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Workbook Answer Key

Unit 1

Note: In communicative exercises where several answers are possible, this answer key contains some examples of correct
answers, not all possible answers. Any valid answer in this type of exercise should be considered acceptable.
Exercise 1
1. Dressing for the Cold 2. Dog Days 3. Due North!
4. Im living my dream, and Im getting paid to do it! / Erik
Weinhenmayer / STAT: Real Heroes at Work 5. Im living my
dream, and Im getting paid to do it! / STAT: Real Heroes at

For as long as I can remember Ive been dreaming of

Exercise 2
1. yes 2. yes

My skating lessons have been expensive, but you have never

Exercise 3
1. a 2. a

3. no

3. a

4. yes

4. b

Exercise 4
Answers will vary.
Exercise 5
Conversation 1: a, c
Conversation 2: b, d
Conversation 3: a, d
Exercise 6
1. sign up for / enroll in 2. apply for 3. enroll in / sign
up for 4. rejected by 5. take up 6. switch to / apply for
7. decide on
Exercise 7
2. Harry has never ignored his fathers advice 3. The
student still has not (hasnt) decided on a career 4. They
have (Theyve) signed up for one course so far / So far they
have (theyve) signed up for one course 5. I have never
thought about a career in politics 6. Jerry has recently
switched to a new career 7. She has (Shes) already been
accepted to medical school 8. Have you taken up any new
hobbies lately 9. He has (Hes) asked her to marry him twice
10. Have they ever talked about their plans for the future
Exercise 8
Answers will vary. Possible responses include:
Abby has already traveled to Montreal / applied for a new job
/ gotten a pet / visited her parents / traveled to Mexico City.
Abby still hasnt planted a flower garden.
John hasnt signed up for cooking lessons / enrolled in a
Spanish class.
Abby and John have just / recently gotten a pet.
John has already taken up golf.
Abby and John have traveled together twice.
Exercise 9
Answers will vary.
Exercise 10
Dear Mom and Dad,
Well, Ive arrived safely, and Im in my hotel room in Torino,
Italy. I still cant believe Im here. My dream is finally about to

competing in the Olympics. Ive worked so hard for this!

Ive been training for this day since you took me to my first
lesson when I was four years old!
I know you and Dad have given up a lot for me to be here, too.
complained. Everyone has supported me. I know you will all
be watching the competition on TVyouve been watching
me compete since I first started skating. I hope that I do well
so I can make you proud.
Your loving daughter, Tracy
Exercise 11
2. have been talking
3. has seemed
4. have made
5. havent forgotten
6. have watched
7. have seen
8. have been
Exercise 12
4. My kids have seen that movie at least five times.
6. Since 1965, Robert De Niro has acted in more than
75 films.
9. Ive been traveling around Italy for the past few months,
and Ive loved every minute of it.
Exercise 13
Answers to the questions will vary.
1. have achieved 2. have done / have been doing
3. have been 4. have loved 5. have learned
Exercise 14
1. lifelong 2. realize
6. short-term
Exercise 15
1. F 2. F 3. T

4. F

3. set

5. F

4. take

5. long-term

6. T

Exercise 16
Answers will vary, but must include a description of Antonio
Banderass goals and the steps he took to achieve them.
Exercise 17
1. experience 2. training 3. knowledge
4. experience / training 5. ability 6. training
7. ability 8. knowledge 9. experience

come true! Im going to skate in the winter Olympic Games!

Summit 2, Second Edition

Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Unit 1

Exercise 18
Answers will vary. Possible responses include:
1. in office management, with office computer programs,
working as an administrative assistant, preparing
presentations, scheduling meetings and events, organizing
files and correspondence.
2. office management, computer graphics.
3. speak English and Spanish, use computer programs,
prepare presentations, schedule meetings and events.
4. office management, English and Spanish, office computer
programs, computer graphics.

went to school together. 5. C 6. I; This bag is really heavy.

How much does it weigh? 7. C 8. I; I believe that its
important for family members to live near one another.
9. C 10. I; This sauce tastes a little too salty. 11. I; What
are you cooking? Something smells wonderful.
Exercise B
1. has, is having 2. weighs, is weighing 3. see, am seeing
4. have, am having 5. think, are thinking 6. tastes, is
tasting 7. am looking, looks
Exercise C
Answers will vary.

Exercise A
2. C 3. I; Do you have a few minutes to discuss our plans
for the project? 4. I; John knows your brother because they

Summit 2, Second Edition

Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Unit 1

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