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O,wid WllrleT, ,"Wipino p(jlitic~';' Deveiopmen: and Decay. ~Qutz.on Ci:I:r AlOOi"ICO de Nlanal:l Uni'!,'er.s:itl;Y Press, 1';'188:), 360 Jl<ages,

Auror,,\ JavaH:-Oe Dies, Pc!roniJo Bli. D~r(ly and Lerna Kalaw.:nml (Bd.itr:m;), Dictatorship and i?f:lloiul1ow }?,Odts of People's PQUliet"" (QUC'Wli Ci~;y: Oon·, spectus, 19~8), 9.()2; iPHg'C~~,

Salld.ra. BtHI(ln, 11.7J1XJ",sibil1 Dream: Tht? Marco-sas, the AquimJs and fhe UnfitJj.'ih(Ull~c.'alut.i(m. (Nc\.v Yolk: \V,une:r Books, :19~9), 'liB pa.gc.$,

BCllcdicl 1. Kc.~kylicl ,IUd Resi 1 D, MOjm:cs. CEdi [(Irs), Fruin M(j,mos 10 if quina:

Local Pei:lpccllve.f on PolWcal Trr:msiliofl' ;', the PMII/)'Pinr:s. (QI~e:OOl'l! City:

Alenco de M~mil;l U[llvcnily Press, r99'!:), 326 P<li,gC$,

Cl"iscrd.'i Yabes, 'nlf~ BoysjhJm Ihe Borrocks: The {'hilippb.le Military After l~.·DSA,. «PO'ls,ig; Am,dl Plllbllshing Iac., 190 1),256, pages.

The rise Qflhq"Rarnos 'Idmillislifnlkm has turned ,11: new teafin ehe .il:ist(11)i' of the Fi.lipillt) nation, Hs J!SolmsiQ'11 J:n:arKs fhe o1!lnlimllijoJ:l of Ille EDSA r m 11~~i!li{)ii.. '! 'hie oCvcn;J'j -of Feb run r)' 19S6 'ICI.ed as a Cl~ to) !Jt'~t Rl'.1f 1.11;(; d ism<llll~ illg of the M:'II\:'os a"thm;ilarian regiree and tile restol'al.iQ.!t of nbc WC(jwm-s1!ylc

Hbc cal. d'cllHlcrnlic pol.[l~1 UJI{tcr l.he Aq~_Ib.lo !,."O'I{CflUlIlClit '

~O\l,\~, t~le ~rioo nf'tra:nsltionIM'\i\L':$ mudt to~d~s:irtld §(lr the g'1'I;:,ater majority .of the peopie:~ V<1ir~ous :;,t!!llclul"otl ills of sc;cii!t.1r' have !rol been sd'1:ci.GJuiy addrcssoo .. TJ~evaiS;t £OC~ie}k11 demends brou~ht 3bMJt by povcr~)'!bnd unll:erd'e,ve]opmelli! naVle eansedpresseses fot U~.e !!:l<!ltiOXl to p1:ll'SlIe tile pm:h tQ'Wa]'dLs OCOII.G:!r1l.C devc~.opm.C:r1t Elilld U1ode:mizallOll" Tile oCO~liinu.ingi]lab11ity oWu;::PhtLippim: S~W to elJ.,ctivell'briage: Umg.<l!p between tll~ two has affcc~e.d hs elfom ~orcbui.ld! cffec~ivc and. legitimate: pol!i~:k1li1 institlHlOilK

Aoomprenc!'lsive ana]y.~i~~ of U1!t .rtl~l[l>pi.IJ.IJ~ afillr EDSA. is solin 1:0 'be "'\i'r]ue:~mJ. Th~ (;;.i;.usting body ·of liternrure is limited ~o the e ... ent~ Uta!. b!o!U,ghl aJb.ot[llltc,cil!!'i]i<!n·OOcked!mJ]ih~,'1ry U''prl,5ii:F~:g ,mu Lhefirsth:Mofthe Aq;ui.lloyeant Il is jjIl1pi):r:llIl~t tQI'~'i~", I.~IC dynamks of the EDSA!.fflllSiti(m in order 10 ~lll{j.c!l's .. !!nd the dWJJ.ging ten11ll!l:S; oJ Fitipl1nD ]JCI]i~ics_ This review wm klOk m:

Ute !P]liil~.ppines .aflef EDSAby slIf'IIeying the dim(;rcll~ .. perspectives of .seve_tll! '~ll.thor;s regaru~1'Ig frQIll <liutllO!:JI:ariar. d~cw~or5Idip lO Hilerfli d.e{IT1OCir<LCY,


Pt!l]tKS in dIe P.hj]fllplucshasgolJ.e~l.u{llugh.~]!.e q.:cks ofbotlt develop[I~m 1IlIt':! (I!~y - t:hls in essenre is w'lml Dav.idWu[[_fi;;,rsbook "F,rli'pilU) P().iitir:;.'i:

DewtJopmemand Dru;ay •• h; all about H..cpillaQ:d hi$ ar:tlliYSI$of" Filipi.ilQ p(lii'tici: and llJi$litIl1!:!CHJ;S in~]I(:: CQn.te~!t Q.fPQ:IHkal d!WC:~oiJ?me:n;t,whkh he d.cillm::d! 1'1$. Ol. j)'t'OCCSS (If.C:ha1Ig'C 'in We poH~:ica] system that falls w.itllin:a broader c:om:e;pt (llEnoocrn:iizadon. He stares thai.:

,[m]:ode:mi7Jilill!l1l m(lJli,fii>-'S!t~ i~$lf illindusttializahon, l1ibanil$!iQI.l, flppcaW.lloe ornew<ll dil!i;~~, hl!~n· SWG<lliotl ofctlmic i{le:I~h~I$.$, UNe grownl of edOCiltioit, ! !IG[¢l$Cd: lll£(jia. eXpOsure ;)Iit! j:H:Ililic.11'1licipatioH, <llld other chi"li:'lge~, Mode:rnb~,lIiou, unlike polith::il~ d.$"Ve 1.'0 PlltN::[It, has liIowhere IJe,e:n reversed, Its ,. pmgress" h;asbre~'~I]t;:1{OIrnb}e, though whet.b.erjudge<1 lIiy lradi:ulill:1l1 ar ool~tcillJlmazy sl.1lJtdi<l!:ids, !WOOemi7:<!· ~:uml caases hmmtrl :f:tLffc.d.u.g as weB <1sallevilltcs it. 0938: :;(~)


