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PREPROFESSIONAL FIELD EXPERIENCES for ED 321: Videotaped and 2nd Observed

*******This feedback encompasses both days since it was a 2-day lesson.********

Evaluation by Cooperating Teacher
Directions: To provide feedback on the candidates performance, please circle the appropriate number on the Likert Scale at the
right of each category below using the following descriptors: 1= Inadequate; 2 = Emerging; 3 = Proficient; 4 = Distinctive.
IN ADDITION, for each category, please comment on the candidates strengths or areas in which s/he can improve. When
possible, please provide specific examples or comments to support your view.

1. Conducts self in a professional manner (e.g., attendance, preparation, respect).

(Dispositions: Respect, Responsibility, Communication)
Libby is always on time or early. She stays later to help other teachers in the building. For this past lesson, Libby planned
with me to design a guided inquiry lesson. She submitted her plans and materials before the lesson day with me. We
collaborated online, too.

2. Encourages development of a positive self-image in learners (e.g., gets to know students,

positive interactions with students). (Dispositions: Respect, Collaboration)
Libby has a good sense of humor and empathy that motivates and allows her to get to know students one-to-one and keep
the class moving even when some students are being goofy. Libby seems to be a natural--her questioning techniques
during a share-out of lab results were thoughtful and helped students push their thinking further. She gives appropriate and
well timed praise.

3. Interacts effectively with students, colleagues, administrators, parents.

(Dispositions: Respect, Collaboration, Communication)
See above for Libby's interaction with students. Teachers who work with Libby in the afternoons have spoken highly of
her work with their students, too. They expressed thanks for all the work she has done.

4. Demonstrates effective pre-professional teaching skills. (e.g., planning, implementing

lesson) (Dispositions: Respect, Responsibility, Reflection, Collaboration, Communication)
Again, considering Libby has had no science methods courses yet, she and I collaborated together on designing the guided
inquiry lesson. Throughout the process, she was engaged and listened well, asking relevant questions for clarification on
the how to create a lesson design for inquiry, the inquiry process, and how to organize the class well so transitions and
material gathering and use were smooth. She offered suggestions as well, tying in her understanding of our particular
students and creating her own slideshow for use during the lesson's introduction and class discussion. She prepared the
posters classes' used to record peers' feedback during the second day of the lesson.

5. Communicates effectively through speaking, writing, and listening (e.g., gives clear
directions, listens to students, uses media). (Dispositions: Respect, Communication)
Libby's speaking style is clear, paced appropriately and she uses eye contact across the classroom during whole group
discussions. She did well in earlier lessons but has shown improvement as well; it's clear Libby has listened to previous
feedback. Libby's slideshow and posters were professional and clear. She easily and confidently answered students'
questions during the lesson demonstrating listening skills as well as content knowledge. After co-teaching one class with
me and listening to the types of questions I asked students, Libby applied similar questions and directions in a natural
manner that was still her own.

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Final Comments/Suggestions for Candidate:

Keep up your motivation and willingness to continue learning about teaching. Your natural abilities and own
strong learning abilities will serve you and your future students well!

Date: 4/27 and 4/29/15

Candidate Name: Elizabeth Kent

Grade/Subject: 8th grade Earth Science

Cooperating Teacher: Marlene McIlheran

School: Greendale Middle School

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