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Grade Level/Subject: 8th grade Shmuel Aleph

Unit: Perek 1-9

Dani Abell - Understanding by Design Template

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals
1) thetransitionfromShoftimtoMelachimandtheroleofthedifferentleadersintheJewishpeople,
2) thevalueofhavingcompletefaithinHashemwithoutanykindofintermediary,
3) Exploringthequalitiesthatasuccessfulleadermustpossess.
4) UnderstandingourrelationshipwithHashemandhowweconnecttoHim.
Students will understand
1. That the leadership of the Jewish
people had different forms
throughout its history each with its
own unique role.
2. That man has a direct relationship
with Hashem.
3. The qualities needed to be a proper
4. That mans relationship with Hashem
is complex and manifests itself in
many different ways.
Students will know . . .
1. The difference between kohanim,
neviim, shoftim and melachim.
2. That every man on his own can
connect to Hashem.
3. That man can interact with Hashem
in many forms and emotions.
4. That good leaders put Hashem and

Essential Questions:
1. Can a person have a relationship with
2. Why do we need leaders?
3. Why are some people good leaders
while others fail at it?
4. Can a person lose his connection with
5. Why would G-d want a relationship with
Students will be able to
1. Identify the major themes in the first
nine perakim of shmuel Aleph.
2. understand their relationship with G-d.
3. Work on being better leaders.

their people on the top of their

decision pyramid and not their own

4. Identify the challenges that they will

face in their relationship with God.

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks:

Other Evidence:
1. Class participation: Student answers
questions correctly, asks insightful
questions relevant to the material.

1. Midterm and final.

2. Essays and other activities that will be
assigned after each class.
3. Guided worksheets that will be
assigned for learning the text at home.

2. At the end of each class students

summarize what they learned from that
class and what they had trouble

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
1. ThestudentswillbeexpectedtolearnthePerekthatisbeingdiscussedathomeandcometoclasswitha
2. Students are expected to be engaged in all the class activities and participate in
class discussions. The topics that will be discussed are important and will be
enhanced by everyone bringing and expressing their unique opinions in the
classroom. Class will therefore not only be a frontal lecture provided by the teacher,
but a platform for everyone to be involved and active.

Curriculum map:




1) Understand Bnai
Yisraels situation at 1) Have students go
the end of the
through selected passukim
Shoftim (goal 1)
with chavrutas and have
them chart the major
2) Understand the
events in Shoftim leading
difference in the
up to sefer Shmuel.
roles between
Neviim, Shoftim
Melachim and
2) Frontal lesson with
Kohanim (goal 1)
PowerPoint going through
the roles of neviim,
3) Understand that
shoftim, melachim and
the book of Shmuel kohanim.
is a bridge between
the era of Prophets
and Kings (goal 1)

Shoftim 17:6;
Avot 1:1


1) Write an essay
describing Bnai Yisraels
situation citing pesukim.
2) Make a list of character
traits that a Shofet,
Melech, Navi and Kohen
must possess and explain
why its important to have
these traits for these
specific roles.
3) Make a timeline of the
Judges and Kings and
show where Shmuel

Shmuel 1:1-8

1) Learn about
(goal 1 &3)
2)Understand the
between Elkana,
Chana and Penina
(this will help with
goal 4)

Shmuel 1:9-19
Stories of
sarah, rivkah
and Rachel
Rav dessler on

1) The progression
of Chanas
emotions and
understanding why
they were necessary
to bring her close to
Hashem. (goal 2 &
2)Understand why
Chana dedicates her
son to Hashem and
the struggle in
doing so
(goal 4)

Hilchot Beit

1)Hilchot teffila we
learn from Chana
and how it reflects
our relationship
with Hashem.
(Goal 2&4)
2)Eli thinking
Chana is drunk and

1) Break up the first

passuk and explain what
each word teaches us
about Elkana.

1) Write a job resume for

Elkana including the
qualities found in the
passukim and meforshim.

