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Present Simple (Prezentul Simplu)

Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv
(la persoana a III-a singular se adauga terminatia "-s" sau "-es")
I go to school every day.
Merg la scoala in fiecare zi.
He reads a book every month.
El citeste o carte in fiecare luna.
She lives in Bucharest.
Ea locuieste in Bucuresti.
Do / Does (pers.III, sg.) + Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv
Do you go to school every day?
Mergi la scoala in fiecare zi?
Does he read a book every month?
Citeste el o carte in fiecare luna?
Does she live in Bucharest?
Locuieste ea in Bucuresti?
Subiect + do / does (pers.III, sg.) + not + Verbul la infinitiv
Se folosesc adesea contractiile don't (do + not) si doesn't (does + not)


I don't go to school every day.

Nu merg la scoala in fiecare zi.
He doesn't read a book every month.
El nu citeste o carte in fiecare luna.
She doesn't live in Bucharest.
Ea nu locuieste in Bucuresti.
*Reguli pentru adaugarea terminatiei "-s" sau "-es" la afirmativ pentru persoana a
III-a singular
La majoritatea verbelor se adauga terminatia "-s" la persoana a III-a singular la
I talk He talks
I work He works
I sleep He sleeps
-Verbelelor care se termina in ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o li se adauga terminatia "-es"
I kiss He kisses
I wish He wishes
I catch He catches
I mix He mixes
I go He goes
-La verbele care se termina in litera y precedata de o consoana, se inlocuieste litera
y cu litera i , iar apoi se adauga terminatia "-es"
I fly He flies
I study He studies
I cry He cries

La verbele care se termina in litera y precedata de o vocala, se adauga terminatia "s"

I pay He pays
I stay He stays
I play He plays
#Cand folosim Prezentul Simplu?
Folosim Prezentul Simplu (Present Simple) pentru:
-activitati zilnice, saptamanale, lunare, anuale
I go to the mountains every month.
Merg la munte in fiecare luna.
We have breakfast at 7.30 every morning.
Luam micul dejun la ora 7.30 in fiecare dimineata.
-obiceiuri, hobby-uri
She plays tennis in her free time.
Ea joaca tenis in timpul liber.
In the summer, they go to the seaside.
Vara, ei merg la mare.
-situatii permanente
He lives in Paris.
El locuieste la Paris.

I work as a manager.

Eu lucrez ca manager.
-a exprima actiuni care respecta un anumit program
The bus for Bucharest lives at 12.15 on Monday.
Autobuzul pentru Bucuresti pleaca luni la 12.15.
I have Maths Friday at 11.30.
Eu am matematica vineri, la 11.30.
-situatii emotionale
I love my girlfriend very much.
Imi iubesc prietena foarte mult.
He hates cats.
El uraste pisicile.
-adevaruri generale
The earth moves around the sun.
Pamantul se misca in jurul soarelui.
Water boils at 100C.
Apa fierbe la 100C.
-Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Simplu
every day/ week/ month/ year etc., every morning/ evening/ afternoon/ night,
usually, always, sometimes, often, never, in the morning/evening/night etc.
He goes to the gym every day.
El merge la sala in fiecare zi.

I play football every week.


Eu joc fotbal in fiecare saptamana.

We go to the dentist every year.
Noi mergem la dentist in fiecare an.
She watches TV every evening.
Ea se uita la televizor in fiecare seara.
She usually studies hard for her exams.
De obicei, ea se pregateste din greu pentru examene.
I always do my homework.
Intotdeauna imi fac temele.
He sometimes goes shopping.
El face cumparaturi uneori.
I often play pool with my friends.
Eu joc deseori biliard cu prietenii mei.
She never goes to school by bus.
Ea nu merge niciodata la scoala cu autobuzul.
In the evening we play Monopoly.
Seara jucam Monopoly.
Pune propozitiile urmatoare la persoana a III-a singular:
They live in Craiova. (He)
Ei locuiesc in Craiova.

He lives in Craiova, too.

