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Classroom Management Cheat Sheet

Attention Signals
Call and response see ex. sheet
1,2,3 eyes on me
Touch nose/head
Shhh . . . pass it on
Whole Class Management
Stretching: If the class seems restless as
a whole, lead (or have a student lead) a
round of stretches. (Massimo Monkey)
Energy Blast: If the class seems restless
as a whole, do an energy blast (short
blast of activity such as a youtube dance
or jumping jacks).
Routine: Follow a daily routine that
consists of agenda work, daily verse,
prayer, and end of day procedures.
Groups: Groups are always assigned by
the teacher, either pre-arranged or
Name Popsicles: Used to call on
students, create groups, choose leaders,
Seating Arrangements
Students are seated in pods (called
tribes). Each tribe has a bucket for their
supplies. The pods will assist with group
and partner activities. Ex: face partner,
elbow partner.
Individual Management
Quiet Place: If a student is having a
difficult time (upset, anxious, etc.) they
are allowed to find themselves a quiet
place within the classroom, or just
outside the doorway. Teacher must be
made aware of their quiet place.
Disruptive Behavior: If a student is being
disruptive (physically or verbally) they
are given two choices: 1. Stop the
behavior and stay in the room. 2. Go
down to the office.
Fidgets: If a student has a difficult time
focusing they may ask to borrow a fidget.
Students know that they can use fidgets
only if they truly need them. If they
become a distraction, they must be
returned to the box.
Class Jobs
Daily leader: responsible for leading
prayer in the morning, afternoon and at
lunch. Assist teacher in handing out
assignments and paper.

Class Rules

Bathroom / Drink Procedures

Pencil Procedures

End of the Day / Week Procedures

Keeping in mind that the school vision is

to: Learn actively, grow spiritually, and
live creatively . . .
1. Do unto others as you would have
others do unto you
2. Respect yourself, others, and
3. Listen while others are speaking
4. Strive to be your very best
Students need to ask permission anytime
they leave the room. Only 1 girl and 1
boy are permitted to leave at a time.
Before they leave, they must take a pass
from the door, and place in on their desk.
Students are encouraged to use the
bathroom during lunch and recess.
* E.H. has unlimited bathroom
permission due to medical requirements.
She has her own pass to leave on her
Each tribe pod has a pencil bucket full
of pencils, erasers, and other necessary
tools. The tribe leader is responsible for
ensuring their bucket is clean and
stocked, including sharpening pencils at
the end of the day.
End of the day: Use the last 10-15
minutes of the day to clean up, review
homework, and do agenda checks.
Friday: At the end of the week, the last
block on Friday (or whichever day is the
last of the week) is used to clean up,
review homework, and prepare for the
next week.

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