
Meaning Of Stress
Benefits Of Stress

Stress management amongst graduates


Stress Amongst
Sources Of Stress
Amongst College
Techniques Of
Managing Stress
Stress Relief Plan


Stress is defined as an organism's total response to environmental
demands or pressures. When stress was first studied in the 1950s, the
term was used to denote both the causes and the experienced effects of
these pressures. More recently, however, the word stressor has been used
for the stimulus that provokes a stress response. One recurrent
disagreement among researchers concerns the definition of stress in
humans. Is it primarily an external response that can be measured by
changes in glandular secretions, skin reactions, and other physical
functions, or is it an internal interpretation of, or reaction to, a stressor;
or is it both?

Stress management amongst graduates

The effects of human activity on natural ecosystems have
increased the risk of extinction for many animal and plant populations.
Human activities have caused an increase in stochastic fluctuations in
population sizes, changed the interactions between predators and their
prey and led to changes in the genetic structure within and between

Many people dont think about stress management unless theyre already
on the verge of burnout. With our busy lives, it doesnt always seem
obviously important to take on the practice of stress management before
a worn-out body or an overly taxed psyche force the issue. However,
developing healthy stress relieving habits really does pay off in the long
run. Not only does a regular stress management practice stave off the
negative effects of stress, but it can also bring positive outcomes like
increased productivity, better health and more happiness in general

Stress management amongst graduates

In the past decade, the news headlines have definitely made it clear that
the need for stress management should be one of the top agendas in
modern day society.
Living today is a lot tougher than it was even in the days of the great
depression. Insomnia is growing in leaps and bounds.
Today stress management is important in everyone's lives. It's necessary
for long happy lives with less trouble that will come about. There are
many ways to deal with stress ranging from the dealing with the causes
of stress to simply burning off its effects.
A good place to start in planning your own stress management would be
finding the roots of your stress. It can come from physical exertion and

Stress management amongst graduates

mental strain as well. We all have these things in our everyday life. Its
effects on our overall being can vary dramatically from others
experiences. For that reason your needs in stress management may
indeed differ from theirs as well.
Dealing with the sources of stress is best when possible. Often these are
the things we dwell and over worry about. Among them are finances,
family planning, balancing work/home, and often dealing with others
over expectations. A good place to start in stress management is to focus
on what your limitations are. While it may seem at times you can move
mountains; don't forget after the move you will need a lot of rest.
Setting boundaries on others expectations can help take the worry down,
and at the same time you will see that productive outcomes can be seen
early on. Sometimes you have to say no. Keep things that directly affect
you, your home and job in mind when considering things outside of
these. Sometimes better focus in these areas and work balancing can
help you deal with outside stresses better even to the extent of
prevention. This can be one of the most important aspects of stress
An important part of stress management is relaxation. It's a necessity
along with good exercise and diet. The three work together for the best
physical fitness and definitely for peace of mind in life. If you don't have


Stress management amongst graduates

all three in your life, now is a great time to start. You will feel better, and
find that life goes along a lot better.
Beyond fixing the stress sources, you can find many resources in the
area of stress management. Among the many sources to look for are selfhelp, physical fitness, alternative medicine, improved communication
skills, and even the local gym. Yelling somewhere away from everything
and even acupuncture aren't unheard of either as effective methods of
stress management.
A good place to begin looking is where you are right now. You will find
a better understanding of stress, and no doubt invaluable information
about stress management. It's definitely worth a careful look.


Stress management amongst graduates


To identify the students stressed.

To assess their problems.
To assess their qualities including the vulnerability to stress.
To provide all details about stress.
To teach them stress reduction techniques suitable to him.


Stress management amongst graduates

The word stress is derived from the Latin word "stringi", which means,
"to be drawn tight". Stress can be defined as follows:
Definition of Stress:
In medical terms stress is described as, "a physical or psychological
stimulus that can produce mental tension or physiological reactions that
may lead to illness." When you are under stress, your adrenal gland
releases corticosteroids, which are converted to cortisol in the blood
stream. Cortisol have an immune suppressive effect in your body.


Stress management amongst graduates

Another Definition of Stress
According to Richard S Lazarus, stress is a feeling experienced when a
person thinks that "the demands exceed the personal and social
resources the individual is able to mobilize."
Your body tries to adjust to different circumstances or continually
changing environment around you. In this process, the body is put to
extra work resulting in "wear and tear". In other words, your body is
stressed. Stress disturbs the body's normal way of functioning.
Most of us experience stress at one time or another. Without stress, there
would be no life. However, excessive or prolonged stress can be
harmful. Stress is unique and personal. A situation may be stressful for
someone but the same situation may be challenging for others. For
example, arranging a world level symposium may be challenging for one
person but stressful to another. Some persons have habit of worrying
Stress is not always necessarily harmful. Hans Selye said in 1956,
"stress is not necessarily something bad it all depends on how you take
it. The stress of exhilarating, creative successful work is beneficial,
while that of failure, humiliation or infection is detrimental." Stress can
be therefore negative, positive or neutral. Passing in an examination can
be just stressful as failing.

