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Name:___________________________________________________________ Partner & their teacher:



Documentary Rubric
Historical Quality (60%)

Superior 10

Excellent 9


Entry is

Main ideas are

supported by facts,
which are richly
supported by evidence
(primary sources).
Entry contains no
obvious inaccurate
Entry has a clear
thesis (main idea or
point of view). The
thesis is richly
supported by
thoughtful analysis
and interpretation,
which acknowledges
strengths and
weaknesses of
historical evidence.
Entry includes
accurate and
appropriate references
to the time period by
specifying the political,
economic, social and
cultural influences
(events, ideas, people,
places and objects).
Entry shows historical
perspective the
causes and

Main ideas are

supported by facts,
which are supported by
some evidence
(primary sources).
Entry contains no
inaccurate information

Entry would be
improved with more
evidence. Entry
contains no obvious

Entry raises questions

about the accuracy of
facts, or facts seem
correct, but need to be
supported by more

Entry contains obvious

inaccuracies and/or
unsubstantiated facts.
Facts present needs to
be supported by more

Entry has a thesis

(main idea or point of
view). The thesis is
supported by some
thoughtful analysis and
interpretation, which
strengths and
weaknesses of
historical evidence.

The entry has a

thesis. Entry
includes more
description than
analysis or

Entry has thesis and

only describes people or
events without analysis
or interpretation.

Entry has no clear

thesis and only
describes people or
events without
analysis or

Entry includes accurate

and appropriate
references to the time
period by specifying
the political, economic,
social and cultural
influences (events,
ideas, people, places
and objects). Entry
shows historical
perspective which may
be uneven the causes

Entry only refers to

the time period, and
may mention
surrounding events,
ideas, people, and
objects by does not
demonstrate how
they illustrate the
political, economic,
social and cultural
influences of the
time. The causes

Entry refers to the time

period in nonspecific
ways. Entry is only
descriptive and does not
analyze the topics
causes and

Entry does not refer to

the time period Entry
is only descriptive and
does not analyze the
topics causes and

Shows analysis

Places the topic

in historical


Improvement 5

consequences of an
event, or the
relationship of a local
topic to larger trends
or events.

and consequences of
an event, or the
relationship of a local
topic to larger trends or

Shows wide

Varied sources
(primary and
secondary) are used
above the minimum to
advance the entrys
thesis and analysis. All
Interpretations and
conclusions are based
on solid research.

Varied sources
(primary and
secondary) are used
above the minimum to
advance the entrys
thesis and analysis.
Most interpretations
and conclusions are
based on solid

Uses available
primary sources

Entry shows the

creative use of a wide
variety of primary
sources well above the
required minimum.
Entrant understands
the distinction
between primary and
secondary sources.

Entry shows the

creative use of a wide
variety of primary
sources above the
required minimum.
Entrant understands
the distinction between
primary and secondary

Research is

All sides of the topic

are examined. While
entry may focus on
one interpretation,
based on evidence and
analysis, it
acknowledges and
analyzes multiple
points of view.

All sides of the topic

are examined,
although it may be
uneven. While entry
may focus on one
interpretation, based
on evidence and
analysis, it
acknowledges and
analyzes multiple
points of view.

Subtotal _________________

and consequences
of the topic, or the
relation of a local
topic to a larger
trend, are not fully
Varied sources
(primary and
secondary) are used
and include the
minimum to
advance the entrys
thesis and analysis.
Interpretations and
conclusions are
based on solid
Entry shows the
creative use of a
wide variety of
primary sources that
meet the required
minimum. Entrant
shows some
understanding and
distinction between
primary and
secondary sources.
Entry presents and
advocates one
interpretation over
any other with some
evidence or analysis
or consideration of
multiple points of

Some variety of sources

(primary and secondary)
is used, but
interpretation and
conclusion could be
enriched by more
sources showing varied
points of view.

The sources are

minimally diverse
(they may be mostly
secondary) and their
relation to the thesis is
not clear.