2) Have students act out

the dynamics between
Elkana Chana and Penina
while highlighting the
main issues.

2) Draw diagrams
depicting how Elkana
viewed his relationship
with his wives, and how
his wives viewed their
relationship with him.
1) Draw diagram showing
the ups and downs of
Chanas emotions and
identify what caused the

1) chavruta time with

guided questions
analyzing chanas
emotions and comparing
them to the Imahot. See
that all hit rock bottom
before being answered.
Have class discussion of
why this is necessary in
having a relationship with
2) Learn Rav Dessler
about how giving brings
about love. Then have
discussion on the
importance in giving in a
1) Have class break into
chavrutas and learn
different halachot of
teffilah/hilchot beit
kennest then each
chavruta will teach their
halacha to a different
group and continue
alternating until everyone
was taught all of hilchot

2) Write a journal from

chanas perspective,
depicting the pain that she
was experiencing. Include
the role of Elkana, Penina,
and Ayli based on the
pesukim. Write another
entry explaining the
dilemma of dedicating
Shmuel to Hashem.
Include how these two
events demonstrate crucial
roles in our relationship
with Hashem.
1) write a mini Shulchan
aruch regarding hilchot
teffilah and kavod beit
hakeneseet that we learn
from chana. Indicate
where in the pessukim
each halacha is learned
out from.
2) Write a shala vtushuva

Midrash and what it
teaches us about our
relationship with
(goal 2&4)

Shmuel 1:2428; 2:1-10;

Amida of
Rosh Hashana

Shmuel 2:1121

Shmuel 2:2230;
Ralbag and

kavod beit hakenesset.

to an am haaratz of why
these halachot are
2) After learning with
important and what they
chavrutas each student
teach us about our
will find where these ideas relationship with Hashem.
are found in the passukim.
They will then share their
finding with their
chavrutas and then discuss
what these halachot teach
us about our relationship
with Hashem.
1) Understand the
1) PowerPoint
1) Make chart that
difference types of
presentation highlighting
compares the feelings,
tefillot that are
and breaking down the
objectives, and form of
found in perek 1
teffilot found in perek 1
tefilla used in Chanas two
and 2.
&2. Discussion why
(Goal 2 & 4)
different types of teffilot
are necessary.
2) Highlight correlating
2) Understand the
themes found in Shirat
structure of our
2) Have students work in
Chana and the daily and
daily teffillah and
chavrutas to break down
Rosh Hashana Amida.
how it comes from
the daily amidah based on
Chana. In addition
the style of teffilah found
3) Write a short column
see how it is the
in chana.
for the weekly machshava
source of the
journal highlighting the
structure of the
different types of teffilot
Rosh Hashana
and why they are all
tefila. (goal 2&4)
necessary in our
relationship with Hashem.
1) Compare Shmuel 1) PowerPoint + smart
1) Have students write the
and the Bnai Eli and board presentation having sheva mitzvoth bnai noach
recognize that
students identify the
and ask which ones Bnai
Shmuel is rising
difference in bnai Eli and
Eli transgressed. Make a
while the Bnai Eli
chart of shmuels good
are falling.
(goal 3)
2) Read pessukim
stressing the idea that
Draw a graph depicting
2) Understand the
Hashem wants tzedaka
the change in bnai Elis
sin of Bnai Eli and
and mishpat and realize
and shmuels stature.
why they were not
that bnai eli were opposite Explain why you think
suitable candidates
of this.
there is change in each
for being the leaders
of the Jewish
(Goal 3)
1) Understand why 1) Learn different
1)write a ruling to the
Chafni and Pinchas approaches by the
court cases that took place
lost bechira
meforshim then have
in class as if you were the
chafshit-free choice. Court room that debates
judge overlooking the
(goal 4)
why Eli should or should
case. Include the opinions

Radak in

2) Understand why
Eli is also punished.
(goal 4)
3) Focus on the
progression of
relationship with
Hashem and others
throughout the
perek. (Goal 3)