El locuieste in Craiova, de asemenea.
a) I fly from Bucharest to Rome every week. (Mary)

Eu zbor de la Bucuresti la Roma saptamanal.

b) We usually play in the park. (John)
Noi ne jucam de obicei in parc.
c) They like their jobs very much. (He)
Ei isi iubesc serviciile foarte mult.
d) I want a new car. (She)
Eu imi doresc o masina noua.
e) You wake up at 7 o'clock. (Paul)
Tu te trezesti la ora 7.
f) You always wash the dishes. (Angela)
Tu intotdeauna speli vasele.
g) We watch TV every afternoon. (Tom)
Ne uitam la TV in fiecare dupa-amiaza.
h) I go to school by bus. (My brother)
Eu merg la scoala cu autobuzul.
i) You cook every Saturday. (My mother)
Tu gatesti in fiecare sambata.
j) We study hard for our exams. (Mark)
Noi ne pregatim din greu pentru examene.
Scrie forma interogativa a urmatoarelor propozitii:
You like swimming.
Tie iti place sa inoti.
Do you like swimming?
Iti place sa inoti?
a) He lives in Bucharest.

El locuieste in Bucuresti.
b) You wear a uniform at school.
Tu porti uniforma la scoala.
c) My father drives very well.
Tatal meu conduce foarte bine.
d) Mr Smith teaches English.
Dl Smith preda engleza.
e) You like pizza and hamburgers.
Tie iti plac pizza si hamburgerii.
f) My neighbor works as an engineer.
Vecinul meu lucreaza ca inginer.
g) Your father repairs the car every month.
Tatal tau repara masina in fiecare luna.
h) We drink coffee every morning.
Noi bem cafea in fiecare dimineata.
i) Mary pays her bills every month.
Mary isi plateste facturile in fiecare luna.
j) He goes to bed very early every evening.
El se duce la culcare foarte devreme in fiecare seara.
#Foloseste forma negativa pentru propozitiile urmatoare, folosind cuvintele din
paranteze, la fel ca in exemplul de mai jos:
I like Mathematics. (Physics)
Imi place matematica. (Fizica)
I like Mathematics, but I don't like Physics.
Imi place matematica, dar nu imi place fizica.
a) Mary writes postcards. (letters)

Mary scrie vederi. (scrisori)

b) I go to the cinema. (theatre)
Eu merg la cinema. (teatru)
c) They read newspapers. (books)
Ei citesc ziare. (carti)
d) You study French. (English)
Tu studiezi franceza. (engleza)
e) Mr Brown works in an office. (at home)
Dl Brown lucreaza intr-un birou. (acasa)
f) I like football. (rugby)
Imi place fotbalul. (rugby)
g) He drives a car. (a lorry)
El conduce o masina. (un camion)
h) Dan and John travel by train. (plane)
Dan si John calatoresc cu trenul. (avionul)
i) We drink tea. (coffee)
Noi bem ceai. (cafea)
j) She plays chess every day. (tennis)
Ea joaca sah in fiecare zi. (tenis)

Formuleaza propozitii folosind conjunctia but:

I watch TV every evening. (John)
Eu ma uit la televizor in fiecare seara. (John)
I watch TV every evening, but John doesn't.
Eu ma uit la televizor in fiecare seara, insa John nu se uita.

He doesn't speak French. (they)

El nu vorbeste franceza. (ei)
He doesn't speak French, but they do.
El nu vorbeste francez, dar ei vorbesc.
a) Julia washes the dishes. (I)
Julia spala vasele. (eu)
b) He doesn't want to go to the seaside. (his girlfriend)
El nu vrea sa mearga la mare. (prietena lui)
c) I go to the cinema every week. (they)
Eu merg la cinema saptamanal. (ei)
d) She doesn't swim. (her sister)
Ea nu inoata. (sora ei)
e) We have breakfast early in the morning. (Paul)
Noi am luat micul dejun dimineata devreme. (Paul)
f) I don't play football. (my best friend)
Eu nu joc fotbal. (prietenul meu cel mai bun)
g) Me and my brother play on the computer. (Michael)
Eu si fratele meu ne jucam pe calculator. (Michael)

h) John doesn't read the newspaper every day. (we)

John nu citeste ziarul zilnic. (noi)
i) My mother likes to do shopping. (I)
Mamei mele ii place sa faca cumparaturi. (eu)
j) You don't travel by plane. (she)
Tu nu calatoresti cu avionul. (ea)
#Adauga propozitiilor de mai jos adverbele din paranteze:

I have lunch at 12 o'clock. (always)
Iau pranzul la ora 12. (intotdeauna)
I always have lunch at 12 o'clock.
Intotdeauna iau pranzul la ora 12.
a) My sister gets up at 10 o'clock. (usually)
Sora mea se trezeste la ora 10.(de obicei)
b) We play football on Sundays. (sometimes)
Jucam fotbal duminica. (uneori)
c) I go out with a stranger. (never)
Ies cu un strain. (niciodata)
d) She listens to music in the evening. (always)
Ea asculta muzica seara. (intotdeauna)
e) He goes to school by bus. (often)
El merge la scoala cu autobuzul. (deseori)
f) I eat a hamburger in the morning. (never)
Eu mananc un hamburger dimineata. (niciodata)

g) I read the newspaper in the evening. (usually)

Eu citesc ziarul seara. (de obicei)
h) In the morning I play on the computer. (sometimes)
Dimineata ma joc pe calculator. (uneori)
i) Mother washes the dishes in the evening. (always)
Mama spala vasele seara. (intotdeauna)
j) They go skiing in the winter. (often)
Ei merg la schi iarna. (deseori)


*Dupa exemplele de mai jos, formeaza intrebari la propozitiile urmatoare:

He works in a factory.
El lucreaza intr-o fabrica.
He works in a factory, doesn't he?
El lucreaza intr-o fabrica, nu-i asa?
She doesn't speak English.
Ea nu vorbeste engleza.
She doesn't speak English, does she?
Ea nu vorbeste engleza, asa e?
a) My mother doesn't play chess.
Mama mea nu joaca sah.
b) It sometimes rains in March.
Uneori ploua in luna martie.
c) I feel better today.
Ma simt mai bine astazi.

d) Your friends don't live in Bucharest.

Prietenii tai nu locuiesc in Bucuresti.
e) You play the piano every day.
Tu canti la pian zilnic.
Folosind adverbele din paranteze si luand ca exemplu modelul de mai jos, raspunde
la intrebarile urmatoare:
Do you go to school by bus? (always)
Mergi la scoala cu autobuzul? (intotdeauna)

I always go to school by bus.

Intotdeauna merg la scoala cu autobuzul.
a) Do you read books in the evening? (sometimes)
Citesti carti seara? (uneori)
b) Does he spend his weekend at the seaside? (usually)
Isi petrece el weekend-ul la mare?
c) Do you help your parents? (often)
Iti ajuti tu parintii?
d) Does she sleep in the afternoon? (never)
Doarme ea dupa-amiaza?
e) Do they go to the theatre? (occasionally)
Merg ei la teatru? (ocazional)
Pune adverbele din paranteze in pozitia corecta in urmatoarele propozitii, conform
exemplului de mai jos:
I go skiing. (on Saturdays, often)
Eu merg la schi. (sambata, deseori)
I often go skiing on Saturdays.
On Saturdays I often go skiing.
Deseori eu merg la schi sambata.
a) Helen goes swimming. (three times a week)
Helen merge la inot. (de trei ori pe saptamana)
b) I drink a cup of coffee. (always, in the morning)
Eu beau o ceasca de cafea. (intotdeauna, dimineata)
c) We go out. (in the evening, from time to time)
Noi iesim afara. (seara, din cand in cand)

d) They go to the theatre. (usually, once a month)

Ei merg la teatru. (de obicei, o data pe luna)
e) My father reads the newspaper. (often, in the evening)
Tatal meu citeste ziarul. (deseori, seara)
Dupa exemplele de mai jos, adauga propozitii cu "but":
I don't like coffee. (my sister)
Nu imi place cafeaua. (sora mea)
I don't like coffee, but my sister does.
Nu imi place cafeaua, dar surorii mele ii place.
You get up early. (I)
Tu te trezesti devreme.(eu)
You get up eatly, but I don't.
Tu te trezesti devreme, dar eu nu.

a) I travel every year. (my mother)

Eu calatoresc anual. (mama mea)
b) We meet every day. (they)
Noi ne intalnim zilnic.(ei)
c) You don't play football with Michael every day. (John)
Tu nu te joci fotbal cu Michael in fiecare zi. (John)
d) They don't know the answers. (we)
Ei nu stiu raspunsurile. (noi)
e) My father doesn't drive a motorcycle. (my brother)
Tatal meu nu conduce o motocicleta. (fratele meu)
Tradu urmatoarele propozitii folosind timpul Prezent Simplu:


a) Vacanta de vara tine doua luni.