~Polil.kal de'!l'eiopl11cm. may be u!i!der!5~Ood O'I~ the :;;pC(ia~.i1:ali.on ef stmetures and :~um:;[]O!l:S of [he poUtk1l1 :im;~ututi()1~S in smcdernizlng soci.ety, as it is c(liu[1(,1nted b11he rising lr;;veis Qf demands fmr!l the cJ:timnl1' .. This is not to ~~ay Hlilt s!~i!ll.i.;L .. :~.iM alo,ne 'win g[~3.lltl~git~ Imvcy <lnd eEcctivcnefi;$ ~f tl1:csHid i!~~it(ilio!!l!s_ T.I~li~, ll!Oll1kOlI dC\'[]:k:Jp~nenl.:

, is, th~ groWtb 9fin$ti~lltioml;'i~ cap.'lbi.l:ity with Lc,Sil~ il1aC1l' - ,capalbility ~o ch.'!ILtnel rising p:nIticlptitiofi th:rougll Sl'3IiJe politk'al )mtlics, illte!:'est. grouPS. or Jegislatu!l'cs; cap.1hility tcconeetee ,~rid imp~~em pmgnuIIs, ~f eecncmic 4eveJ©'pmelM, social Justice, Or' welr~:re whicb ~I.,e usuaUy the substance ofp,articipants: demallds; capabiUlY l(ldef~rld natiQllill au:IOOOIllY. ifit

is tlirea:lened. (Ni)

Wurfcl. IlI~Hzcd Sil:lil!uel Hilllljng~on 's C'OIl(;1;pl of "decay", which is dcljjlec) astlm loss oflegidm~",)'and CEt.pabi.lhy, l'1:te\'I'kl:Cl~ifig~.p'betw,ee!ll!lIe ;]cb and ti'te poor in the Ci::mlc'Xto'f capitalist ITlodCrWZi11io(£l ··'Iea~ ~(I mass demal~ds w'llfch goveniIllclI.ts oftcilprcfm-to rcp.rc~s'· (xxi). This!el1d:s to :f'e5l:Ill in Ute &:icHne of ,tcgatinmcy .1Iild CllP.,'ibiUty of tihe in\;titutiQrul, Pol.idC<ll decay ooronlon.iy nliiIlif\:slS ilself:in unstabte Jllli]ila.ry regimes~ pmlkularly in Latin Amc;:rica., Wurfd notes thai. it is .;1 pneno.w:teno·n. that. Ule PJIHippilloCS lIns, 'IliUlS £'<ll;lf""oidec:!,

£11 his .ailii!lysis Qfpol.itical ,d:e:YC~'OPlll~t j:r~ Hle Ph:inip~nes. Villlrle~ posited!

Umt il has ullderg(l!lc ooth petiods of dev,e:lopmellt.M1~ decay., He 1i(ls .lloloil1y focmed'M the !po~it~l;al aspeets ,O'fdlese qcies, !:-mit (!1fse~,<ll factor'S as well 101 tbjJ> :regard,he .a{gu'c~ that Fntpirto politics 'can netbe seen. "sirnp!.'y in t:e;r:ms afpo1il:ica~ [!:ltd clill:nral FJi!:QCcsse.s"· (xxO. He: ilIso' , iJllflporl'!iJice to the tbrust onh!ejg.~1 and domestic eecnemic forces, so~nCIieprtSc~ted. with.hi dlepolidc"-I] '~lilC: mid sortie riot Therefore;

, I



I !


{,[jocUSCtlSS Fi.lip.ino JJ(ilitks: widl(}u[ reference ~o land ownership pall,erns, boor ].Iniolls, AniCfi'can i]l"est~ ment.~nd tlll!:} Inlcrnath:!I:1i1l!i Monttm:y F~u:td: ,"(mid be; trivial. Furlilermore" we IlU.lS[ be sclisilti v e to the ri'scoif' cQnflict as ~1.:I.1 as to pressillres for liLa.rnl·OI1iY ill P!I£I.i:p .. !),i'Ile &ociely, [hIt i,t .. liI1i:1y be just u[;lten~ll]e to pnrsue afl~lysjsonl.yin terms (If c,1regories of ocoil!o'n:l.k:~ ~nl:e.~csts <llld class confl~cl as il: is 10 oowi'!!,Play thel!rJ,a-!ld foreign mihla.i)' I !l.Ilu!1llllC"CS ]uay be just. as i,I;~lportal1jt, as ... BoolI.omic forocsc [n 111lY case, Filipimos, [ikc'O'lth~r

'rhi rei World i?Copllc$~ wllilclmft'e!ed bYI;()\verfu:le~te['·., mil. forQes, lIfso retaii'i a 1lI~'lSllre oJ aul:Ol~al!i\Y w]li:Ch .;]1101,\'$ tnell}1tnd their leaders: a, Illlmjor I'OrC iltshaphl~ their 0\\0'11 future, (x~"':t)

, ,


1Jle· a:urrpi.exlities (]lP[ilc (;] .sy,,>lcm 11<f¥C i.'IlfHle It dou!jly diffimtll 00 aQcl!lr<l~Lily predic! tllle mncontc{ ·of the oOnlin,1,llj!lg "porilic11[ rlir.'UllOl , • .in th.e Phli.ippi.~es. Wnrf'C~ riot.ed. Hmt 'IH!~j;mgb~nany{)bsef\'c(~ the rapid d:ecayohllc Phmpr'i~h(lp9Mkal s.ys'teIl,] in 198,; mis'hllcatl '[(I 'lvl{lle~1t OV~r!]I@W, ]1lobody eNpecl~di~tlell]MH'Ier irl~ .. ir~c_l!l i(hB CQi[lm~t W~tS resolved. H~ 1?(l$~lt~1 throe real ,Oipll.[)[1$ fQrPbilippi ne I?o~r~ica! de'l,l\e!epmelrt; P(Jpu!1i!' d'Cill:]ocr;;milil:ary]lUk. and rc\;,t:il~ti;['m.

