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Respiratory Terms

Learn the meaning and become familiar with the following respiratory terms and these
terms should ALWAYS be utilized whenever you are reporting (oral and written) about a
1. Epistasix
2. Hemoptysis
3. Sputum
4. Apnea
5. Bradypnea
6. Tachypnea
7. Dyspnea
8. Breath sounds
9. Absent breath sounds
10. Hypoventilation
11. Hyperventilation
12. Respirations
13. Tidal volume
14. Residual volume
15. Gas exchange
16. Cyanosis
17. Clubbing (fingers & toes)
18. Surfactant
19. Wheezing
20. adventitious sounds
21. Wheezing
22. Pleural friction rub
23. Fremitus
24. Crackles
25. Rhonchi
26. Stridor
27. Pursed-lip breathing
28. Hoarseness
29. Pleuritic chest pain
30. Resonance
31. Hyperesonance
32. Tampany
33. Dull
34. Flat
35. Kussmauls respiratory
36. Tripod position
37. Tracheostomy
38. Atelectasis
39. Chylothorax

40. Cardiac Tamponade

41. Barrel chest
42. Hypoxia
43. Hypoxemia
44. Hypercapnia
45. Apneustic
46. Chyne-Strokes
47. Eupnea

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