b) Prietenii mei locuiesc la Brasov.
c) Copiii se joaca in parc in fiecare zi.
d) Eu ii vizitez pe parintii mei saptamanal.
e) Noi ne uitam intodeauna seara la televizor.
Pune propozitiile urmatoare la persoana a III-a singular:
a) Mary flies from Bucharest to Rome every week, too.
Mary zboara de la Bucuresti la Roma saptamanal, de asemenea.
b) John usually plays in the park, too.
John se joaca de obicei in parc, de asemenea.
c) He likes his job very much, too.
El isi iubeste serviciul foarte mult, de asemenea.

d) She wants a new car, too.

Ea isi doreste o masina noua, de asemenea.
e) Paul wakes up at 7 o'clock, too.
Paul se trezeste la ora 7, de asemenea.
f) Angela always washes the dishes, too.
Angela intotdeauna spala vasele, de asemenea.
g) Tom watches TV every afternoon, too.
Tom se uita la TV in fiecare dupa-amiaza, de asemenea.
h) My brother goes to school by bus, too.
Fratele meu merge la scoala cu autobuzul, de asemenea.
i) My mother cooks every Saturday, too.
Mama mea gateste in fiecare sambata, de asemenea.


j) Mark studies hard for his exams, too.

Mark se pregateste din greu pentru examene, de asemenea.
Scrie forma interogativa a urmatoarelor propozitii:
a) Does he live in Bucharest?
El locuieste in Bucuresti?
b) Do you wear a uniform at school?
Porti uniforma la scoala?
c) Does my father drive very well?
Tatal meu conduce foarte bine?
d) Does Mr Smith teach English?
Dl Smith preda engleza?

e) Do you like pizza and hamburgers?

Iti plac pizza si hamburgerii?
f) Does my neighbor work as an engineer?
Vecinul meu lucreaza ca inginer?
g) Does your father repair the car every month?
Tatal tau repara masina in fiecare luna?
h) Do we drink coffee every morning?
Noi bem cafea in fiecare dimineata?
i) Does Mary pay her bills every month?
Mary isi plateste facturile in fiecare luna?
j) Does he go to bed very early every evening?
El se duce la culcare foarte devreme in fiecare seara?
Foloseste forma negativa pentru propozitiile urmatoare, folosind cuvintele din
paranteze, la fel ca in exemplul de mai jos:
a) Mary writes postcards, but she doesn't write letters.

Mary scrie vederi, dar nu scrie scrisori.

b) I go to the cinema, but I don't go to the theatre.
Eu merg la cinema, dar nu merg la teatru.
c) They read newspapers, but they don't read books.
Ei citesc ziare, dar nu citesc carti.
d) You study French, but you don't study English.
Tu studiezi franceza, dar nu studiezi engleza.
e) Mr Brown works in an office, but he doesn't work at home.
Dl Brown lucreaza intr-un birou, dar nu lucreaza acasa.
f) I like football, but I don't like rugby.
Imi place fotbalul, dar nu imi place rugby-ul.

g) He drives a car, but he doesn't drive a lorry.

El conduce o masina, dar nu conduce un camion.
h) Dan and John travel by train, but they don't travel by plane.
Dan si John calatoresc cu trenul, insa nu calatoresc cu avionul.
i) We drink tea, but we don't drink coffee.
Noi bem ceai, dar nu bem cafea.
j) She plays chess every day, but she doesn't play tennis.
Ea joaca sah zilnic, dar nu joaca tenis.
Formuleaza propozitii folosind conjunctia but:
a) Julia washes the dishes, but I don't.
Julia spala vasele, dar eu nu le spal.
b) He doesn't want to go to the seaside, but his girlfriend does.
El nu vrea sa mearga la mare, dar prietena lui vrea.
c) I go to the cinema every week, but they don't.