Stress management amongst graduates

Sometime we know in advance that doing a certain thing will be
stressful, but we are willing to doing that. For example, while planning a
vacation to a hill station you know that it would be stressful at certain
times. But you are willing to face those challenges.
People often work well under certain stress leading to increased
productivity. Many times you do not know in advance and the stress
periods may be sudden. The situation may not be under your control.
Too much stress is harmful. You should know your level of stress that
allows you to perform optimally in your life.


The long term and short term effects of stress on the body manifest itself
irrespective of the age groups. When the trigger is repetitive, prolonged
or unanticipated, then it becomes pathological. The effects of stress
affect not only man, but also animals. This article throws light on:
What are the functional adjustments which are responsible for the
short term effects of stress?
What are the symptoms of post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Stress management amongst graduates

Will misunderstanding with the spouse result in stress?
Stress is a normal physiological response of the body to hostile
environment. The effects of stress affect not only man, but also animals.
Stress can affect children, adolescents and adults. Though the stress
factor may be different in different age groups, the outcome is more or
less the same. The effects of stress on the body can be categorized into
short term and long term effects irrespective of the age groups. When the
trigger is repetitive, prolonged or unanticipated, then it becomes
pathological. The immediate, transient or the short term effects are the
normal physiological responses whereas the delayed, persisting or the
long term effects of stress are the pathological responses.

Short Term Effects of Stress

When a person encounters a threat, his body gets geared up to handle it
by the 'Fight or flight' response. During this response certain functional
adjustments occur in the body. These changes persist till the threat
exists. When the threat no longer exists, the body returns to normal.
These immediate, transient effects are the short term effects of stress.
This is a physiological response seen in all persons exposed to stress.The
few functional adjustments which are responsible for the short term
effects are

Stress management amongst graduates

Diversion of the blood from less vital to more vital organs.
Increase in the heart rate to supply more blood quickly.
Increase in the blood pressure to supply blood efficiently.
Increase in the respiratory rate to get more oxygen from the
Breakdown of glycogen stores in liver and muscle to get more
Formation of more glucose from non carbohydrate substances.
These functional adjustments responsible for the stress effects on the
body, manifest themselves with an array of signs and symptoms which

Chest pain
frozen shoulder
Cold clammy skin with gooseflesh


Stress management amongst graduates

Flushing and feeling of warmth
Dry mouth with difficulty in speaking and swallowing
Abdominal discomfort
Aggravation of Peptic Ulcer
Loose stools
Increased blood glucose levels.
Headache, back ache and neck pain
Depletion of energy stores
Flare up of diseases like eczema, psoriasis, arthritis
Difficulty in concentrating
Memory disturbances
Decreased sexual drive


Stress management amongst graduates

Loss of appetite
Outbursts of anger
We can take the example of a guy appearing for a competitive exam for
a job. When he has to study a lot, if he is not able to cover all the topics
or if he finds the topics very tough, then preparation for the exams acts
as a trigger for stress. The affected person undergoes either some or all
of the above mentioned symptoms with their severity based on his
If he is able to complete all the topics and if he is able to understand
what he studies, then the trigger is gone and he is relieved of the
physical effects stress and his body returns to normal state.Another
example is the stress caused by over-exercise. It is better to get some
guidance before you do any exercise. For example, you can go through
sites like to get info on six-pack exercises.
Long Term Effects of stress
When the stress factor is persistent or repetitive, the body keeps
secreting the stress hormones and their blood levels remain continuously

Stress management amongst graduates

at a higher level and hence the associated functional adjustments. The
body now experiences stress with extra burden due to the side effects of
the persistently high stress hormones. Some irreversible physiological
damages of the brain and related stress physical symptoms like organ
damage are caused by these substances. The manifestations could be

Chronic head ache

Mood swings
Anxiety disorder
Substance abuse
Memory disturbances
Heart attack due increased blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol
Stroke due to similar reasons
Weight loss
Exacerbation of allergies including asthma
Irritable Bowel disease

Stress management amongst graduates

Ischemic Bowel disease like Crohn's disease
Decreased sexual drive
Even when the stress factor is absent some of these physical and
physiological effects of stress persist unless steps are taken to treat them.
Let us take the same example. If the person fails in the exam, he loses
the opportunity of getting a job and a financial security. The stress factor
persists as he is jobless and has financial insecurity. He gets affected by
the above mentioned symptoms. Even if he learns to live without a job
some of the above mentioned conditions like substance abuse may
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post traumatic stress disorder is a delayed reaction to an exceptionally
stressful situation or a life threatening event where the person feels
helpless. After a dormant period the person re-experiences the past
traumatic events as 'flash backs', or dreams and tries to avoid any stimuli
or situation which reminds of the past trauma. The symptoms include
Psychological numbing


Stress management amongst graduates

Amnesia of certain aspects of the stressful event
Inability to experience pleasure
Reduced interest in activities



Stress management amongst graduates



Stress management amongst graduates

Whenever our body feels something not favorable, then it tries to defend
itself. If this situation continues for a long time, then our body is
working overtime.
There are several causes of stress. For example, you are under stress
when you are worried about something, worried about your children,
worried about the illness of your father, worried about your job security,
or worried about your loans or similar things.
You may be under stress due to several causes. Look at the following
causes of stress.
1. Causes of Stress at Home
o Death of spouse, family, near relative or friend.
o Injury or illness of any family member.
o Marriage of self or son or daughter or brother or sister.
o Separation or divorce from partner.
o Pregnancy or birth of a new baby.
o Children's behavior or disobedience.
o Children's educational performance.