Shmuel 3:4-14 1) Understand the

encounter between
Shmuel and
Understand the
significance of Ayli
not knowing it was
(Difference between
two interactions,
why this shows
Samuel will be a
good leader.) (goal
Shmuel 3:15- 1) Shmuels
obligation to learn
how to deal with
bad news. (goal
2) Judaisms
approach to
accepting bad news.
(goal 4)

Shmuel 4:1-5

1) Background of
Plishtim and what
they represent (goal
2 &4)
2) Mistake of
bringing the Aron
and why Hashem is
not with Bnai
Yisrael (2&4)

not be punished.
2) Court room debating if
its fair for bechira
chafshit to be taken away.
3) Have students make a
chart of Shmuel pointing
to different characters
found in the perek and
have students identify
what Shmuels relationship
is with each of them.
1) Act out the scene and
have class discussion.
This class will also
include time to finish up
anything that was not
covered in the previous

of the ramban, ralbag and

the radak in your analysis
and explain which one
you would side with and

1) Write a facebook
message from Hashem
explaining the encounter
between Him and Shmuel
and why He thinks
Shmuel will make a good

1) Show YouTube clips of

different people who went
through tragedy and bring
different sources Jewish
approach to tragedy.
Discuss why this is
important for a leader to

The prime minister of

Israel comes to you and
reveals how a tragedy has
befallen the Jewish state.
What would you respond
to him and what would
you tell him his role is?
Include sources in your

1) Students will break up

into groups and search
encyclopedia and sources
that I will supply, and
write a description of the

1) Find something
nowadays that is similar to
what the plishtim
represent and explain why.

2)if you were the leader of

the Jewish people and
2) Show video/read story
witnessed what was
of a prince being attacked happening with the
and turning to the guard of plishtim, what
the king to help him
shortcoming of the Jews
instead of going to the
would you point out and

1) Death of Eli and

rise of Shmuel
-was Eli a good or
bad leader?
(goal 2)
2) See how Hashem
punishes middah
kneged middah and
that we are held
accountable for our
actions (death of
Ayli)(goal 4)

Shmuel 5;
Aleinu Prayer
Rav Kook in
regarding the
bracha of

Shmuel 7:3-9;
Hashem Perek

1) Recognize that
Hashem is slow to
(goal 4)
2) Hashem doesnt
want to destroy the
nations of the world
(goal 4)

1) Understand what
repentance is and
that teshuva is a
2) Understand that
the Return of Aron
is not the
completion of the

king himself. Then

discuss the importance of
turning directly to
1) Have court case
deciding whether Ayli is
good or bad. Have
students break up into
groups and examine all
the perakim we covered
until this point in order to
gather proofs for the court
2) Bring other examples
of midah keneged middah
found in the torah and
show that Elis death was
also middah kenegged
midah and that Hashem
hold us accountable for
our actions. Then have
class discussion about it.
1) Mark on a map where
the Aron traveled and the
punishment they received
in each place. Then with a
chavruta compare the
punishment of the
Plishtim and Mitzrayim.
When done we will
discuss why Hashem
didnt just destroy them
immediately and that
Hashem wants everyone
to live and serve Him.
Go back into chavrutas
and see how this idea is
illustrated in the aleinu
1) Learn different ideas of
teshuva with chavrusa and
then we will discuss the
teshuva process.
2) Breakdown pesukim
and connect it to the
stages of teshuva that we
discussed earlier.

what advice would you

give them to improve.
1) Write up your verdict
on the case quoting
2)bring verdict from a
court case and ask if the
punishment given to the
criminal was the way
Hashem would punish

1) Make a poster
contrasting how man and
Hashem respond to evil
being done to them. Write
a short description of what
you made and why.
2) Make another poster
depicting how Hashem
would have preferred the
plishtim and mitzrayim
story to conclude. Write a
short description of what
you made and why.

