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Social Studies
Overview and Context
Your name(s):
Grade level and
Title of lesson/activity:
Teaching date(s) and
Estimated time for
Overview of lesson:
Provide a short
description (2-3
sentences) of the
Context of lesson:
List the source(s) you
used in the creation of
your lesson plan
e.g., Everyday Math

Chelsie Seruga
1st grade, Bach School
March 21, 2016 at 3:10 pm
Introducing Wants and Needs
Students will begin to learn about the
differences between wants and needs.
Students will recognize that we all have the
same basic needs, but other needs and
wants can vary among people by identifying
their own families wants and needs.
Teachers Curriculum Institute Social Studies

Learning Goals
Learning Goals
Use measurable behaviors
that can be linked to the
Students will begin to
understand the difference
between what they need to
live and what they want in
order to live better.
Students will recognize
that we all have the same
basic needs, but other
needs and wants can vary
among people.

Connection to Standards

to Activities
Wants and

K G5.0.1 Describe ways

people use the
environment to meet
human needs and wants
(e.g., food, shelter,

Attending to the Learners

Wants and

Anticipating student ideas:

Explain what you think will be
students prior knowledge about
the content, including the
alternative ideas or challenges
you anticipate students might
face and how you plan to work
with each of these challenges
during the lesson.
Also explain your ideas about
how students are likely to
respond to the tasks/activities in
the lesson and how you might
use these likely responses to
focus students on the intended

Making the content accessible to

all students:
Describe how you will help ALL
students engage productively in
the lesson. This includes
identifying assumptions made
during the lesson about students
prior experiences, knowledge,
and capabilities; making the
representations, explanations,
and/or vocabulary accessible and
meaningful to all students; and
making connections to students
personal, cultural, and social
experiences during the lesson, if

Students should have an idea of

the basic wants and needs as
they should have learned it in
kindergarten. Some students
may grasp the concept of wants
and needs fairly easy with
concrete examples from their
own lives. Other students may
need more specific examples of
wants and needs and may need
help categorizing their own wants
and needs. We will discuss the
difference in a whole group
setting, as well as thinking about
how wants and needs are
different for different people
depending on circumstances.
Some students in my class have
difficulty relating to others, so
these students may have trouble
understanding that not everyone
has the same wants and needs.
We will talk as a class about
examples of how and why
someone might have different
wants and needs, as well as how
it relates to different
environments to get them
thinking about their triaramas.
Content will be accessible to all
students as all students will be
seated on the carpet and should
be actively engaged and
participative in our discussion.
Management strategies will be
implemented to be sure that
each student has an equal
opportunity to learn and that
there are no distractions from
their peers. Students should have
some experience with wants/and
needs and should be able to
relate their own life to the
content. For those who have
trouble connecting, I will provide
many examples of wants/needs

including pictures so that

students may have a better
chance of understanding the
material. This is the first lesson of
the unit so there is room for
growth, understanding, and
development as the unit
Type of Assessment
(e.g exit ticket, piece
of student work, etc.)
Wants and Needs

Learning-Goals Connection
This assessment will assess whether students
are able to categorize a want and a need from
their own life.
Instructional Sequence

Material Chart paper, marker, photos of different wants and needs,

document camera, assessment worksheet


Steps Describing What the Teacher and

Students Will Do
Communicate HOW, not just WHAT, you
plan on teaching, and provide enough
specificity that someone else could teach
from your plan. This includes scripting the
key questions you plan to ask. Indicate
location of discussion, if included in this
Create a chart on the board with 4
columns. Label each column with a
Ask students to brainstorm the kinds
of things their families buy and write
their responses in the appropriate
column on the board.
Once everyone has shared OR there
are enough similar items in each
column,have students guess what
the titles on each column would be
and replace the number with the
correct title (food, clothing, shelter,

Notes and

other things).
Some of the things we listed are
things families need to live. Other
things are things families want.
Touch your nose to make a
connection if you have ever heard of
the terms wants and needs.
Raise your hand to tell me what you
think a need is.
Good, a need is something that we
need to survive. We cant live without
our needs. Raise your hand if you
want to share what you think a want
Yes, a want is something that we
dont need, but we like it to make our
lives better or more fun. We are going
to read Chapter 10 in our Big Book to
help us understand the difference
between a want and a need.
Read chapter 10 in the Big Book.
Refer back to chart.
What in our chart is a need? What is
a want?
Label clothing, shelter and food as
needs. Label other things as wants.
The categories on the board that I
labeled as needs are known as basic
needs. This means that if we only had
food, clothing and shelter we could
survive. Everybody needs these
things to survive.
o Other Needs:
o Heat (for people who are
living/are exposed to cold
temperatures. What might
happen if someone gets too
cold and doesnt have heat?)
o Medicine (some people need
medicine to survive. These
people dont just have a cold or
the flu, they might have really
serious illnesses that require
them to be on medicine for the
rest of their lives.)
Sometimes we need other things to


survive, such as medicine, depending

on the person. So while everyone has
the same basic needs, some people
need extra needs to survive. Our
wants can also be different. The
things that I want might be really
different from the things that you
want, and thats okay!
Lets look at some picture cards.
Each picture is of either a want or a
need. I will show you a picture and
raise your hand to tell me what
category it goes in.
o Show 6 prepared wants/needs
Now that we started learning a little
bit about wants and needs, we are
going to do a worksheet to help us
practice what we learned.
Project Wants and Needs worksheet
on document camera.
When you go back to your seat you
will have a paper that looks like this.
It says Write about one thing you
want and one thing you need and
draw a picture.
Think about what you learned today
about needs and wants to help you
with this. Remember, a need is
something you have to have to
survive and a want is something that
you just want to make life more fun.
Remember, its okay if our wants
and needs are different from the
other people at our tables. Wants and
needs can be different for different
people, except for our basic needs.
Call each table color to go back to
their seats and to work on their
worksheet independently.
Students can work on their
worksheets independently. Once they
are finished, students will turn in
their work into the basket and can
then read on the rug or work on their

number scroll.
Reflection on Planning
Learning goal for self:
State at least one learning
goal that you have for
yourself, with regard to your
teaching. In other words,
what are you working on to
improve your teaching

Preparing to teach this

Describe the things you did
in preparation to teach this
lesson. For example:
practiced the activity with
the actual materials,
answered the worksheet
questions myself, thought
through timing, researched
materials, etc.

For this lesson I would really like to

work on being explicit and clear with
my instruction. As the students should
have had some work with wants and
needs in the past, it is imperative that
they begin to grasp the concept that
needs and wants can be different. I
plan on using different examples such
as what is noted in the lesson plan (I
will continue this in other lessons as
well). I would like to be as clear as
possible in as few words as I can.
Sometimes I feel like I talk too much
and it can be confusing for the
students to follow. I would also like the
students to be the center of this lesson
and I hope they have their own
experiences of wants/needs to share
so other students may have the
chance to relate.
In order to prepare to teach this lesson
I prepared all materials and thought a
lot about the kinds of questions I
wanted to use to get students
engaged. I also practiced the lesson
with the materials. I wrote this lesson
as an introduction to the rest of the
unit, so I also planned ahead with the
other material I will teach in the future.

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