Stress management amongst graduates

o Hyperactive children.
o Sexual molestation.
o Argument or heated conversations with spouse, family
members or friends or neighbors.
o Not sufficient money to meet out daily expenses or
unexpected expenditure.
o Not sufficient money to raise your standard of living.
o Loss of money in burglary, pick-pocketed or share market.
o Moving house.
o Change of place or change of city or change of country.

2. Causes of Stress at Work

o To meet out the demands of the job.
o Your relationship with colleagues.
o To control staff under you.
o To train your staff and take work from them.

Stress management amongst graduates

o Support you receive from your boss, colleagues and juniors.
o Excessive work pressure.
o To meet out deadlines.
o To give new results.
o To produce new publications if you are in research area.
o Working overtime and on holidays.
o New work hours.
o Promotion or you have not been promoted or your junior has
superseded you.
o Argument or heated conversations with co-workers or boss.
o Change of job.
o Work against will.
o Harassment.
o Sexual molestation.


Stress management amongst graduates

3. Other Causes of Stress
o Fear, intermittent or continuous.
o Threats: physical threats, social threats, financial threat, other
o Uncertainty.
o Lack of sleep.
o Somebody misunderstands you.
o Setback to your position in society.

Three types of stress may be distinguished:
1. Acute stress

Stress management amongst graduates

Acute stress is usually for short time and may be due to work
pressure, meeting deadlines pressure or minor accident, over
exertion, increased physical activity, searching something but you





Symptoms of this type of tension are headaches, back pain,

stomach problems, rapid heartbeat, muscle aches or body pain.
2. Acute Stress

Acute stress is common in people who take too many

responsibilities and are overloaded or overworked, disorganized,
always in a hurry and never in time. These people are generally in
positions of importance at their workplace and stressful lifestyle is
inherent in them.

Symptoms of this type of stress are prolonged tension headaches,

hypertension , migraines, chest pain and heart disease.
3. Chronic Stress

This type of stress is the most serious of all the 3 stress types.
Chronic stress is a prolonged stress that exists for weeks, months,
or even years. This stress is due to poverty, broken or stressed

Stress management amongst graduates

families and marriages, chronic illness and successive failures in
life. People suffering from this type of stress get used to it and may
even not realize that they are under chronic stress. It is very
harmful to their health.

Maximum stress at age 18-24


Stress management amongst graduates

One in five children have stress related to

emotional disorder

40%teenager admit to sever anxiety

Teen suicide rates have tripled in the last

25 years

Shocking prisons detailone out of

every 38 adults!!



Stress management amongst graduates

Understanding the core factors in producing stress takes you closer to
eliminating it. But since the most common conception of stress takes
into account something we all know, then the definition of stress
management should be obvious - except that it isn't.
We define it as our conscious knowledge of things that effect stress and
the methods to divest stress harmlessly out of our body system. It is also
a set of techniques that professionals do to help us in coping with
various kinds of stress. Furthermore, we can also say that it is an
equipping of knowledge, a conditioning, or a change of a lifestyle that
allows only the most minimum instances where stress can actually set in.
the definition of stress management is a system that is aimed to reduce
stress and/or facilitate the person to cope with these instances. Because
stress falls into a complex assortment of emotions and sources of them
are even more profuse, the definition of stress management has become
so broad, but all of them are aimed to relieve stress and divert these
energies elsewhere harmless, and sometimes, even productive. All in all,
the definition of stress management falls into three categories: action
oriented stress management, emotionally oriented stress management,
and acceptance oriented stress management
Stress management involves controlling and reducing the tension that
occurs in stressful situations by making emotional and physical changes.


Stress management amongst graduates

The degree of stress and the desire to make the changes will determine
how much change takes place.



Stress management amongst graduates

Many people dont think about stress management unless theyre already
on the verge of burnout. With our busy lives, it doesnt always seem
obviously important to take on the practice of stress management before
a worn-out body or an overly taxed psyche force the issue. However,
developing healthy stress relieving habits really does pay off in the long
run. Not only does a regular stress management practice stave off the
negative effects of stress, but it can also bring positive outcomes like
increased productivity, better health and more happiness in general. The
following are some reasons why:

Your Health: Excessive stress really can lead to poor health

outcomes, from relatively minor things like headaches and digestion
problems in the short run to major conditions like heart disease, high
blood pressure and stroke after years of unmanaged stress. (Heres a
more complete list of stress related health problems, and a more
detailed description of how stress affects your health.)

Your Looks: Many stress relievers can also make you healthier and
even more attractive. For example, taking care of your body by
getting enough sleep can make you more productive and healthier,

Stress management amongst graduates

and can help you better manage stress, as well as staving off dark
circles under the eyes and a poor complexion. Also, eating right can
keep your blood sugar levels even, keeping your emotions in check
and making you more resilient to stress, as well as helping you stay in
your skinny jeans or favorite tee-shirts from college. Getting regular
exercise can help you blow off steam when youre frustrated and keep
your body fit and toned.