[1'£lilss~ng Il~f: p~p&C~s and trends Hmtillay ]e;,'Jd to th!:; ftu:ilian of any of UlC',Ii.C'O!l~~olns. he ~)i;:3J~]ii!ed the histotl(;"!~.c~llhlral> cPQ[lO'!!'ljc" and lnstitiUl. tio~a.l COil~G.;'lts of t:mrelr~.lrellds.'f',he in~crpi;ar'O.mb~ factors ledlotli~ Q"C,I~s. or:de,,'e[opule:nt (In& dJ~~~y .h~ lh~PIlrl ipp~!1,:cs, Citing -C(1(rtalll krstorkal. circum. ~:tll!;l!OOS and ct~~lum] dmjj'a0tcrjj~lics, W~de[exl)Ollllld~ on the QFvelO,pl:'IWhl·of {)'CO!liOmk <lila soeial rd~(I!tiC\,~s whicb were r.el1ectcd in l]ICJi{l~.i1J\till i!!sWutiO'IIs. The :sys~cm re,lc:heC!. dlC' 'lIiocc!eralcd d~,~y" durll~g the M:$:I'c~ .«:gi,lru$ a;nd,w.1ls :f,!:i,VC'Lfa <I I'esp,ite llI,po'Jl tlw ass[~ml),]ilo:ll ofCOr1l::[cOt1 C. Aq!llitto" But gtV'{:;11 ,a~rtaiIl1i.eml;5 inthe :pfesel1!~j II seelillstnm thCl s-ysle:rnus "gil!!!i aoo1ilt_toe:.:perkllce (l1],overlood which D.liELy fi:lla]ly tea(Uo any offi,a".i(i WlI'rFel,'s ~]!r~ optiQ:mL ·.His tmok is it vezy gQod sml:rooOOctf{' for ~(;lrl©:u:s studlellits 0:( FHil~iflt) pt)~!ticfl.

T.h(;l Look e:I!IU~led: "'Dictatorship and R.ri~ol~ti(J#; R[n)/~' ,()/P(fo;pie '~'.

Poker '" is.a ,c![)mp:i]~tion of i1rtiidcs w]l1ch seeks to' di51>ect~.]le EV.Clil:s Ul,llled to. 1]1(:: eJl~e!gence· of dktatoil:sidp and pOIIHkOllln!vQ:tut]OIn in I.tlc .PhlHpPlilCS, ,Plll;Di~sMd ilt.a time wilen t.Ile rmlillie Wfisoc;ing rnurll.glUl. by (Iu!~lulbe:r of5hall0·\V and !'om<ln~JcJze.d. &~O.ln!!~S of the ·'P.wpk Power jlcvo.~\ldo!l." the book pOC'$C~1It8 a f[<'JlIJjC~;\'-.,)rk w]lic:in. 'ii'i.cws trIO events [rom the Il'arspct:h'r'!': ufnle i13tlJielcss masseswho :ia.crinoerl ,nlnJch 'i n oirder 10 wHhsMnd! the (liLlslmtgi.]!. on [i:hUi!~pi;lH:: dcrnocra~,

:it ,oomemis tllllt EDSA W.1IS 001: only an offshoo~ of UI.C n:t:iddle"class iXl,1.Iction lQ d'leJhe b!ilitllim allsm:!$i~.1taliQII(!ffQ'tlJ[le[ ,~tl1U()~ B~liIig~loAqui~(1 Jr. btlt H~~ produG~. ·oil' the pe:Op:~1;l "s sl:rlilggl~ sluce Ihc 19'jlO>s, As I,h.-e. ~ito[S noted:

~ i.j l is <1 hook on d~ 'COiHinuilY !)f the .Slrl,lggrc~n PI]~jillpp.iJile ,society ,~ei~]lef OOgi.IU~Jllg H'ln c;ndi I,rgill E])SAbni rro.n~ a .rdrospy.ctivC.IKli I~t ofv.icw, s~a rHng wi,(h tM$ fi !1J'1 !l~!lS~ij'\'\c~I.'1[,)''iI nfllQ\P~llafu:!~:le.iU ~!g.ii~Jl~t ~]~cMfirC()~ @o'!'crllm(;rI1th] 1970 lluiI! (ore~hm'iD\VaIJtlJ.e r~(iil~ show[Jown, lra~\~C~~l lhe :FWpino pooplea.n.d tbe (liot<ltQr.~hip,. , , ..

" ~

History begin. s "vheJiL Ilrem start '10 tWnkoftlle passage: oftbne in rerms !1!ot ofliatla:ralproccSlJes ~t ilia serks .of :5pec.if~c ei!o'e1118 where a poop:£e as, parliciplllltls: 'be-

(lome consciously involved in the (;trugglc to lllUkr~

S!llIla, lh~ir social Crlvir.(.inme.llt and act upon. il. {1'98S:

l\:xi"x.x iii)


[bjut'U'here were th~ people \vho had SI.()Q(j[ v.igil ill tim d:a.rkegt mOfftClJi!S'? T!u:y were l,e1it o'UtsWe ]O(Iking: In, thelrbedles stm dr"()!1I!;;~'OO. ila the S;'l'eaLofstruggl,e. 111e scene was indeed a prev:ile'w oft,hing$ to come, it was, .ill f"ICI. the first. step hack: to' (;ti.~e .ute. (221)





Five cll<lplerS of the ill>Ook,. written by ",arkfluc5 scholars :SUc.illls,Petr()ni.lo Bn. D:arO"y. WgooonoD .. Tiglao, Emmanllel S. De:O:ios~ M .. I. Serena L~ DioKrno and N. A11I:~cndm'f, recount the emergence, cow;olidahQin illiid ialDofmL! MaJc.()$ ~icta.I.ofl'lhjp. The last chapter, \Vf.iuclI by FI1lj}cl~X:o" 13cides the ~r~~ U1siHof! fmmantocra(;y W11I.c ["estOii::ui.ol'1lorelitcd~moc[:l.cy_ He eX'"3.1iujracd tile efforts Illlai.l(; ~, th.e AqllJillo mbniJiistrati(ln to dismantle I.he i IDS'truments (Df autocrai.ic ruleand fC¢s1abll,sb the pn::-Mru1ial Law '~ypc oflibcral democr;1(.1"" He equated this €Olrlll of ]i:bera! d\e:m{X;1'acy with cli~c de1l1()'C.§3cy and noledl 111(: f.1Ct that Cornzoll took her oath of oJl':iOOiilt the exclusive Club filipinQ, ill the: presence 01' traditimlitl poJilicim1s, business tycoons a:Ild. the IliIiliit.11J' rebels. It was "an llldicll[lOlll)fdtcSQl;ial complexionofthe new g,ovcrnmcflf" (2:2 L). NcmeRzo Olsked:

. .