Eu merg la cinema saptamanal, dar ei nu merg.

d) She doesn't swim, but her sister does.
Ea nu inoata, dar sora ei inoata.
e) We have breakfast early in the morning, but Paul doesn't.
Noi am luat micul dejun dimineata devreme, dar Paul nu l-a luat.
f) I don't play football, but my best friend does.
Eu nu joc fotbal, dar prietenul meu cel mai bun joaca.
g) Me and my brother play on the computer, but Michael doesn't.
Eu si fratele meu ne jucam pe calculator, dar Michael nu se joaca.

h) John doesn't read the newspaper every day, but we do.

John nu citeste ziarul zilnic, dar noi il citim.
i) My mother likes to do shopping, but I don't.
Mamei mele ii place sa faca cumparaturi, dar mie nu imi place.
j) You don't travel by plane, but she does.
Tu nu calatoresti cu avionul, dar ea calatoreste.
Adauga propozitiilor de mai jos adverbele din paranteze:
a) My sister usually gets up at 10 o'clock.
De obicei, sora mea se trezeste la ora 10.
b) We sometimes play football on Sundays.
Uneori jucam fotbal duminica.
c) I never go out with a stranger.
Niciodata nu ies cu un strain.
d) She always listens to music in the evening.
Intotdeauna ea asculta muzica seara.
e) He often goes to school by bus.


Deseori, el merge la scoala cu autobuzul.

f) I never eat a hamburger in the morning.
Eu nu mananc niciodata un hamburger dimineata.
g) I usually read the newspaper in the evening.
De obicei, eu citesc ziarul seara.
h) In the morning I sometimes play on the computer.
Uneori, dimineata ma joc pe calculator.
i) Mother always washes the dishes in the evening.
Intotdeauna mama spala vasele seara.

j) They often go skiing in the winter.

Deseori, ei merg la schi iarna.
Dupa exemplele de mai jos, formeaza intrebari la propozitiile urmatoare:
a) My mother doesn't play chess, does she?
Mama mea nu joaca sah, nu-i asa?
b) It sometimes rains in March, doesn't it?
Uneori ploua in luna martie, nu-i asa?
c) I feel better today, don't I?
Ma simt mai bine astazi, nu-i asa?
d) Your friends don't live in Bucharest, do they?
Prietenii tai nu locuiesc in Bucuresti, nu-i asa?
e) You play the piano every day, don't you?
Tu canti la pian zilnic, nu-i asa?
Folosind adverbele din paranteze si luand ca exemplu modelul de mai jos, raspunde
la intrebarile urmatoare:
a) I sometimes read books in the evening.
Eu citesc uneori carti seara.

b) He usually spends his weekend at the seaside.

De obicei, el isi petrece weekend-ul la mare.
c) I often help my parents.
Deseori imi ajut parintii.
d) She never sleeps in the afternoon.
Ea nu doarme niciodata dupa-amiaza.
e) They occasionally go to the theatre.
Ei merg ocazional la teatru.

Pune adverbele din paranteze in pozitia corecta in urmatoarele propozitii, conform

exemplului de mai jos:
a) Helen goes swimming three times a week.
Three times a week Helen goes swimming.
b) I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning.
In the morning I always drink a cup of coffee.
c) We go out in the evening from time to time.
From time to time we go out in the evening.
d) They usually go to the theatre once a month.
Once a month they usually go to the theatre.
e) My father often reads the newspaper in the evening.
In the evening my father often reads the newspaper.
Dupa exemplele de mai jos, adauga propozitii cu "but":
a) I travel every year, but my mother doesn't.
Eu calatoresc anual, dar mama mea nu.
b) We meet every day, but they don't.
Noi ne intalnim zilnic, dar ei nu.
c) You don't play football with Michael every day, but John does.

Tu nu te joci fotbal cu Michael in fiecare zi, dar John da.

d) They don't know the answers, but we do.
Ei nu stiu raspunsurile, dar noi da.
e) My father doesn't drive a motorcycle, but my brother does.
Tatal meu nu conduce o motocicleta, dar fratele meu da.
Tradu urmatoarele propozitii folosind timpul Prezent Simplu:
a) Vacanta de vara tine doua luni.
The summer holidays last for two months.
b) Prietenii mei locuiesc la Brasov.
My friends live in Brasov.
c) Copiii se joaca in parc in fiecare zi.
The children play in the park every day.
d) Eu ii vizitez pe parintii mei saptamanal.
I visit my parents every week.
e) Noi ne uitam intodeauna seara la televizor.
We always watch TV in the evening.


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