Increased Productivity: Simply put, when youre not stressed, you

can be more productive because youre more focused. Therefore, it
really pays to keep stress to a minimum. Certain stress relief habits
naturally make you more productive. Power napping, for example,
can help you catch up on sleep and be more focused and productive,
making less sleep stretch further. Being organized can also help you
save time and money in the long run, reducing stress and helping you
to be more productive in virtually every area of your life. Even
limiting caffeine can help, improving your sleep and helping you feel
less stressed at the end of the day. Finally, having the right attitude is
actually a habit that can be learned. Being an optimist can benefit you
in many areas of your life, helping you let failures roll off your back
and actually enabling you to achieve more!

Stress management amongst graduates

Your Happiness: Some stress relief practices just bring more joy. If
you want to enjoy life more, youll want to adopt some of these stress
relievers, and the fun will come more easily. Caring for pets, enjoying
music, dancing while you clean, working more laughter into your life,
maintaining a supportive circle of friends, and even having sex are all
fun activities that double as great stress relievers for various reasons.
Read more about them and how they can help you, and remind
yourself that youre never too busy to include these activities in your
lifestyletheyre stress management techniques!

Your Stress LevelsOf Course!: The desire to avoid walking

around feeling stressed-out is, in itself, a good reason to bone up on
stress management. Certain general techniques that primarily just
relieve stress (rather than serving some secondary function) are more
than worth adopting because, when youre less stressed, you enjoy
life more. Some of the best stress management techniques available
include meditation, journaling, PMR, guided imagery, and good old
breathing exercises. Read more about the benefits of each, and choose
a few to try, and you wont have to let stress sap you of energy,
productivity and enjoyment of life again!

Stress management amongst graduates

Putting in the effort to learn effective strategies for stress relief and lowstress living will pay off in the long run. Because of this, stress
management is among the most important subjects to learn



Stress management amongst graduates

Stress is basically defined as an applied force or system of forces that
tends to strain or deform a body. It is usually caused by something that is
out of the ordinary from everyday life, things like tests, family problems
and loss of job. Today students have a lot of stress because of a lot of
different reasons. There are many things that cause stress for college
students; school-related issues, relationships, and peer pressure.
One of the main causes of stress is adapting to the new life which we
have suddenly landed in. For me it is the first time that I have lived
outside the nurturing and protective security of the family unit. My
parents used to provide for me materially and used to set down
boundaries on how to live. This no longer applies in college and one of
the first tasks that I should undertake is to find an identity and
effectively test the rules that were set out by my parents. The uncertainty
and lack of identity is a common cause of stress for me.
School-related issues also cause stress for students these days. It can be
caused by them doing so badly in college that they gave up all hope of
doing something worthwhile with their lives, or it could be caused by
just not living up to their own standards. Stress also creates the way
people deal with things like smoking and drinking, which are worse
ways of dealing with stress. I think that these are some of the most
common ways to deal with it. For example, one of my friends likes to go

Stress management amongst graduates

out and drink when he feels stressed about doing badly on a test or
Another cause of college stress is relationships. Relationship stress can
be caused by not living up to their partner's expectation or just plainly by
breaking up with someone that they really did care for. Also, it can be
caused by an individual liking someone a lot and the finding that feeling
is not mutual. All of these aspects can cause students to feel like they are
in way over their heads. Most students use alcohol, tobacco, or drugs to
relieve stress. That's why for some college students stress makes them








Moreover, the cause of the stress is peer pressure. Peer pressure is when
"friends" persuade you to doing something that you do not want to do.
But maybe you want to do it, and you just don't have the courage to do it
and your friends talk you into it. Peer Pressure can be broken down into
two areas; good peer pressure and bad peer pressure. Bad peer pressure
is being coerced into doing something that you didn't want to do because
your friends said that you should. Friends have a tendency to think that
they know what is best for you, and if your friends are like some of ours,
they always offer their opinion whether it is wanted or not. Many
students are vulnerable to bad peer-pressure because they are afraid of
being rejected, losing friends, being teased and they don't know how to

Stress management amongst graduates

say "NO". Some students don't think about the consequences and they
can't explain why they are not interested that's why peer-pressure can
cause stress.

In my opinion, to overcome stress we need to balance academic

demands and the social demands of college. Socializing and being
surrounded by positive people is an important aspect of overcoming
stress. It helps to have real supportive people that you like a lot in your
life who want you to succeed, especially during finals. There are several
strategies that will help us to cope with stressful situations. First, we
have to learn to manage our time wisely. Second, we have to set
priorities and make the most of our opportunities as a student. Last, we






After all, college students have a lot of stress. There's no denying it, but
college is what we make of it. If we stay focused and balance our life,
we'll feel much more relaxed and healthier when it's time to wear our
cap and gown. Now, that's an achievement we have earned for life!