Entry would be
improved by including
available primary
sources that meet the
minimum requirement.

Primary sources are

few and/or confused
with secondary
sources. Minimum
number is not met.

Entry presents and

advocates one
interpretation over any
other with little
evidence or analysis or
consideration of
multiple points of view.

Entry only presents

one point of view
when it is obvious that
others exist.


Superior 10

Entry clearly relates

topic to History Day

Entry topic is
thoroughly linked to
the theme and the
connections to the
theme are
Entry demonstrates
the topics
significance in history
by thoroughly showing
its influence or impact
over time. Entry does
not confuse fame with
significance. Entry
has a clearly stated
conclusion and
answers the question,
Why was this

Demonstrates the
significance to the
topic in history and
draws conclusions.

Relation to Theme (20%)

Excellent 9
Good 8

Satisfactory 7

Needs Improvement 5

Entry is closely related

to the theme, but
would be strengthened
by more links

Entry is related to
the theme, but
would be
strengthened by
more links

Entry is related to the

theme, but would be
strengthened by more
links throughout. There
is only some material
related and connected.

Entrys relation to the theme is

Implied but not clearly explain

Entry demonstrates the

topics significance in
history by showing its
influence or impact
over time which may
be uneven. Entry does
not confuse fame with
significance. Entry has
a clearly stated
conclusion. and
answers the question,
Why was this

Entry demonstrates
the topics
significance in
history by showing
its influence or
impact over time.
Entry does not
confuse fame with
significance. Entry
has a clearly stated

Entry states that the

topic is significant, but
does not illustrate its
influence or impact
through evidence.
Conclusion needs more
explanation to be

Entry suggests that the theme

significant, but does not
demonstrate its significance.
Entrys conclusion is implied,
not stated.

Subtotal ____________


Superior 10

Clarity of Presentation: Documentary 20%

Excellent 9
Good 8
Satisfactory 7

Improvement 5

Presentation and
written material
is original, clear,
organized and
well presented.

Entry is an original
audio visual production
that is well organized
and communicates the
thesis and topics
significance The script is
clear, the visual images
and sound are
appropriate, and the
entrant has mastered
the technical skills
required. Fits well within
the time limit and is
between 8-10 minutes.

Entry is an original
audio visual production
that is organized and
communicates the
thesis and topics
significance The script
is clear, the visual
images and sound are
appropriate, and the
entrant has mastered
the technical skills
required. Fits well
within the time limit
and is between 8-10

Entry is
organized, has
visual impact,
and the
category is
appropriate to
the topic.

Entry richly utilizes

multimedia (such as
interviews, film footage
and site visits) to
communicate the theme
and central points. The
topic is best suited for
the documentary

Entry utilizes
multimedia (such as
interviews, film footage
and site visits) to
communicate the
theme and central
points which may be
uneven. The topic is
best suited for the
documentary category.

Subtotal ___________
Final Grade and Comments:

Entry is an original
audio visual
production that is
organized and
communicates the
thesis and topics
significance The script
is clear, the visual
images and sound are
appropriate, and the
entrant has mastered
the technical skills
required. Fits within
the time limit and is
between 8-10
Entry utilizes
multimedia (such as
interviews, film
footage and site
visits) to
communicate the
theme and central
points which may be
few. The topic is best
suited for the

Entry could have been

better organized to
communicate the thesis
and topics significance.
The script is unclear or
too vague in places. The
visual images and
sound are occasionally
vague in relation to the
topic. It is less than the
time limit and is
between under 8

The script is sometimes

unfocused and does not
underline the thesis of
the audiovisual
production. Some
images or sounds are
unrelated or
unidentified. It is clearly
less than the time
frame of 8-10 minutes.

Entry utilizes images

and audio but relies
mostly on narration to
communicate the
theme and central
points. The topic is not
necessarily suited best
in the documentary

Entry utilizes images

and audio but they do
not always explain the
theme or central points.
Text is used to
communicate the
theme and central pints
instead of images and
sound. Topic is not
suited for the
documentary category.

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