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Evolving is still going on throughout humans and is happening quicker than before. So far, we
are the fast creatures who have been evolving and still are. Throughout the years, geneticshave
been getting stronger and researchers are able to find out who fast we grow due to the genetic
form through research. Scientist Kathleen McAuliffe states, it so happens that it is human
Modern homo sapiens emerged 50,000andnaturalselectionsisveryirreleventduetothe
equipment we have today. Influenced, Harvard paleontologist Stephen Jay has said, There has
been no biological change, everything weve called culture and civilization wevebuiltwiththe
same body and brain. Even founders of evolutionary psychology, Leda Cosmides and John
Tooby havehadanideathatourbrainstructurehasbarelychangedsince huntergatherwithlittle
change. Over the past 10,000 years the skull structure has changed and data hasshown andwill
keep changing throughout the years. Human evolution has occurred a hundred more times
quicker than any other species in history. 2,000 new genetics adaptations are not limited to
different ethnic groups and other special traits such as skin and eye color. The mutation affects
the whole body when changing. The mutation relates to the brain, lifespan, digestive system
immunity of pathogens, sperm production,andbonestoconclude,tothewholefunctionofthe
DNA variants are unique to their continent origins, with proactive applicants. Genetics
are getting stronger. Henry Harpending states, It is likely that human races are evolving away
from each other. Also stating, We are getting less alike, not merging into a single mixed
away from each other. Some issues are due to the lack of improvement from other countries,
many developing countries do not have the stability to stay nourished. Many countries will be
underdeveloped and will have issues when surviving in the future. People who are not
uptodate with human structuring may not survive. The overriding trends date back 10,000
years, aredistinctinmanyethnic groups.Over35,000yearsteeth,skull,bodystructureisgetting
Scientist have evaluateddifferenthumanstructuresandotherspeciestosee majorchange
in species. When extracting a genetic block it leads to 20 percent of the human population.
Scientist have found DNA that is essential for human survival and advancements. Otherwise
genes are shuffledthroughouteachgeneration,largeparts ofDNA blockshave beeninheritfrom
past relatives. 7 percent of genes fit in the profile of a recent adaptation, with the most change
happening from 40,000 years ago to the present. The difference between two species today
would be 160 times more different than it actuallyis.Theresultsconfirmthatthedataofhuman
structure confirms that human evolution had only hit the accelerator. A mutation across 8,000
years have occurred in northernEurope.Malariaisabout35,000years oldandhaslethalformof
it 5,000 years old. Evolution overall has changed drastically and will continue throughout the

years. Human evolution is still increasing over the years and isaccelerating quicker andquicker

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