Stress management amongst graduates





Stress management amongst graduates

The Student Stress Survey (SSS) was used to determine the major
sources of stress among college students. The scale consisted of 40
potentially stressful situations. The scale addressed interpersonal,
intrapersonal, academic, and environmental sources of stress. The items
in the scale were also classified as either daily hassles or major life
events. Participants were 100 students at a mid-sized, Midwestern
university and varied in year in school, age, gender, and major. Overall,
daily hassles were reported more often than major life events, with
intrapersonal sources of stress being the most frequently reported source.
The top five sources of stress were; change in sleeping habits,
vacations/breaks, change in eating habits, increased work load, and new
responsibilities. The findings from this study may be further used to
examine which sources of stress cause the highest levels of stress among
college students, and may be helpful in creating stress management
College students, especially freshmen, are a group particularly prone to
stress (D'Zurilla & Sheedy, 1991) due to the transitional nature of
college life (Towbes & Cohen, 1996). They must adjust to being away
from home for the first time, maintain a high level of academic
achievement, and adjust to a new social environment. College students,
regardless of year in school, often deal with pressures related to finding
a job or a potential life partner. These stressors do not cause anxiety or
tension by themselves. Instead, stress results from the interaction

Stress management amongst graduates

between stressors and the individual's perception and reaction to those
stressors (Romano, 1992). The amount of stress experienced may be
influenced by the individual's ability to effectively cope with stressful
events and situations (D'Zurilla & Sheedy, 1991). If stress is not dealt
with effectively, feelings of loneliness and nervousness, as well as
sleeplessness and excessive worrying may result (Wright, 1967). It is
important that stress intervention programs be designed to address stress
of college students. However, in order to design an effective
intervention, the stressors specific to college students must be
determined (Wright, 1967).
The dynamic relationship between the person and environment in stress
perception and reaction is especially magnified in college students. The
problems and situations encountered by college students may differ from
those faced by their nonstudent peers (Hirsch & Ellis, 1996). The
environment in which college students live is quite different. While jobs
outside of the university setting involve their own sources of stress, such
as evaluation by superiors and striving for goals, the continuous
evaluation that college students are subjected to, such as weekly tests
and papers, is one which is not often seen by non-students (Wright,
1964). The pressure to earn good grades and to earn a degree is very
high (Hirsch & Ellis, 1996). Earning high grades is not the only source
of stress for college students. Other potential sources of stress include






Stress management amongst graduates

classrooms (Kohn & Frazer, 1986). In addition to academic
requirements, relations with faculty members and time pressures may
also be sources of stress (Sgan-Cohen & Lowental, 1988). Relationships
with family and friends, eating and sleeping habits, and loneliness may
affect some students adversely (Wright, 1967).
Assessment of stress levels in college students is a topic often examined
by researchers. For example, Towbes and Cohen (1996) created the
College Chronic Life Stress Survey in which they focused on the
frequency of chronic stress in the lives of college students. This scale
contains items that persist across time to create stress, such as
interpersonal conflicts, self-esteem problems, and money problems.
They evaluated these stressors in relation to how many times a student
had to deal with them on a weekly basis. They found that in regard to
chronic stress, first-year students scored higher than other students.
Similar studies have examined sources of stress among both
undergraduate (Gadzella, 1994) and graduate students (Rocha-Singh,
1994). While many specific events and situations have been implicated
as stressors for college students, more research is needed to investigate
the nature of these of these stressors for college students, and which
stressors are most prevalent in college students lives. It is unclear
whether most stressors result from interpersonal relationships or
academics. In addition, research is needed to clarify whether these
stressors are mostly daily hassles or major live events. The purpose of

Stress management amongst graduates

this study was to determine what sources of stress are the most prevalent
among college students, and to examine the nature of these stressors.

Stress is an integral part of life, especially for a college student. In fact,

not all stress is bad. Those times when a little stress nudges you to
become more alert and aware of your surroundings, or causes you to
take more time with a course project, can be beneficial. When you
recognize that the stress is detrimental to your life, you need to take
action. There are a number of techniques to help college students
minimize the stress they are feeling. Managing stress will help you cope
with the daily pressures of college and give you more time and energy to
enjoy your college experience.

Time management: Colleges across the country agree that time
management is a major hurdle for college students. Finding the balance

Stress management amongst graduates

between coursework, major projects, studying, socializing, and a job is a
daunting task. Factor in a relationship and sleep, and it's easy to
understand how the ability to manage time wisely is a big factor in
reducing stress. TIPS: Use a notebook, planner or a software program to
help you keep track of due dates, work schedules, etc. Learn to plan
ahead and avoid procrastination.
Goals: Goal setting may sound like the opposite of stress management,
but it isn't. With realistic goals, you will have something concrete to
work toward and the light at the end of the tunnel can be seen. TIPS:
Make sure your goals are realistic. Set many smaller goals, like steps
toward the large goal. For example, the final project for a course might
include steps such as research, outlining, writing, proofing, rewriting,
and final draft.
Priorities: This is another stress management technique that, when done
correctly, will be a help, not a hindrance, to stress management.
Combined with time management, setting priorities will keep you on
schedule. College students will certainly put their course work/classes at
the top of their list of priorities, but don't forget to include things like
"down-time" and relaxation. TIP: Use lists to prioritize. You may have
daily, weekly and monthly lists.
Space to be alone: College life is not conducive to solitude, especially if
you live on campus. The library is an obvious choice, but don't overlook

