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HW420: Final Project

April Warren
Kaplan University

1. Introduction: Why is it important for the health and wellness professionals to

develop psychologically, physically and spiritually? What areas do you need to
develop to achieve the goals you have for yourself? Our mind, body and spirit
are all connected, and a crucial part to our overall well-being. Health and
wellness professionals should incorporate the integral process in their own lives if
they are going to be of true benefit to their clients. As Elliott Dacher states in our
text, to become the agents of more expansive health, we must begin with our
own life (Dacher, 2006. pg. 167). Professionals working in the health and
wellness field must understand the transformative process of achieving integral
health and healing, if they want assist others in reaching their full potential. In
doing so, professionals will have confidence in their own experiences. That
knowledge will help them successfully guide their clients on their health and
wellness journey, while also allowing them lead by example, and become a
mentor and inspiration.
2. Assessment: How have you assessed yourself in each domain? How do you
score your wellness spiritually, physically, and psychologically? Throughout this
course, I have been introduced to many different practices and exercises to help
with self-assessment, such as meditation exercises, the loving kindness exercise,
and the integral assessment. I score myself the highest physically, about an 8. I
exercise regularly, about 4-5 times per week. Spiritually, I rate myself about a 56. I consider myself a spiritual person, but often get caught up in the hustle and
bustle of daily life. I fail to take the time each day to pray, and participate in other
spiritual activities that I feel are important. Psychologically I give myself a 7. I

think by working on my inner self, I will be more successful at prioritizing my

time and focus my energy on things most important.
3. Goal Development: List at least one goal you have for yourself in each area. My
goal physically is to stay on track with my current workout routine and to
incorporate healthier foods into my daily diet. My spiritual goal is to attend
church twice a month, and be consistent with my participation in my weekly Bible
study group. My psychological goal is to take a minimum of 5-10 minutes each
day to mediate and self-assess.
4. What strategies can you implement to foster growth in each of the following
domains: physical, psychological, and spiritual. For physical growth, I will plan
out my exercise for the entire week. This will help me with my daily schedule
and keep my workouts on track. For my diet, I will reduce my sugar intake by
eliminating candy and sweets. I will also plan out my meals each week, and
incorporate more fruits and vegetables each day. To foster my spiritual growth, I
will make time each day for prayer, and to work on my homework for Bible study.
I will also assist in providing weekend meals to the homeless in my community
with my study group each month. To work on my psychological development, I
will meditate each day and do a regular assessment on myself. I struggle with
time management, and putting others needs in front of my own. By continuing to
examine my priorities, see what is working and what is not, and eliminating
anything causing unnecessary interference, I will have a better balance of all

5. Commitment: How will you assess your progress or lack of progress in the next 6
months? What strategies can you use to assist in maintaining your long-term
practices in health and wellness? Over the next 6 months, I will develop my goals
further, breaking them down to short-term, mid-term, and long-term. I will be
specific in each area and write them down in a journal. Each week, I will take
note of areas that I am progressing in, and those that I am struggling with.
Growth and development is a continuous process and requires an ongoing
assessment in all three domains. I will regularly adjust my goals according to my
progress, and focus on areas needing the most attention.

Dacher, E. S. (2006). Integral health: The path to human flourishing. Laguna
Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications.

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