UPOIl ils HlSSUrnpl:iolflto power, the ,A'{lAdmillis~[al]om $tariM the process ()fdi.sIllaml.i!~g the Mar"Cos~nadti uery by imph::meuri[lg Ute: <1) the fo,ma:tiO'n·oftli~P[-esiidcl:1tiial C-Qln~ni$sli)1I Oil. Good! (lilve.mmCIIi! (PCGO) .. md IJI~:S«i~te.'>tra:l.iorn ()if iII-gotten 'w~lhh; b~' purging ofl(!!C{lI ,offi.ciall> ,stili Joyal to the; !otmeri:lic~ator;(:) Jl.IfIlIdn.g the ~ 973 'OOIlSI.itl.ltioll! unci arppoinlill;g:a Conslimtiomd (:""QIUllnisSlorn to draft. a llew C(jfl[sl.itlltiIOIl; d) rcfQ,mlifig Ute: riI.ilil:ary a.lld cJc::Iting IJI,~ Pres-id.()lltia,1 C(ll!mlii~'-1.!iiOll' on. HiJ.llliilJiL Rl,g.llts (PCHR.) to illves[~g.!l.lie human r~ghL'; viol.a:n.iom {223·233).

The dcmocrstic spat--e OIJiCt,lc:dby theolJs[e~ of the (ii.ctOlt()l:'s.hip was strained hy the AquiIIO governr!lem'_~ de:llings: wiU. tile m.iW:9IIt laoor and pessanrry, Di~ag'terllCI:1:!S oCO\tlc..emin~ \~'<'lge h..iiklC and <lgrari,;:m (don!t Il;],ve ddmini.s!.ed wh::ateVc.~ I'~~pPOj't i( cS~lblis.hed wi.h.II~ Len wIlen .ill released !Ullo:>t ofil:s preminent fc'ldetS. (234.242) Ncvertlll1lIess:, 3Hempt5 were 1l"I,1de t'L] fo.r~e J}CfICC willi the CollllUlHifst j Ilsur~ellts. A sillrliiar a Hempl was tII,lde Mill the S(:occsiO'Jl~is~s ]ll! the COil:dUlcras and Mi.lldl'l:lI;lO (254·~.2:cSO). .

~f1 'Iih.c, <::coruqm:k:Kr~n~, tne .AqiUI1IO $~l~!l)t f:o"~!owed the S,UIliC dev~ll):p~l!ie[lt plan lli!'lt!!l: by itiS proq,eces~E'~nd dictated b~ the:·llfLlG-~tt'OiI:liaJl "Mcllle,tary FUI:l.d':W~rld B<lnK (lMF-WBJ. To o!1g)l.p:licate m.a;tters, llw gove""r,mne'Iuopt~d 'to :ilOI.oor 'I1U f~i'Cigndebtsi:lirut·['(".d.·1& th~ 'pifevious'WJVe.n~ r~l.ei(ll [14:2:-1"50). The lb:reil~nPQiicy Qflhe15alVler.~IUe!'lt rem~~~oo}'II!igfie,..a w~tb Ihatbt:tI:'lc United! Sla!lCS gif\fCmnlm][. a.s cYi:deirLbyfi:rr(!;side!l!!. A.quiwj"s-mu<1king thc':rl!1!;cl!lie'U'lIi pj~grim~'l~e to~he' Whit~ Hcmsl;l for ,A:rner'ica:nM!ledliobOIY!. (250"- 254).

u€ boo;R: d,os€~ w'ith:!l11! c::pilolgllC,v.'rii,ten b~ ,A.~!Tma JaVftiw·!Dil D~(}~. whk:h. cssfIJ's Ulie severll.! ~ll!1l.iclI!~ges (he·Aqullla g(lvenllnr:;ntfated in llbe'peri(.ld )of tmnsit~Q~L In spite of reesiablishing ~.~gi!iillilt""ilJ$~uhJtions of g(j\\'.crl1.:a~ttc, 'timsicst'rl!!cnH'~U]]s tl1 soctCJ)' C;Qiiltinlilcdun~ddrc::~d. CO\l"!g'fCSS ]'C1:flaified as the '~mstkm ~f.(:j~te ~'lltcreSl~':3fld ""-OI,lId i~~ da:i':c:: l¢gi~l<lI!:l il:s:elf,ottl of power. Asll [CSU ~t of the .m.bort.mti.~]g ~()ciely P:r"C:$irdcrlt AqU'im) "",I'" c,halku,g,edfroUl ·<lin fiJ:io!tli!s _. from M<1rC(lf(L~alim tiC) fQ]'lNC:I' StlppCders lnmed critiC!), "rite. gl'ffi'.!ltes!: cJm]]e[l~e ca:m;e: ftorn meJr1rlOO[S of tbe·.Re£orm lite A:Imll~d! F(.IOCt'$ Mcw~m.ellt (r:I.:AM~ whol.P;~o~t~d Ii. seriics J[)f CO'fYl a.ue~npls. .<\gaim.t :h.Cl' gO'li!l:m~

m!eITIt (269~·324J. ., '..