Stress management amongst graduates

the corner booth at a near-by diner, a patch of grass by the lake, or that
comfy-looking chair at the local bookstore. Everyone needs a few
minutes alone, whether to think without interruption or just enjoy the
quiet. TIP: If you can't get away from the dorm or campus, consider the
shower during an off-peak moment. As a bonus, you can sing to your
heart's content and no one will be the wiser!
exercise, Nutrition and Sleep: These are basic needs and aren't really
techniques, but they're important enough to mention. A healthy life as a
college student requires that first technique above to pull off. If managed
right, you should be able to fit in 30 minutes of exercise (at least 3 or 4
times per week), get yourself to the cafeteria for 3 squares a day (or 2),
and get 7 or 8 hours of sleep. College students regularly don't get enough
sleep, so shooting for 7 or 8 is a good goal. It may sound unrealistic, but
you will notice a difference in your level of stress just by taking care of
yourself. TIP: Get a job at your college's fitness center, weight room or
swimming pool. Depending on your duties, you may be able to do your
job and exercise at the same time.
Talking about it: Managing your stress can be a little less daunting if you
have someone to talk it over with. Voicing your concerns to a friend will
deflate some of that built up stress. Whether you talk about a specific
stress causing event or talk about stressing-out in general, you will feel
better. The added benefit is that by opening up to a friend, you may help

Stress management amongst graduates

them out also. They are probably feeling stressed too. You may even be
able to help each other de-stress by doing something fun together.
A diary or journal: This may not appeal to everyone and may seem like
more work than it's worth to others, but for those who enjoy writing, this
is another way to cope with the stress of college life. Like talking to a
friend, getting your thoughts down on paper (or in your computer) puts
those feelings where you can examine them and work on a strategy to
manage your stress.
Money management: Most college students are broke. You are not alone.
But learning how to budget your money, spend wisely, and pay your bills
on time is important on two counts. One, it's necessary for your survival,
and two, good money management can lower your stress level. You will
certainly have less stress if your checking account isn't running in the
negative. TIP: Check out college programs and workshops on money
and budgeting. Take advantage of any advice given.
Relaxation techniques: The most simple, yet effective of these is deep
breathing. Get comfortable. Close your eyes. Inhale through your nose,
filling your diaphragm then your lungs (your belly button should rise up
before your chest does). Reverse the process as you slowly exhale
through your mouth. Counting your breaths will give your mind
something to focus on besides whatever stress you're feeling. Another
simple relaxation technique is visualization or imagery. By visualizing a

Stress management amongst graduates

favorite place (such as a beach), and imagining the sounds, sights,
textures and tastes of that place, will encourage your body to let go of
some stress. Other relaxation techniques are: PMR (Progressive Muscle
Relaxation,) meditation, yoga. TIP: Deep breathing can be done
anywhere. Try it right before an exam. While your fellow students scan
their notes, sit back, close your eyes, and take some quiet deep breaths.
No quick solutions: Tobacco and alcohol are tempting when you're
stressed-out. The cigarette or bottle of beer may temporarily quiet down
your stress, but the feeling won't last. Don't use these or other drugs as a
coping tool. Learn to manage your stress without them. If you can't, then
seek help.
College counseling and/or health services: Most colleges have extensive
tools to aid college students with stress management. There are
publications, programs and peer groups to help you. Colleges anticipate
student stress and provide workshops on coping skills, guest speakers,
and activities designed to help you deal. The topics may include time
management, recognizing stress, money management, relationships,
study habits, etc.
Relaxation: College students know how to study, work, party, protest,
etc. But what about relaxing? Your schedule is full and you don't have
time for something as vague as relaxation, but you need it. Whatever is
fun for you and is not a chore is relaxation. Things that are mindless fun

Stress management amongst graduates

are even better. Give your brain a chance to rest and recuperate. Go out
dancing, catch a movie, crank up your tunes and chill, plan a get
together with pizza and cards, or whatever. Have fun!
Last, but certainly not least, LAUGH! You've heard the expression
"Laughter is the best medicine." It's true. Laughter is one of the best
stress-busters there is. Conjuring up a big belly laugh out of nowhere
might be impossible when you're under stress, but there are ways to
utilize this stress management technique. Rent a comedy or go to the
theatre to see one. Flip through your cable stations until you find a sitcom and take a half hour break while you beat some stress. The internet
is another place to find laughter. There are sites devoted to the joke of
the day, comics, animations, and more. Check them all out. If possible,
share your laughter with a friend. Double the laughter means double the
stress relief.
Important: Although most college student related stress is selfmanageable, there are situations that may be serious enough to require
counseling or the advice of other professionals. If the stress in your life
is overwhelming and/or you feel helpless, get help.


Stress management amongst graduates

How To Develop a Stress Relief Plan That Works
While the bodys physiological stress responsethe fight or flight
responseis virtually universal, the way that stress impacts us is as
unique to each individual as the events that cause us stress in the first
place. Simply put, we all respond to stressful events in our own way, and


Stress management amongst graduates

our responses to stress affect us in ways that are unique as well. Why is
Stress Triggers

Were all affected differently by lifes events. While extreme events like
a physical attack by a violent stranger or the diagnosis of a serious
illness produce a strong stress response in virtually everyone, many
everyday events on the job or at home will be experienced as stressful by
some and exciting, challenging, or even exhilarating by others. What
accounts for these differences?

