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Evaluation by Cooperating Teacher

Directions: To provide feedback on the candidates performance, please mark the appropriate number on the Likert Scale at
the right of each category below using the following descriptors: 1= Inadequate; 2 = Emerging; 3 = Proficient; 4 = Distinctive.
IN ADDITION, for each category, please comment on the candidates strengths or areas in which s/he can improve. When
possible, please provide specific examples or comments to support your view.

1. Conducts self in a professional manner (e.g., attendance, preparation, respect).

(Dispositions: Respect, Responsibility, Communication)
Libby always conducts herself professionally. She communicates in a very clear and timely fashion and is always ready
to take on any responsibilites asked of her.

2. Encourages development of a positive self-image in learners (e.g., gets to know students,

positive interactions with students). (Dispositions: Respect, Collaboration)
From the time the students begin to enter the classroom, Libby immediately begins talking with them and checking in on
how things are going. She appears to really enjoy getting to know the students, and they picked up on that as well. I think
that she has made really good connections with some students even though she's not in our classroom very frequently.

3. Interacts effectively with students, colleagues, administrators, parents.

(Dispositions: Respect, Collaboration, Communication)
Libby is growing in her ability to effectively communicate her excpectations and teaching points with students. She has
become more specific in her directions and holding students accountable to following those directions.

4. Demonstrates effective pre-professional teaching skills. (e.g., planning, implementing

lesson) (Dispositions: Respect, Responsibility, Reflection, Collaboration, Communication)
Libby is always very well prepared for her lessons. She emails them to me well before the day she is going to teach the
lesson. She comes prepared with all of the materials needed. During lesson implementation, sometimes student behaviors
distract from the lesson being taught. Managing these types of behaviors is what I would consider to be an area where
Libby could grow as a teacher. I know that it is more difficult to jump in and redirect behaviors when you are only in the
classroom for a couple hours a week, but the students also need to know what is/is not acceptable when you are teaching.

5. Communicates effectively through speaking, writing, and listening (e.g., gives clear
directions, listens to students, uses media). (Dispositions: Respect, Communication)
Libby is very thoughtful in the way she communicates with the students. There have been times when students offered an
answer that was off topic from the discussion. Libby always made sure to acknowledge the comment, but bring the
discussion back to her teaching point. Throughout her 3 lessons I noticed improvement in her specificity with her
directions, especially as students were leaving the carpet to get started on independent work.
Final Comments/Suggestions for Candidate:
It was a pleasure having Libby in our classroom this fall. The students all enjoyed getting to know her and she
was always very positive and friendly. I'm hopeful that Libby found her time in our classroom to be beneficial in
her growth as an educator.

Date: 11/13/14

Candidate Name: Elizabeth Kent

U:\ED\ED215-R\PreprofessionalFieldExperiencesFor.-- 0310

Grade/Subject: 2/Reading

Cooperating Teacher: Tonya Kabele

School: Highland View Elementary

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