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Basic Updated Donna Eden Energy Routine, Express Version

Published on Sep 1, 2013

This is a quick version without explaining what the exercises are about (but wit
h the annotations!), to demonstrate how quickly they can be done, once you know
Best thing to do is to adjust this routine to an already existing habit, like a
shower or breakfast, or brushing your teeth, to help to create a new habit, as y
our energy needs a shower and food just as your physical body needs them!
It is good to repeat these exercises after work or at about 2 pm. Or any time yo
u feel stressed or out of balance!
Consistency is the Key to Success!
Our intention is to retrain our energy to stay Balanced 1. The 4 Thumps - for the meridians to run in the correct direction and to boost
the immune system,
2. Cross Crawl - for the energy on both sides of the body to cross over to have
a 100% access to all your capacities,
3. Wayne Cook - for the energy to be neurologically organized, to be able to lea
rn well and stay calm,
4. Crown pull - to release congested accumulated energies from the skull, amongs
t other things
5. Neurolymphatic Reflex Points massage - to free the body from toxins and boost
the immune system,
6. Connecting Heaven and Earth - for the energy to flow freely through the joint
s and to have a joyful outlook on life,
7. Resetting the Ileocecal and Huston valves - to have a balanced digestion and
a balanced cardio rhythm,
8. Hook Up and Zip up - for the Central and Governing Meridians to stay connecte
d, to have all our marbles fed by the front and back energy channels and for the
Chakras to be protected, and to stay centered and calm,
9. Diaphragm freeing - to have enough oxygen in the lungs and brain,
10. Celtic Weave - to have a big healthy aura for protecting your energies from
everything less than Love as well as for bringing wholesome energies in.

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