Stress Response Differences

How we respond to stress can alter the impact that stress has on us.
While some people will deal with a stressful day by hitting the gym or
hugging their children, other people may drink to excess or lash out at
others. Additionally, some people find stress to be a minor
inconvenience while others are completely overwhelmed. Dealing with
stress in a healthier way tends to create resilience, of course; ineffective
coping can increase the negative effects of stress. What accounts for the
different ways people deal with stress?

Physiological Factors

Stress management amongst graduates

Just like some people are just born more emotionally reactive, some
have a more sensitive physiology, and find that stress impacts their
blood pressure, induces headaches, or causes other physical responses.
Likewise, the way you care for your body in terms of healthy diet,
quality sleep, and regular exerciseor lack thereofcan impact your
reactivity to stress.

Coping Techniques
We all have our different ways of coping with stress, and some of
these techniques are healthier and more beneficial than others. If you
find that yourself using alcohol, emotional eating, or responding to
stress in other less-than-healthy ways, its time to find new ways of
reducing stress. Over time, theyll become automatic, and will replace
your more unhealthy responses.

Learned Behavior
How we respond to the stress in our lives is shaped by our early
experiences and cemented over time. Our habits play a role as well.
Those with healthy habits tend to handle stress more effectively.

Protective Factors

Stress management amongst graduates

Certain features in your life can also keep you somewhat insulated from
stress. Those with supportive and other personal resources tend to be less
affected by stress, and deal with their stress more efficiently.
Because we cant stop stressors from being a part of life (and we
wouldnt want to eliminate all stress, even if it were possible), effective
stress management focuses more on minimizing our triggers, altering
our responses, and building up our resources and protective factors so
that were less negatively impacted by stress. Because stress is such an
individual experience, its important to have a stress relief plan that
works for you. The following resources (as well as the links above) can
help you to find ways to relieve stress that work best with your
individual situation. You may want to quickly skim each resource and
take away information that stands out to you, or focus more deeply on
each resource and work on integrating the principles into your life in a
more significant


Stress management amongst graduates

Following are the stress reduction tips that will tell you how to relieve
1. Take







Breathe deeply slowly and exhale out slowly. Deep breath helps you
get plenty of oxygen and may give you instant stress relief. For better
results, as you breathe out, speak "rel-a-a-a-a-a-x" in your mind very
slowly. You can speak anything like 1-2-3-4-5 or Om or 5-4-3-2-1 or

Stress management amongst graduates

any God. Do it 10 times, you will feel stress relief immediately. Slow
and deep breathing will bring your heart rate back to normal and will
reduce your muscle tension. You can do it at any place, any time; on
your desk, on your bed, while sitting, in a queue, on your computer
chair, in office, in toilet, etc. This stress management technique isw
very effective.Make it a habit to do it 4-5 times daily.
Follow the relaxation and meditation techniques to get relief from
Breathing guru Andrew Weil, MD clinical Professor of medicine at
the University of Arizona gives the following technique of
breathing to relieve stress.
1. Sit with your back straight.
2. Place the tip of your tongue against the ridge just behind your
front teeth.
3. Inhale through your nose with your mouth closed to a mental
count of four. Hold your breath for a count of seven.
4. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh
sound to a count of eight.
5. Inhale again and repeat the exercise three times for a total of
four breaths.

Stress management amongst graduates

If you have trouble holding your breath, speed up but stick to the
four-seven-eight count. Practice twice a day, but don?t do more
than four breaths at a time for the first month; later you can work
up to eight breaths. You may feel a little light-headed, but it will

2. Be organized. Manage time

One of the main causes of stress is poor time management. If you are
organized, you can manage things in proper ways without putting
pressure on you. Plan ahead. Make a schedule for the day, week and
month. Include time for stress reduction as a part of your schedule.

3. Know your stressors

Determine what events distress you. Try to avoid, eliminate or reduce

these stressors, if possible. Determine how your body responds to the
stress. See if you can reduce the intensity of your stressors. Plan your
strategies to overcome these stressors. Remove your cause of stress or
worries. If the reason is your office, discuss the problem with your

Stress management amongst graduates

colleagues and seniors. Don't keep the problem with you. Cconsider
going on vacation for some days. If you are stressed due to non
completion of tasks in time, then time management techniques may


Change your perception of physical danger or emotional danger.

Don't think and worry about things which may not happen at all.

4. Talk to others

Involve yourself with others. Talk to your friends, family member,

teacher, neighbor, or counselor. This will reduce sadness, loneliness,
frustration and stress. Consider to offer your services to neighborhood
or volunteer organizations.