S<lm~rnB\ln;of!! 'Sr.[l~Co\~nt ortn~. ri;St;Jt[l91 f''111.9ftbc M".oos di(;~a~QrsI1!p [s limm9rt.1Ib;(';I:i in '~)cr w"('lrik"~,pos:J.:-;bfe Dr{[tIm'," The 1.4arc().s"(},~. The A qu);,las ;nd 'fhit Unfinisheil Rcv(! fl.'(li!·k vrews the eventsof February aad its, repC:riC;l.ifi;~ioils Q[JPhl lupp,im:: sQoC·.icty frC!~n H~C"petspectiv~oftih.ek!iiY PCT.50]i<Ii] inyo:lVCt! ]n: iM l]i~CQUj,~jjig;. As a f{i.rei.gJ,llCarre~!ldent forlh.c.inIltiCililii,1J 11MB: ~IM.gIlZille. u- .she wl1S< al>]e~(! ga:~ <ltCe'Ss .:u~d in~elVi~w these key l?b~yerg, ,SJ~c noted·l.hal he. Look "depended lIIilQ!:I:'lotcs$, lQ f;ilipin(lS}t both. ex:rr~nTIes,Qnbe poli[ic:~1 specl.n:rm, a:F~~ ~t is: !"I. ttijj~l~e ~o .l~~elr pOl iHC"al s"Qpfl:~~,tic.:ltjOil t~1!J1 weryonc 1 mc~· -f:rio:m CQniil.lI~~li;\;t~iirl the hiUst!dhe c(lrn~f,d~!cadff~g t{1:uiads 0l!~1.i~~t {h~!]], fi"l=1!11 Cm'Yj,~ttt!jlo. M('I:r"'dM ]oYi"lli$ts~..:~o]c.r.<i!I.edmf ~tTorj:~ ~(l !know lhc~r 0PI!'OIl:e:ilXS.'· (l9S9~ xi).,

B~~no!n 's bOO!';, ~s ,tYP!Ci~~ offhc V.lri!:}11S '·N'C!rksJRibl.iS:hc"d byjO,tltlf::),li~,ts r1fw.r EDSA. Wbat seis it ~ji)1l[:[ from tP'creMil; ·hcr :pin_)1{in~i~y to ~he. d.i!f[el'£mt :r)(;l'rol1af'itj~s she hots, pe~~(i!l.dl.Y·I1lI:1¢ollnlct{xt frCllJ Benl,gnCl AqH~n'9 1.1". :l !l!lhJr; 'I''lii[e GOil"lIZ0Itl !.O Fefdi!l.'1l,'rld Ma:r~o~ al1d hi~ wi'f'tEftlG,klim, She ~t<lMjd Ih;l."t,:

fl)his baolsis l.heproo~I't ,Olr tn.Y q~lC:st fora bette .. u'iHicn;tllrJ,dillg of the lI.molding :?i.tmpp~llc revo.~ll:tUOI.t :8JUtiJ the rcfkaioll oJr Illy ob:!iCS:\il,QiR\>'hb the ,e;:>;:tfaordi.~




tiflry Filipiilos whom I ibav~ CCIIUC '1.0 know. [t is ,1)rim:"!rlly IJle stuii)' o:ft.ile M~Il:'Q~I;'..s and the Aqu:inl)s,to,let 8S mud! as pO;_<>:$ible in ~heir YO-l'ces, lIl1,~iflg conversarions and ilJ1~MCl\!'£ (lVC. II fOI!l:r~ycar. pc.rlod, because I could noth,lve sald :it better. (,4)

1,lln a more gCIIer,,,1 sense', it is lhe s~ory 0$ ,I!:! archipci.[l.go of7 UlO islands, separated Iliot onl:y by deep etluuc and c~l.~lU eal divides, but also by <I B~lglfbel1.w:cn richand poor thm is wider than in. ntighibor;lIlg >tl~]~ Qpi'!lg countries. Unn<lllPUy ,Dlel~:her,Jls f rst quarter cenntry ,of d!clUocmcy. nor the docadk: of mm"li:i] law w]l.ich foUmved, nor evc-;n the dciiiOcratk space secured, by UI,~ Aq11illO g~'I''er;l' dililring its first two ye.11S in ]PQ,\itt has ~I] ,cO'udu:civc to the bridging of those gaps:,(4)

He'.!" \liQrk also strives to -revl!el';' Lbc '<.IQ¥e·I~1itG mationsli:i.p·' 1)el\~l"th'C Yanksand the PiIIQyS," Her viiC\1;'s .mighJ~ cvo!ill~ SIJOllg reacuQ,n:s: from advocalcs of Filipino, n:):timmlism. S:hc wrote:

[t]IiCtl: have bl;;'eJl moments lil.aII.14:1\,C Idghlighlcd 'OUf closeness, sm;h 3S ](cbnm:~'y ]986, when Filipdin>os resoned to the ballQl ratlte .. than nJ(~ :ImUcI. to rep.!m;c a· leader and •. 1 systern I,.lf g!)~rl:ll;ne:I:I(. We saw in I.hem then om' own kic~'I:1 iSlic (,(:1 icf~" and we ,\'l;,~I]lea: them to l.nmul)it We: also knew th .. 'l! clec"llO;llS, even in a ~lI:(uri.ou!l!}' stable socid)' Dike' oW'S;, dQ !:lot ill! thCiirlsetees solve problems. They arc bu.t. a first steIP taken by th(),OO who eeasenr 't!) aocepl ~he (Iulcomc;,. (4)

Burton db;criocs I be rise orille Alll.liiIQ ,ool~lil~i$trllil:ion as ., 'the lllDdl lUi:s:Iii£d: revolutien, ", AC(.'.()I"ding, 10 her:

(WJlid:hc.r or not the lUl!filljsjlCd rcvoludoli iin the Ph Hippi Il~S wi 1.1 dr.;1i\lI'· to a rcdcmp!.ive conclusion de.." pends I10! on]y IOn Ui~' abiJ.ilYlUldJ .inspi.111t:ion of the FilIpino people to.fillally cmuelQgcther 3S it ImU()fi to COl"l"CC!. the blatant cC(J;Ibmnic i.ncqu'llity thart GO"jltD.nues



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to fi.a~l the COOUl1rU,lillst I.uSlllrgc1lCY. Whe.ther [he r.,]l ,Of Marcos. win, 1m. :rellnspecl,. be seen to have ushered iIi. an era of pea.cewl <InG political Cl1;iHgt, coono:m.ic gmwlh, ud :nliOf<llrebirth, or w.iUpfov"G ;Out ii"l~:P<Ir3D)' vicklzy f-Of (he .forces of 1l1oo.crali.on.andi :no(O;vi~ ItIlC¢ hi'3 question !;l'irlhv:ila] -oonscquenccs for other seeleucs t~]!~~ aspi re Lo de:mocmcy. :an.d rQt HiS American g9VerJlJl1'l!Jrlt w]dc]1 enOOllraJges 'lJlc:m to do so. (4)


