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Healthy Identity Development; Healthy

Relationships; STIs; Communication;



Identity refers to our sense of who we are as individuals and as

members of social groups

Self-identity refers to how we define ourselves. Self-identity

forms the basis of our self-esteem.

Social identity is constructed by others, and may differ from



Identity Diffusion is the status of adolescents who have not made a

commitment to a particular identity.

Identity Foreclosure involves committing to an identity prematurely without

exploration or choice.

Identity Moratorium is a stage of active exploration coupled with low

commitment to a particular identity [1].

Identity Achievement is said to occur when the adolescent, having had the
opportunity to closely explore an identity, chooses that identity with a high
degree of commitment.

Explore talents and interests by getting involved
with community service, and volunteerism
Get a mentor and utilize their services
Do research about potential education and
career paths you may be interested in.
Talk to your Parents about your dreams, fears,
interests, insecurities THEYVE BEEN THERE



Develop healthy communication patterns with
parents, siblings, and extended family/kinships
Maintain open lines of communication with
people regardless of what you are going


1. Who/Whose are you?

2. What do you stand for?
3. What are you against?
4. How do you want to be treated?
Do not be easily moved, by things people do or say.
Learn to recognize sincerity.
People teach you who they are, pay attention.
Keep an open mind, you may be surprised.

When you arent sure about what to say keep this

in mind.
1. Is it true- lies build nothing but deception.
2. Is it kind- unkindness is what leads to hurt.
3. Is it helpful- can this be of benefit to the person
Dont be a bag lady/man. Let go and be here,
now. All that stuff gets heavy anyway and we end
up unloading it on a loved one.
Practice forgiveness, even if just in your mind.
Inoculate yourself from harmful words, it takes the
sting out.

Friendships play a major role in the lives of
A circle of caring and supportive friends can help
adolescents transition to adulthood.
Parents, teachers and other adult role models can
help young people learn how to make and keep
good friends. skills and help adolescents nurture
positive friendships.
One important lesson is that friends can say "no"
to each other and remain friends.


Dating during adolescence is common and can be part of healthy

Serious and exclusive dating relationships can lead adolescents
to have sex earlier than they would have otherwise. Those who
have sex at an early age are more likely to engage in risky sexual
Of adolescents who have had sex, approximately one-third has
had just one partner. Among female adolescents, 16 percent has
had two partners, 32 percent has had three to five partners, and
17 percent has had six or more partners. Among male
adolescents, 15 percent has had two partners, 32 percent has
had three to five partners, and 22 percent has had six or more
Many adolescents are engaging in sexual behaviors other than
vaginal intercourse: nearly one-half have had oral sex, and just
over one in 10 have had anal sex.


New estimates show that there are about 20

million new sexually transmitted infections in
the United States each year.
Young people, between the ages of 15 to 24,
account for 50% of all new STDs, although they
represent just 25% of the sexually experienced
46% of American high school students have
had sexual intercourse and potentially are at
risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
infection and other STDs. Get yourself tested
for HIV -- and tell others you did! Sign up
for Update Your Status.

In 2012, gonorrhea rates were highest among

adolescents and young adults. In 2012, the
highest rates were observed among women
aged 2024 years (578.5) and 1519 years
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention estimates that there are more
than 110 million STIs among men and
women in the US. This includes both new and
existing infections.
Get HIV tested and Instagram a pic with
TESTED on your hand.


The annual number of new infections is
roughly equal among teen girls (51%)
and teen guys (49%).
HPV (human papillomavirus) accounts
for the majority of prevalent STIs in the
The US has the highest rate of STD
infection in the industrialized world.

in 10 sexually active high school

teens reported using condoms during
their most recent sexual intercourse.
1 in 4 teens contract a sexually
transmitted disease every year.
Less than half of adults age 18 to 44
have ever been tested for an STD other


HPV and chlamydia are the most common STDs

found among teenage girls, Forhan said.
"Almost one in five overall had a strain of HPV
associated with cervical cancer or genital
warts," she said. As for chlamydia, 4 percent of
teenaged girls had this STD, Forhan said.


STDs & Safe Sex

Gonorrhea A common sexually transmitted bacterial infection.Take a
Hepatitis B A viral disease that kills liver cells and replaces them with
scar tissue.Take a Look
Syphilis Infections caused by this spiral-shaped bacterium have been
rising since 2001.Take a Look
Genital WartsGrowths on the skin of the genital area and around the
anus.Take a Look
Trich Short for Trichomoniasis, this infection of the genitals is caused by
a parasite.Take a Look
Chlamydia A highly contagious bacterial infection, Chlamydia is the most
common STI.Take a Look
Crabs Crabs, aka Pubic Lice, are tiny insects that attach to skin and
hair.Take a Look
HIV HIV, which short for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, causes
AIDS.Take a Look
Herpes An incurable viral infection that causes painful sores

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