5. Be physically active

Physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing the

effects of stress. When you feel nervous, angry or upset, release the
pressure through exercise or physical activity. Take a walk for
example. Or do any activity that you like most. Consider gardening,

Stress management amongst graduates

jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing, playing table tennis, mowing
grass, playing with your dog or cat, or similar activities. Such
activities can relieve your tension. Exercising with stress balls is good
stress reduction technique.
6. Eat healthy food






Prunes are high in magnesium which releases happy hormones such

as serotonin and can help reduce stress. Do not skip meals. Avoid
smoking, caffeine and other stimulants. Always get enough sleep.
Maintain your sleep times. Healthy eating and adequate sleep fuels
your mind and body to cope with stress.
Aromatherapy & Stress
Many flowers have calming effects on the central nervous system,
thereby relieving you of stress and increasing concentration levels.
Some of these are also helpful in loss of memory, anxiety,
creativity and lethargy. Some of the aroma oils that work best to
relieve stress include Lavender oil, Neroli oil, Geranium oil, Basil






Put 1 or 2 drops of one essential oil, Lavender oil, Fennel Sweet


Stress management amongst graduates

Oil, Rosemary oil, etc on a cotton bud or tissue paper and place it
near you.

Warning from Dr. Naresh Arora from Chase Aroma Therapy, ?

Taking care of the quantity is extremely important. If the right
quantity can help you relieving the stress, an excess of a particular
oil can affect BP levels - the person can go into depression, or can
feel dizzy and can even faint at times. Less usage of these oils has
a remedial effect while excess can be poisonous.?
7. Have a good cry
A good cry can bring relief to your stress. Crying is a part of the
emotional healing process.

8. Avoid alcohol, drugs and cigarettes

Smoking, alcohol and drugs do not remove the conditions that cause
stress. They may give you only temporary relief.


Stress management amongst graduates

9. Laughter therapy is the best for stress! Laugh heartily with your
friends or family members. Read jokes on the internet or from books.


Hugging is good for stress relief.

Give a good hug to your beloved one; to your spouse, children grand
children or pet. This melts away your stress.


Know your capabilities & limits

You should be aware of your capabilities and limits. If a problem is

beyond your control, don't try to do it. Do not want the things to
happen your way that are not in your control. A major cause of stress
is to control events on whom you have little or no power.
Also do not think that you are always right and you are the supreme.
And do not think that other people also think your way. Your way of
thinking may not always be right. Discuss the things in a friendly
manner or in a compromising way. This will definitely reduce your


Stress management amongst graduates







Negative thinking never pays. Do not think that the whole world is
against you and all the people are making a conspiracy against y

Stress is inevitable, but it doesn't have to make you tense, irritable,
upset, and unhappy. You have the choice to GET BETTER or BITTER.


Stress management amongst graduates

Be productive, GET BETTER!

Make the commitment to manage

stress and enhance your health and happiness

Welcome to the final part of eliminating stress and anxiety in your life.
THERE IS NO WAY to completely eliminate stress from your life. What
you can do is to learn how to make that stress work FOR you.
Stress management isn't as difficult as it might actually seem. However,
we can't emphasize this next point enough. If you think you have too
much stress in your life, it may be helpful to talk with your doctor,
spiritual advisor, or local mental health association. Because reactions to
stress can be a factor in depression, anxiety and other disorders, they
may suggest that you visit with a psychiatrist, psychologist, social
worker, or other qualified counselor.
We don't want to present ourselves as medical professionals. All we
want to do is give you some tools to implement in your life to help you
better cope with those things that make us overwhelmed and feel out of
You may also want to look into time management tools in order to get
rid of some of your stressors. When we feel like we don't have enough
time to do the things that need to be done, that creates more stress and
can lead to anxiety which, believe me, you don't want to have!

Stress management amongst graduates

Stress management tips are simple cost effective methods to effectively
check stress. They can be practiced anywhere and at anytime. Well,
If you feel you are in need of help, do not hesitate. You might not be
correct always. The cause of your stress might be for no reason at all.
But it might be physical in its roots. Someone else might be able to solve
it easily. Understand your limitations and it can relieve stress to a large
Stress is a normal part of life. In small quantities, stress is good -- it can
motivate you and help you be more productive. However, too much
stress, or a strong response to stress, is harmful.
It can set you up for general poor health as well as specific physical or
psychological illnesses like infection, heart disease, or depression.
Persistent and unrelenting stress often leads to anxiety and unhealthy
behaviors like overeating and abuse of alcohol or drugs.
Just like causes of stress differ from person to person, what relieves
stress is not the same for everyone. In general, however, making certain
lifestyle changes as well as finding healthy, enjoyable ways to cope with
stress helps most people. I hope that I've given you some great ways of
dealing with the stress that we all feel!
Above all, remember that you are in no way alone in this battle. There
are hundreds of thousands of people out there who feel overwhelmed

Stress management amongst graduates

and nearly completely out of control. That's why we wanted to give you
this book. So you can find peace within yourself and realize that we're
all on this big blue marble for a reason.
You are too! Enjoy it and live life to its fullest. And when you feel
yourself stressed out or beset with a panic attack, relax, breathe through
it, and know that there are many, many people who know exactly how
you feel.
"Don't Worry, Be Happy!
Sum up with a thought

Yesterday is the history

Tomorrow is the mystery,
For today is the gift which the god has given i.e present


Stress management amongst graduates


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