As IIHl.lch,&'!s nri~ book provi,desthe readers Wilh an, inside <lccmmt oflh.c rifi:tl and ftm'~ the M.::lJtiXl8: dictator.:sllip, the a;utho,rftlHs, 110 rnle a crlUc1.ll. viQW (If't]u~. aCluatioli.$ofllu;kcyp.layers. &.hc pays'" I.ip service' to Lb.e import1J1trolc of I:he FHi:p~tlO poop.te bUI, focuses "her al'lclltiall 011 !lle.dynamics of \!I'I1.3t ather :poiitical! scierlll'i:sts hii!!vccaUetl '"1nl-r.a--eUle oornpeliUol.'l"·. Her 3SS'lUlfIl?tiiM that ~h-e prim<l!ty i ~~em$t()Fthe U S-,tjll the PhiUpp:ines isl:he ]"¢Iltorati.o~] 00 democ:m(;"j!' iiS,1I!IS(I.J-iJ.ighly questionable. The w¢::lirn.C$S otBliI1l),n's book. is 1\ndctSl31t1daJbLej, gi.ven lw'ig as ajouraallst, SUbSllUlCC is sacrifi'ood fo[' style, nd ro~di.ty is .alien glQssed ove[ by ,1'IIJ:8li~_


'{he ,OOok: .Fn:tm M"(jroo..~ to Aqllirw: Local Pe:rspectire;; on P"()J;tl(;{j1 "l"rtm.sWon in .tile .PhiJ~ppi.t/le ... reoogniics tile "large gaps in Qu:ru.ndersl<l1lding of1ne'lram;biofl fr'om Ma:r'oosl(l AqudM" (199' 1: ".). A ClJrSOI)' JQOkart various li~c::rMure on iEDS.A. will sllow t:IJa:t:

I[t~be fbcns iUVolll schola:r:shi.p and .epo!t::,!g~ basbcen o.uwh .. ::'!t5l~PI.x;ru3i lncena in. areas of Mct;r<l M~mH:l, the participa'l.ion ofdlC .n'lidQ"lc rind U~I:' s~ra1a of soc~±ety •. ke,y :persollalities, and Ihe pt;.."'1!$~lh,'cs] p<.utisi'uls. (I)

The COm.p-il.;)JliOil of iU'IJ.C·lles, eilii.;:d by Benedicl, and Resil Mojar~, seeks '110 ;'l1!tS'!'iC:r the fono~ving questi.on:s.: a) WI:mt W~ happening dSelvhe:re ill the CQll.I1tI)"~~ 1;1) Moo'!' did ,othc.r seclors oE$ the event6, or "parucipate" ill 1.bc!ln?:~ c) Wbm W<l:5."s:rld"· in ,the ]9.M electio:n:s?~ d) Hmi tbe "1.nms·id·Q.n .frmu 31lIflo.l"iil.ada.llism to democracy' >!aIJy oixurred.?;e) dQCS I,his U'a['l~ili&!l. period leU U'5!1!bou't thePhHippiIfaCpOlily1 0)

The (<;jill. of ForruiJ:frll(J MrlI"C();'; aoo(he .00SOO"I~SDI)r~1 of Cor<lzo·£1 AqoiJlo are seen as a s"gruflc'lI~t break in Pllilippine JtislQry " ~lbt there is Utile co'nsensns (lit wh:.rl EDS.A ~tll:lny was and what It mM:ns (1). As the; ~it()~ noted:

t. , rr:, ~. I


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Tlie group of artietes takes a "local perspectives' a:ppro~c,:h and si1:lIaJl.eS f1Jliomll ev{:~Us 'It [he' cO!lte~t oftl.'l(H!.veifY,day lif~ QfpeoiJ~l.:: living ~[1 specific places, The uti Ih:ah:oll ot'this 3IPpIF{)i!.'Ch cnabl:C.') die researehersto place •• these eVCi:l1S inl;Q the flo,wof .IOJI.gcr-oornl processes, <Isswitlig ho,w b.,oad eoottomk: and social cl'mn~s at lhe ~oc;al ,Uev·e:lall.d beyond affect peQple's [po1i:ltcal, practkes and micnltltious: >, (2:}.

l'hc book inv.esl.igal.cs hi!\~hre, du.rillg the period. OnJal'ls,i~ tiOJ1 wllk1~'l began with theol1:tbremk aflU'CliI,es~afIcr the a£'S'assim'lHon.ofSiCmL~,w Benigno Aquino9ioo endedwj;~h. the re~,al:ive slnlliliz..a:lioIl ofhis ''I'~dow Comzotl At~llillo;'.5 go.rcnunem in ]98{1,

The authers, c.muil'lg from varieas d,iscipl.inn:rt baClkgiXlI_Inc!s, present ti political k1i.1c:idosoo]}e in a diverse OlrcJuJ,eiago: M::-uK Tttrll.¢:l'WThes M tile, commercial cily ,of Zambomlga i 11 MD'IId~lIll!ro~ G. Carter Bentley, 011 the: [siaooc lal~c..~nt!e ,cily of Ma:ra\.,ri; Re .... i I M01ial'e5 focuses 011 an old oofistal ",nl~ i,I,~ C'ebu prO\o'inoe" Chri:stil1<l 61allc~Szarllzofl •. ona medil.l]1).Si z ..ed ft~hili.g !;Ilu[J;Ii'cipah'ly inIlollo; Alfred McCoy dcacribes a !lli1!l~iJ' cans district i~1, Nc,gros Ooci&:ntJJ~ James Edc., all 'l.Iphl:rtd nlitllul1!g comnumhy in Pali!wa.n isl.and; Mi.chael P,inches andAlex Bello Drilhm:lcs Jr. uwestigatetwo poor ncighbowbCKlds in Metro MafllTa; Willen} Wotters ObiS~I'!iCS: a 'VHl3ge in Nueva Ecij~l; Raul Petreil'<'! • .an llllandmtiili.c11)illily 1n BOlko:;; Sur, and fo'enmiido Zi.alcita. pm:.'~~~t:s a v]W~$e jn ]M;Q~ Narle;,