1) Give list of different

sins and ask how one
would do teshuva for them
according to the sources
we saw in class.
2) Record yourself being a
reporter for a news agency
and analyze if the Jews
have accomplished full

repentance process.
(goal 4)

3) PowerPoint about

3) Role of a
sacrifice- korban- in
the teshuva process.
(goal 4)

Shmuel 7

1) Qualities that
make Shmuel a
good leader.
(goal 3)
2) Responsibility of
a Jewish leader.
(goal 3)

Shmuel 8:7-21 1) Understand why

Bnai Yisrael
requests a king.
(goal 1)
2) Understand why
asking for a king
was a mistake.
(goal 1)
3) Recognize the
change taking place
in the leadership of
Bnai Yisroel.
(Goal 1)

Shmuel 9:1-15 1) Recognize

Hashgacha Pratit in
everything that
happens to Bnai
(goal 2 and 4)
2) Recognize the
qualities that would

Chavrusa time going

through passukim and
identifying the qualities
that make Shmuel a good
leader. As well as going
through the pessukim that
state the purpose of a
Jewish King identify
differences between a
Jewish and gentile king.
1) Analyze passukim in
Shmuel and devarim and
highlight why Jews
wanted a king, the
purpose of a king and the
mistake Bnai Yisroel
2) Break into groups and
have students create
scenarios demonstrating
how having a king will
differ from a shofet. Then
have each group present it
to the class.
1) Have chavrutas go
through passukim or do
smart board and Indicate
all of the events that
seemed out of the
ordinary, which ultimately
led Shaul to Shmuel.
Then have discussion
about hasgacha pratit.

teshuva at the time that the

aron is returned and if
anything else is necessary
to complete the teshuva
3) you are a kohen gadol
and someone comes to
bring a korban but is not
sure why he is doing it.
what would you tell
him(provide two
approaches that we
covered in class)?
1) Make a Job resume for
Shmuel that explains why
he is qualified to lead Bnai
Yisrael (cite Pesukim).
2) What is the difference
in roles between a leader
of the Jewish people and
other world leaders?

1) Write Bnai Yisraels

argument for why they
want a king as well as a
rebuttal from Shmuel (cite
2) Write a letter from a
King to a Judge
explaining the difference
between their roles and
how it will impact the
Jewish people.

2) If you were a scout that
was sent to see if shaul
was a good candidate to
be king what would you
report and why?

make Shaul a
successful king.
(goal 3)

Shmuel 9:1518

1) Importance of
hearing and seeing
properly in a
(Goal 2& 4)
2)understanding the
type of relationship
we have with
(goal 4)
3)understanding the
Importance of a
leader being able to
properly hear and
(Goal 3)

2) Go through the
passukim and make a
chart of Shauls qualities
and explain why it would
make Shaul a good leader.

1) Have students read

passuk and identify what
is strange in the passuk
(Hashem speaks to ear of
shaul). I would then have
kids talk to each other
while ears are closed and
then open. Then discuss
the importance of hearing
and doing it properly.

1)give kids picture of

people not really listening
and ask them to describe
how it effects a
relationship in general and
specifically our
relationship with Hashem.
Then explain why it is
important for a leader to
possess these qualities.

2) read next passuk and

have kids identify how
Hashem relates to Bnai
Yisroel and the senses that
he stresses (hearing and
seeing). Have kids talk to
each other with eyes and
ears open, eyes open ears
closed, eyes closed ears

2) Draw or find a picture

that depicts the
relationship we have with
Hashem as seen in this

3) Discuss what it means

to hear and see in our
relationship with Hashem
and why it is important for
a leader to possess these

Shmuel 9:1921

1)understand the
Power of a king
(goal 1)
2) understand the
qualities that Shaul
has that will allow
him to overcome
the challenges
presented by being
(goal 3)

Chavruta learning with

guided questions +

Short answer what

power does the king
possess and what qualities
does Shaul demonstrate
that will assure he will
overcome the challenges
of this power.

