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Intern: Sarah Shirley

Date: November 11, 2015

Murder Mystery;
Researching Skills
(23) Research/Gathering Sources. Students determine, locate, and explore the full range of relevant sources
addressing a research question and systematically record the information they gather. Students are expected to:
(A) follow the research plan to gather information from a range of relevant print and electronic sources
using advanced search strategies;
(B) categorize information thematically in order to see the larger constructs inherent in the information;
(24) Research/Synthesizing Information. Students clarify research questions and evaluate and synthesize
collected information. Students are expected to:
(A) narrow or broaden the major research question, if necessary, based on further research and
(25) Research/Organizing and Presenting Ideas. Students organize and present their ideas and information
according to the purpose of the research and their audience. Students are expected to synthesize the research into a
written or an oral presentation that:
(A) draws conclusions and summarizes or paraphrases the findings in a systematic way;
(B) marshals evidence to explain the topic and gives relevant reasons for conclusions;
(C) presents the findings in a meaningful format; and


Online Timer
Puppet Pal2 Video
Character card and sign
Research form
Solutions card

45 minutes;

10 minutes: relevancy and discussion

5 minute game explanation
30 minute game and conclusion
Set character
cards on
Classroom Setup: tables and chairs rearranged and character signs.
Character Setup: research, a character sign, a character card, and a solutions card.

Focus/Anticipatory Set:

Objectives: research and narrow down a

topic by investigating various sources. Draw
The following objective will be on the board: conclusions and defend it by presenting
evidence and quotes to support your claim.
Discussion Points:



What does research mean?

In what ways do you use research each day?
Tell me why research is important?

Research:the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new
A good way to start research is to ask the Ws where, what, when, why, and who/how.

Where/what were you doing when you heard the scream?

What was your relationship with Ms. McGowan?
When did you last see Ms. McGowan?
Why were you at the party?
Who/how killed Ms. McGowan?
Write on Board

What do the
Ws have to do
with the topic?

Explanation/Teaching Strategies & Modeling:

Students will sit in Speed Dating format (1 chair facing 1 chair) to interview each character. They are given a form to
compile research information, a character sign, a character card, and a solutions card. (3-5 MINUTE ROTATIONS)
Game Introduction: Today we will be playing a murder mystery game. You will use your research skills that we talked
about, such as the Ws, to figure out who killed our victim.

I gave you each a character name and card. The card has all the important information to answer your investigator
(or researchers) questions.
The form is to help you keep track of all of the important information. DO YOU WRITE DOWN WHOLE
SENTENCES (no)? Only focus on the important things, times, names, emotions, reactions etc.
At the end I will give you a solutions card where you will write a paragraph, including quotes and evidence, as
to why you think your suspect killed the victim. YOU MAY WORK AS WHOLE GROUPS.

Teaching: Checking for Understanding:


Tell the person in front of you what role the character cards play in the game
Tell the person next to you what the form is for and the correct use of it
Tell the whole class what you have to include in the solutions card


CARDS so you will
know how to
answer the

Video: made through Puppet Pals2
Begin game- give 3-5 minutes to share information then switch right.
Hand out solution cards and have students fill them out at desks. I will announce the killer and their
solution cards
will be their exit ticket.

Guided Practice:

Questioning Strategies:
Most of the HOTS questions are asked throughout the game in a written format. Many of the question I will ask
(such as in the base discussion) will be building blocks for the higher level thinking.

Explain why you think that information is important.

How will you prove the suspect killed our victim?

Using your text evidence, what clues gave you

Closure: Circle back to objectives. Brittany, can you share your conclusions and defend it by presenting
evidence and quotes to support your claim?

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