1.111;; edi.tors of Ih.c book are consclous or the i nherem ]il]l.ila~ ion Of'thcil' en(.!caYQf. T'I~c;y IL{l~e Ilmt. thc CM'::$ presel1[ed. ,{Ire iUSlJllfidem in n;p1'lCSclll:ill,g: the' enti rccolJ.lilt.ny.JHowcvcr, si:glli_fliC~1.n! .observations IUI\'c bc.en draWl! {Jut from U1C case SI.lldiil;"S, The editors observed ~hat

. , . EDSA was aC(lIlc.'!Ite:llailiollof~enlS: the aoccla:mlli:l:lg: dctcrioJIItiiO'Fl of Marcos' alltl;lo.r]L1Iria:n g)a.VCl:'iltll1iCI1!, WldCJlang and incre.1:sil18ly· ... ocife~mus oppesltion to the goverrunent, 111,<: snap presjdclI'lfal. election catnp1li.gll. ofDeocrnbel: ~98S-.FcpnifI:l'Y 19'86, til 111.iIiLar.'l' nilltiny.,

3 People Power IIllrisi,llg on Epif~ulj.o de Los. S.aII!Ws

At'Ctiirt;) (EDSA) i n Me!!\) Manr~a> the fii.gllt.ofMaocOcs

and oompllny, a prolonged to s'!ilhi~D:o!!w and

!egi~~ mate lh ~s g(}V€~nune:gt th.rou,gJI. ~lDch exerci,sc;s as

the cOrlsl.itutlon.d plcbtsc.ite in Fehruary 19'87 m:lC:li ,oo~'lJJ,re:ssion'l·~ elections l]'l.~ty .1987 and 1001,] go~~m-

meru electiens i·11 January il9Sit (1).

[tJaki uga broad vie\.' of aU n",e!vc t<iCall. stooies, \.,,'li: see six tlli(:mcs dl,lt should be cblbornto(i llcrc,

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,oo.OK ru3V1EWS 6?

coacem wlmrl was IHlJ)pelllHg heYOlld paniu:lhn places ompimsi'z~, thli!$ fafl:l\ 'the rnooia ,1lI1ld, publish~edacc~'UIJi!s,~!mt ,are·tlbeim.'lIliediiat{l ~IS andIQIl:g-·ru~rm p"G!~peC!S oHhcC:h~,n@l'i in gove.m:ll:l,¢,I'IJ., Yl/11al was the Sigli.'Lficll!11CC of th,e, Ivlmli'lJiIll Law perilod, and what the eVe:rI!S dismissed! iot til", es~ tell usaoout, the lI,lealllrttg, ofeh~lctimJ!s. fHle, .aiQ~(j,~~~CY Qf' ~~!:i f~tit!" m.OO(il~ ,i:f! ~",p;]<li,ni"g )'RQhli~ii![ !;:.ctlflv,ior, .;ij114tl1~ ~rtiJC\'~Qtj!(l\lrIS, QctW0e:al tl'iG, ""local} '8JII.J tI;te'; t1at1ollal,' "i]rpoHt~,cs, (3)


The beekIsmeee a;I!i(l:~ylicill and ~[ih'Q),_! as comp<I!red,ro otfle~ 1ivl;iI[ks of SiM~i bH!h'l;t~~re. U c:x:~}]orcs dilneil;si(il).S that Imw beencvcrtcoked hy' >i)lhc~ 51 Inji<lf wrHers. 'Thus, Hpr:1il~en~s fresh illt;ight.srerglll;dil'lg t'he c!!I,'uaClrni~ti:cs 6.1' :po!itka~,chm~gc tl:! the Pbiilu[lp:uJ]:es,


One oh.ihe ch.'tIl'o!'l,g\0.i5 W the st<lbiHz:.atiQ:r.l QHh.e Awu[t() g~e:m1l1~[il c;mlefrom\1IIithtio Ute AIII'lW FOrctS.~f[he PluHppinQ.'S.(AFp}., Thepo.Hli:calizati.o.n o.ftll.C PhiJIippine l.nilHmy dU!:~Ilig lh.c.~r!.iill Lawpe..rloo oontirmoo t.o~r'itS'lll:8ly head, TIre key role plll}'\eiI by·tlle Reform. t~l[i: Mined Foro.::s Mmrern.ent (RAM) [Il the In:smU!.!ti.{lIn~ o:f ():)::r.a'l~1lL Aqtlifioooinforecd the .i:nlfl:wciIl!!:iolilit. teni!e[!/e)' imide dlC mi;1jtal)'. Criselm Yabes' l:X,1ok enlit~.ed .. The !Jays fmm (he Darrodrs;' The H~i'1ippilii1 kfiliwryAjlr:r ElJiSA explores UleinJ:lCf ~hfl oflbekc.y pllayers rfi tl1£ var,Lolls (:oupalte;J.uplS~~llst the A(JJ!JillogQvemIl1l~1_

RclegOltiIDg ~:h~<IC3:dJe:illic Ol]}~lrO'jc~.'1 to p6]iI1cal scielltlsiS, Y<loos~ak:es ,<I humane ~pjp;ciiVi€: by tOCl!l&ing 011 "the ]>, aillhi,tiQllS~ trials, f<lilm:e~ Qr milivtl)' officers'" {1991: 'iti]}. Cuilecl n-m['l tml~ bours oJ INI,Soitlalinte,mews 'll!;'.ith vaaeus niiliJary 'off:icctS,U!C 0l1Ji1.11or shows howlh.e nl:.i.litary .~bcls· p'Lotwd a:gilil:list the goverllJ[lelll i~ i~.erpOO:il!lSlruU, 11 aiso prcse:InJlS the various explaJla~ timls: given 'byth,e, same o:ll'icers, re§rlrdiqg ,t:he fl,l IhlW 'of these a!!s. The amhOir u:nde,rscores ~he 'i Il'IpOrt<'ll'lCe, '{)t 'IIl.Erucr::>!andi1'l(t tile: behavior of the Hlilippinc 11:U.I:ul:ary. She ~~Q~(l~:

[wIhaUi.e;s i I~ store fQ[ the <ilrmcd foooc:;is:s.mne~llil~ for (;;,"C[}' Filipino to ponder, .fon~c·soldicr wi II alway!> lIla.}' llcru:.c:~llt role :i:ifln~ePG;liliC<l!!, ClIllIHtl, Wha:t willlJ.eoome; 0:[ the m~l1~a.ry ln th~ f~llu:rc d~pCI,lds on the -offioers the!~lCScl¥c~,CH~ ,thcdyHian;shlp> [)~ thep¢l:ih· dmlls(wl!o \lnfQct~!l'1,t§IY~Qnlin1;l~1.Q tOI:! th(l :!'.lames ,of lll.i:~iimj dtSG()i.niteJ~t}, IAn prilJ1l..[l:r.~ly, Qtl:thc, people. (\l:~~)

" ,

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,,". II '."1.'

