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Not only does this genre tell a story

about overcoming a struggle, but the
struggle is told using pathos an
appeal to emotion-, conventions such
as anecdotes, and rhetorical features
such as audience, purpose, and
2. An anecdote a short story that is

For my intro paragraph, my thesis statement

sets up my entire paper and lets the reader
know exactly what I will be discussing and
what they can expect throughout the paper.

The main point of this paragraph supports my

usually told before the start of a

argument because it relates directly back to

larger story - is a common

my thesis and compares/contrasts how each

convention of human interest articles

articles uses anecdotes as a convention.

that sets up the rest of the article and

attracts the attention of the reader.
3. A rhetorical feature that is important

This supports my argument because it

in gearing the message of a human

connects directly to my thesis while also

interest article toward the correct

connecting to another part of my paper

group of people is the audience.

pathos. I talk about what audience it is geared

to while also keeping the flow because I
transition this argument right into the next
paragraph that talks about the appeal to
emotion of human interest articles.

4. The purpose of a human interest

The main idea of this paragraph is supporting

article is to appeal to the emotion of

my argument because it goes right back to my

the reader (pathos) and that is often

thesis and supports my argument of human

showcased in the title of every article. interest articles having pathos as a key
element. I give examples of titles that are
using pathos to attract the reader by appealing
to their emotion.

5. Human articles context vary in the

This idea supports my argument because I

way they are written because each

connect it to my thesis when I reference

article is a different story that allows

context but I also incorporate more of the

the use of free form writing while

pathos argument into the paragraph which

also incorporating a sincere and

allows the paper to continue through the flow

comforting tone through the use of

of my ideas and not have it seem to the reader


that the arguments dont align with my

original thesis statement.

6. The surface level features of human

This supports my argument because it is in

interest articles are conveyed through

direct correlation to my main argument of

the story of overcoming a struggle

human interest articles being about

and having that be the purpose of the

overcoming a struggle. I give examples from

article; it is the reason stories that are

the course readings as well as my own

about overcoming some obstacle

knowledge as to why that is.

have been so popular in the past.

7. Each human interest article has

This main point supports my argument

varying writing techniques in order to because I talk about how writing can make a
place the reader within the story and reader feel like they are experiencing
allow them to be captured by the

themselves the story they are being told. That

authors specific and unique writing.

plays right off the idea that pathos is a big

component of human interest articles and
people enjoy reading writing that appeals to
their emotional side.

8. Genre is crucial to understanding the

This last paragraph doesnt support my entire

way authors write and allows readers

paper as much because I am discussing the

to understand why they employ

why genre is important to learn and

certain techniques.

understand. On the other hand, it does

support my main argument because I break
apart the entire genre of a human interest
article which shows the reader that I
understand the pieces I examined much better
because I have indeed learned about and
understood exactly what genre is all about.

When working on my revision, I knew I had a good amount to change considering this
was the lowest grade I received of the three writing projects. A big issue I had was creating a
better overall flow to the entire paper. Most of my ideas werent very clear or werent laid out in
the correct way that connected them back to my thesis. Reverse outlining helped me to re-see
my work because it allowed me to lay out the information in a much more organized way.
Instead of just starting to write and thinking of how I want to layer the paper as I write, outlining
gives me a guideline to follow. It doesnt give me everything that I need to cover, but it gives
me at least a general idea to the content and direction I want for the paper. I believe this allowed
me to really incorporate what I learned from the course to better my WP1 for my portfolio.

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