Shmuel Aleph Midterm Perakim 1-9

Before you begin please read the directions and write your name on the back
of the test.
Below you will find four categories of questions reviewing the material that was covered
during this semester. Please answer all the questions in each category. At the beginning
of each category you will find the value for each question. For the essay, points will not
be taken off for grammar so please focus more on the content that you are writing. If
you have any questions please raise your hand and I will come answer any questions you
may have. You will have two hours to complete the test so please use your time wisely.
Hatzlacha and Yasher Koach on all your hard work this semester!
Part 1 Multiple choice (each question is worth 2 points):
1. Which of the following is not true about a Jewish king?
A. He is chosen by God based on his righteousness.
B. He does not go out to fight in battle.
C. He can have as many wives as he desires.
D. All of the above.
2. The Bnai Ayli were not able to be the next leaders of Bnai Yisroel because:
A. they made fun of Chana not having a child.
B. told the Plishtim that Bnai Yisroel brought the Aron into battle.
C. abused their power and took what didnt belong to them.
D. at this point in history a son was not permitted to become a leader immediatly
after his father.
3. According to the Baal Hatanya the main purpose of the teshuva process is:
A. to make us holy.
B. to rectify our sins in order to make our relationship with Hashem stronger.

C. to perfect ourselves so we can get ruach hakodesh.

D. to show G-ds kindness towards man.
4. Chana taught us that:
A. our relationship with Hashem requires us to give.
B. we need to be connected to rabbanim and role models who inspire us to becom
better people.
C. we can find Hashem in our greatest pain.

all of the above.


A and C.

5. which leader has the highiest authority for both civil and halachic disputes?
A. a king
B. a kohen
C. a navi
D. a shofet

Part 2- Essay (each question is worth 15 points. if you need more space
please continue on the back of the page):
1. Imagine you were writing a kiruv pamphlet where you needed to describe the Jewish
perspective on mans relationship with Hashem. Based on the events we saw in sefer
shmuel, please share what you would write in the pamphlet. Include in your description
three examples from Shmuel and explain what each one teaches us about our
relationship with Hashem.

2. Meshiach comes and you are chosen to pick the next king of Israel. What qualities
will you look for to assure that the person you pick for is the right one for the Job? Please
support and explain your qualifications based on three incidents found in sefer Shmuel.

3. On your first day of teaching Sefer Shmuel a student asks you what the difference is
between a Shofet, Navi, King and Kohen. What would you respond to your student?
Please describe each of their unique roles and what the mission of each one is.


4. Shaul begins his reign as king and asks you for your advice on where Bnai Yisroel
should be improving in their relationship with Hashem. Based on what you witnessed at
the war with the plishtim and Bnai Yisroel asking for a king, what two issues would
concern you the most? What would you advise him to do in order to avoid repeating the
same mistakes?


Part 3 True false (each question is worth 2 points):
1. ______ Sefer shmuel is the sefer that bridges the eras of the shoftim and Melachim.
2. ______ One is not allowed to eat or sleep in a shul, but they are permitted to use
it as a short cut.
3. ______ The structure of the daily amidah is based on the prayer that Shaul
displayed when he prayed to Hashem after becoming king.

______ Elkana, Shmuel, and Shaul were all kings of Israel.

5. ______ Shmuel and Shaul were both chosen as leaders because they had the
ability to hear and recognize Hashem.
Part 4 - Short Answers (each question is worth 4 points):
1. We learn from Chana many Halachot of showing respect in a Beit Kenneset and Beit
Midrash. Why must we show respect in these places and what does this teach us about
our relationship with Hashem?
2. According to the Gemarah in Brachot, what is the appropriate Jewish response to

3. Why did Hashem wait to destroy the Plishtim and Mitzrayim instead of destroying
them immediately?
4. List three good qualities that Shaul possessed and explain why they would allow him
to be a good leader?

5. What was Bnai Yisraels mistake in asking for a king?



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