The: book is dividedj.~,to tl'\ree [lotts. ~ fill'si d'CStJs w-iJh'evC<Dts hWlledi- . ate~y afte~ the ouster O'fU.e Marcos dictatill'$:hip, 11 presents the r~1iwme-ss;,o<f die c..,itml of Qfficl;:(S w.ho ,p.oo.m.inendy figured: in the EDSA I.!l:'lrisin,g, A. profile " Qftlle k:eY,penoll'aljtie.s 1$ d:rawl!I, CompJ-se4 ma.inlyafnremoo8 'bcl'ongil:lg to the class of 1971 (If LlI.c PJtilippi.n.c MlJUa:ry Acadc~ (P1V(A), the: RAM 'feadc[sltip f01md itseifall.ogg.erll£ads wiUI, SO!:llC ofU:liI;: members ,oftll.e AqtllJI.Q ' i;abim:1.

Their djsngrecmcnt:5 CE~d not only frolll ttle1f dealings l.V1itltfonne-J' hUIl,'mn rights activIsts" wllo stiUha:roo.r deep r~:nUl:te'..nt agalirust their fole a,s Marcos Imtcl"1:et11i.C.Il, bll!i also with the] ;mlitlc()s !ivao were ilIp tOo their .oM ways of Co.rrupl:iQlI al1ld ,influelloo.peddling', 1b~.RAM I~d'.etsbjp' cast I!lei.r lQt Willi, !llel.l' main plll:mn, then Deroll5e ~nL~I~1:' J1m!] P:oncc fiorile .• who W<IlS highlrcrilcir.;:il~ (lftbe lJO~ki\i;l:S,ofP.residc;!lt Allllj·i~Q,c$pecill.U)' regru-ding COlmtl:eXi,

~Tilis wentu,l!:Iyled,I(I their flimng with rC~IIIiI~.llts of Ute .Milrcos: forces witbin the mi limry '\\'1iO made their ,!I)'WR dcstabUi:zil]_g ~I)VCS aga:_ililst '1he gv."Ven1me.nt.. 'fhi); forum] break between the RAM ;mddle Aquino, ~efJ:t cimeafrerUtefaitoo "God S.a~ lnle:Queer~" ~I:ot it:l.N~bet ,ID9·86, .Thepllot 'Was e',jf~tivejy crush-ed woken tllell. AFP 'Clli:e( ~I SI;tlI .Gene'ral Fidel Ramos opl~d tosuppi)ft the President, Hmv.civ'er, 111i~ dis.mi$3l: of Bunte foo.m . the De;fcnse M~mstry did !lot p~ve:nt the RAM flom sl-agiIl& the bioodyr::JJ'Up Of AU:SUSI' ] 987 (3.-94)." " ,,:' "

TIle'; :seooIld part oftl'm book dea]s>wi:t11 ~h.e miv~ ,ofl'he R.Ml members as' . ifllgitrve!; 'OOf.!star.ltiy. 011 the run flom thci:r govemr.n.el'1lt I'ilJlll~, .It e-ssnys,lh.e ' c3pI1l1',(: an:d.cvefltU<lJ escape ctl.lie mostel:msive fll.ilil::1ry rebel" Colonel GregoriQ

I 'On' 'HOO§IS3itb_ rli::m:JMtI would a<ilte~ ~I!!terge' as the 11ra:ill ·'sy.nlbo~" .and! , persrudfiCilti:on.(lffJire R)JJ's cause, .

A~ <l!OOlJ!t this time, the I'nili In ry nibels ex.trerie~ccrl! so!~l!e f'Otm,'9rfmctaIilor= p:tlOsis, UVlng as fugiti.vC$, has ,given them. tire iopponulilJly ~o reexamine tlileir causc.1ih:eyol1ll.ger r:e(:liI.Ii~s, el>jX:ciaI1Jdu~bal!]e-l:ta:rde.tlCd.:VOlmgornoers, ba,vc been radicalized! b; first .ha:nd cxperiooo!.':~, ill tlie cou.!ltr:yi~de.


The.r;e haw been ,effurts on Ulep.'l It of Ille Ramos adnli lidsttati'on 'Wa.i"CS( the COQlIllry'.s ,c()n~inuing dr1.1'1 '10 pol.ilkaJ. obUv'ioll. UPOIli Ws: aSS1.I:mplion t(Ji o.ffice;he<iilalely- Plff Illta l1!Iotionlll1J1 ambiliouspe.!oo\'I'I~ic~ seeks

!(l resolve 1he coni! jets: with VI.U·UOUlS "fmC\!: gro.\l,ps Si~cfl. as tile C'o,nlll',en,. . the M.i.llmr:Y R.ight<1!ud the Muslh~l Scccr:ssiCl'oi,s!:. ~t isa t,eoo)g,ltitioll (If the. . . imP9f,t.1I1te ofpolilical sbbi.ljty~s aprc"'m1I.~!isill:\ to ,eOOllmnic gr~'WitIl. ·Jhe1i~

has boon :ll. ctl'isc.imls efRn:t (lIn the 'part om tlte admiini:s1raJti:ol'l ~I!) project 1'11£ .'

ql,lesti(ln of !;l~nor!l:ic d!~Blop.nwIl!L BIi!' ]th~ :! Eoml!!!: way t~)"£lD'f8 of ])wllv.idJiag (he dgh~ £:-Qc.i.o..eool;1L:lnrit;[ ;}tmOOp.ttetcif.:Qr~.mtesil.me_ilit. in t]i~p~:mippi~'I.eS;~ Wirethc'f the rO{ln~ g'en:~(;lr win &l~e.cessfidij' .' be.comc HIe "i,:M:esidcllt fQ.r.peace~ on]y history will tell,

.. " -

• I


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