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BTI Graduate Profile

I am an educator who is:

Being gracious and able to engage empathetically with others has been a natural
skill Ive easily developed throughout my upbringing and furthermore through
BTI. I wish to continue improving on this skill, specifically where it can benefit
myself as a teacher those around me. I find that being in a teachers role there
are many people (adults and children), that you come into contact with. By
displaying a genuine sense of graciousness to any conversation the atmosphere,
relationships, and outcome will increasingly be more effective and positive.
Final appraisal:
Living a God-focused life qualities such as being gracious become immersed into
your life. I aim to continue living a gracious life and let it empower all areas of
who I am. As an educator I find more opportunities arise and deeper connections
are made when I am practicing being gracious.

Being in my early 20s I realise I am still growing in my security; encouraging
new strengths and understanding weaknesses. However, I am secure in knowing
my design and purpose. I have and will always look and follow God in every area
of my life. He has great plans for each of His children and as an educator I want
to encourage each students potential. I want to be well grounded in my
professional knowledge and beliefs to contribute most effectively in inspiring and
educating each child.
Final appraisal:
Throughout my time at BTI we were encouraged to uncover and question
different aspects about ourselves and how it aligns with our beliefs and Gods as
well as how we see ourselves as educators. I felt safe and secure in the
environment around me to dive deep into many areas of my life and resurface
with a better understanding of who I am and what kind of person I aspire to
become. I hold close my beliefs and keep focused on God, therefore in
everything I do it should stem from that security.

There is so much you can learn by being open and willing to listen to those
around you. By observing peoples actions to participating in discussions every
moment can be a teachable moment. I want to work on making those moments
occur more regularly and as an educator especially making sure that I am open
and willing to accept the feedback from other around me; teachers, parents etc.
Final appraisal:
I dont see myself as a being set in one way kind of person. I welcome others
feedback openly and seek to understand their perspective. We encourage
students to be lifelong learners and I too wish to be ever learning; through
dialogue, observations, professional inquiry and readings. I find that being
reflective is a strength of mine and something that has been affirmed by a
number of lecturers and associate teacher in their feedbacks.

Motivated by love:
I believe being motivated by love is the driving force behind what we truly want
to do and are called to do. Becoming a teacher was due to my love for children
and wanting to inspire and encourage them to be the best they can be. I know
this is a calling God has placed on my heart and has continually motivated me,
re-affirming this throughout my degree.
Final appraisal:
There is so much you want to do for each child in your care, whether its to sit
with them for longer on a math problem or mediate a problem, or even taking
time to encourage and develop their passions and interests. When motivated by
love there needs to also be the realisation of boundaries. I found it hard on one
practicum where many of the students had personal needs like feeling accepted,
safe, valued, and cared for which I wanted to help with, though being an
educator there is only so much you can do. Theres also the risk of burning out,
getting too involved in wanting to fix everything and that is something that I
realised I can fall into easily. I am still motivated by love to educate and inspire
each student but have a balanced understanding of when I need to take a step

Informed by faith:
I know God is the ultimate teacher and I can and have been learning so much
from Him. Putting in place goals to regularly seek God and his wisdom is
beneficial and I am beginning to form routines of daily devotional reading,
attending church and small group discussions. These practical routines will help

me stay focused on him and grow in wisdom which will help and encourage me
to live each day with Him in sight.
Final appraisal:
The more I learn about my faith the more I see each decision, each relationship
and way I live life influenced by it. Its encouraging to see Gods hand in my life
and being involved in a great church has increased my love to learn more about
Him. Unfortunately in busy times I find myself spending less time reading the
Bible or seeking out to learn more about God. I need to set stable routines that
will stand the test of time, busy or not!

Inspired by hope:
My dream is to be able to instil hope in each child, hope that they can do
anything they set their mind to, hope that they do have a great future ahead of
them and hope that will drive their passion and dreams to a reality. Where I am
inspired by hope to do great things I want to affirm others that they too should
be inspired.
Final appraisal:
God has an amazing plan for my life and I journey with great anticipation to seek
out where it will take me. His encouragement and guidance inspires me all the
time and provides hope in my times of doubt. Hope is a powerful tool. It helps
others look beyond current situations to seek out the final result. I want to
continue genuinely encouraging students to seek their potential and calling;
inspiring their hope to grow.

Whose practice is:

I seek to be relational in every part of my life and value making those
relationships and connections. It has been an easy transition to bring this aspect
into my practice daily. I have had many comments from teachers, students and
parents appreciating the effort I make to connect with everyone that walks into
the classroom and get to know them. I know I can continue developing this area
becoming knowledgeable in things such as servant-leadership.
Final appraisal:
Ive realised focusing on being a relational person and putting effort into seeking
relationships where love for God and others are nurtured I often neglect my own
self nurturing. I think I zone in on making sure how others are feeling and forget

that to be the best that I can be I need to make sure that my tank is full and that
I am also looking after myself. Ive discovered that I do have servant leadership
qualities and I want to continue developing and strengthening all of my relation
skills so I can be self-aware, create boundaries if necessary and to create
meaningful relationships.

Though I value being teachable and am open to others views, I also am aware
that I cant be influenced by just anyone. Being responsive means being a person
what has a secure set of beliefs which wont alter when against others beliefs or
other status quo. I need to develop my ability to stand tall in my beliefs but also
be connected, critical and considerate or others. In my practice I know I have a
responsibility towards students to equip them with knowledge and personal
development. I want to achieve this best way I believe is right as well as being
responsive to others around me to give sound advice.
Final appraisal:
I have been very intentional about developing my teaching style and identity.
One practicum particularly I trusted my associate teacher and found many of our
beliefs aligned. Upon reflecting on my own teaching I would often seek feedback
and advice from him to gain his thoughts. I found being responsive was very
beneficial towards developing my teacher style as well as growth and confidence
as a teacher.

I hope I will continue my acceptance towards learning not matter how old I get or
what my career is. I feel being transformative is not only good in a classroom by
providing a whole person learning experience but it is beneficial for the teacher
to gain a holistic view in any situation. This is a personal quality I wish to fully
develop, I need to keep an open mind and carefully connect, consider others
perspectives. By growing in this skill I hope to also inspire students to observe
and process thought in more of a holistic way.
Final appraisal:
I will always be a life-long learner, and possess the teachable quality. I do believe
in learning from a whole person, presenting every aspect and point of view
across. It will also benefit the students to learn holistically, scaffolding them to
see more than just their own perspective, as well as creating a higher chance for
the teacher to connect with each learning ability and style.

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