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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Tom Hurley

Date: 3/2/16
Time: 9-10:20
School: East Longmeadow High School Lesson #: 4
Facilities: The pool
Class Size: 22
Grade: 9th
Unit/Theme: Swimming and the different strokes
Generic Level : Control/Utilization
Equipment: 11 kickboards, volleyball, volleyball net Focus of Lesson: Breaststroke
Student Performance Objectives (SPO): (National #
; MA CF #
Task/Activity #
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(P) Demonstrate the ability to do the breaststroke at least one width of the pool by the
end of class (National #S1.H1.L1; MACF#: 2.17, activities 2 and 3)
(C)Explains how to do the breaststroke and why swimming is such an important thing to
do and know how to do during the closure of the lesson. (National # S2.H1.L1;
MACF#:2.17, closure)
(A) Is able to enjoy the pool by pushing himself and challenging himself in
every activity of the lesson (National #S4.H2.L2; MACF#:2.26, Every activity)
Check each objective is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally
Teacher Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will:
- Give at least 5 pieces of global feedback
-Give at least 5 pieces positive specific feedback
-Keep students on task in every activity throughout the lesson
Special Considerations What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the
students in this class?
-First time ever teaching a swimming lesson so I am kind of going into it blind
-Students could get seriously injured or worse in the pool
-Really going to have to have my eyes peeled all class

References: (include page # and/or actual web site address)




*changing time*
Hello students, My name is Mr. Hurley.
We are going to be learning the breaststroke
today. What are some key points that you
know of.


Legs-frog kick
-shoulder width apart
-toes out and feet flexed
-bend at knees and hip
Arms-reach, bend to chest/below face and back
Start/ Stop Signals:
-1 whistle=start
-2 whistles=stop

Warm UpStudents will be given the first 5 minutes of

class to get comfortable in the pool again.
They will stay in the shallow end of the pool
at this time. They can free swim at this time. I
will also review what they did last class during
this time.
DemonstrationStudents will demonstrate how to do the
freestyle stroke because that is what they
learned last class.


TransitionI will have the students come over the the

shallow end wall and I will explain the


Activity 1- Push off and armsStudents will line up on the wall of the pool
(lengthwise). They will have a partner across
from them on the other side of the pool.
Students need to be spread out at least one
and a half arm's length away from the
students next to them
-Students will push off from the side of the
-right side of the students goes first, then the
left side goes once the other students are

-They will glide as long as they can
-Then go into the swimming with their arms
- Once they start swimming with their arms
the legs should take over naturally (but its
okay if they do not)
Extensions- Up- Do not push off to start
Down- Give the student a kick board or life
jacket but have them to the same thing
Demonstration: Teacher will pick a student
to demonstrate in the pool. Teacher will point
out what this student is doing right and wrong
when the demonstration is going on.

Arms-reach, bend to chest/below face and back

Check for understandingWhat is one cue for the arm during the
breaststroke? (Below the face and back out)
SafetyDo not go until your partner is completely
done. This way no one with run into each

TransitionI will have the students come over the the

shallow end wall and I will explain the


Activity 2-KickingStudents will now put together the kicking and

arms of the breaststroke together to create
the whole swimming stroke.
-Students will push off from the side of the
-right side of the students goes first, then the
left side goes once the other students are
-They will glide as long as they can

-they will put together the kicking with what

they learned in the first activity
-the kicking should happen at the same times
the arms are going
Extensions- Up- Do not push off to start
Down- Give the student a kick board or life
jacket but have them to the same thing

Legs-frog kick
-shoulder width apart
-toes out and feet flexed
-bend at knees and hip
Arms-reach, bend to chest/below face and back
Demonstration- Teacher will pick a student
that was doing well in the first activity to do
the demonstration. I will critique them as they
swim so the students know what is the
correct way to swim.
Check for understandingWhat are two key points of the breaststroke?
Frog kick, and bend your knees and hips

TransitionI will have the students come over the the

shallow end wall and I will explain the race.
Activity 3- Relay raceStudents will be set up into equal teams
(depending on how many students go in the
-Students will start in a line on the side of the
pool in shallow or deep end (whatever they
are comfortable with).
-Each student has to go up and down doing
the freestyle stroke, one at a time
-Then they have to do the breaststroke, one
at a time (down and back)

-Then they have to do the breaststroke just to

the opposite side of the pool
-Once they get to the other side next student
can go
Extension-UP- Students have to do the relay
race twice
DOWN- Students can use the kick board
Check for understanding-What's the first stroke you are doing?
(freestyle down and back)
-Whats the second stroke you are doing?
(breaststroke down and back)
-Whats the third stoke you are doing?
(breaststroke down)
DemonstrationStudents have already seen a demonstration
of the two strokes earlier in the lesson.


TransitionI will have the students come over the the

shallow end wall and I will explain the water
Activity 4- Water VolleyballTaught by Ms. Lussier


ClosureWhile students are in the shallow end of the

pool I will ask a couple of questions. I will also
talk about why it is so important to learn how
to swim.
-What is one key point of the breaststroke?
(The frog kick)
-What was the best part of class?
(Water volleyball)
*Changing time*

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