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Trainee: Phylip Rhys James

School: Halfway Primary

Headteacher: Mr. Colin Evans

Class Mentor:
Mr. Phil Goodridge
Miss Marian Williams
Miss Jayne Thomas

Senior Mentor:
Miss Jayne Thomas
Class/Set: and No. Of Pupils:
Y3 15 due to RWI / FS group taken
out at this time

Additional Adults:

BA Ed:



1st Obs.

2nd Obs.


Lesson Focus & Context:

Mathematics: To be able to answer worded time problems by drawing attention to key information in each problem.
Focus for Observation (target/s agreed with trainee):

Pupils to look at time problems.

Use a number line to help work out the time.
Show working out.
Decide which part of the problem can be considered key information.
Linked to the following QTS standard/s:

PART 1 LESSON OBSERVATION (Areas of strength/Areas for development):

S1: Professional Values and Practice:
Before the lesson started this morning you spoke to a parent in the classroom about her child. She
didnt ask if the class teacher was present but was happy to talk to Mr. James, which shows that she
regards you as her childs teacher. Your Headteacher, Class mentor and Senior mentor all told me
how much you have contributed to the life of the school and said how much they all want you to stay.
They also said that they would be very happy if you taught their children, which is the highest praise
you can get. You deserve to feel extremely proud of yourself and should enjoy this recognition for all
that you have achieved. You have exceeded the expectations for a final year trainee from the very
beginning of this placement. It is clear from the quality of your QTS checklist that you are not content
to merely meet the standards, but want to revisit them and do more. I have never seen this form being
completed from the beginning every week, citing fresh evidence. This is exemplary practice. You are
constantly seeking ways to develop and improve and are engaging in high quality dialogue with
professional colleagues on a daily basis. I was very impressed by the way in which you spoke to the
teacher of the RWI group and questioned her to provide evidence for your own records. Ardderchog
Phylip, you are a superb role model for pupils and other teachers.
S2: Knowledge and Understanding:

You demonstrated your knowledge and understanding of NC documentation very well in this lesson. It was apparent that
you realise the importance of addressing the skills and range as well as the subject content. You made the lesson your
own by delivering the content in an innovative way which appealed to pupils interests. You were sensitive to the range
of abilities in the class and the challenge sheets taped to the underside of their chairs were differentiated accordingly, for
the ALN group, the Target group and the MAT group. You identified the key skills which were relevant to this lesson, as
you always do. Pupils were encouraged to explain their methods and you insisted on the correct use of Mathematical
vocabulary. Your personal ICT skills were an added bonus in this lesson. They loved Minnie Minute using the program
Morfo and believed what she was telling them.
S3.1: Teaching: Planning, Expectations and Targets:
Your introduction was short, sharp and relevant. You covered a great deal of mathematics in a very short time ensuring
that pupils understood previous work and were able to switch from one unit of time to another with ease. Your
exceptional record keeping from the first week of your placement has enabled you to identify individual needs and set
targets. You have been diligent in updating these records. You were confident using individual whiteboards and did not
feel pressurised into giving out maths books. This was further evidence of your understanding of AfL strategies and the
ways in which you are able to incorporate these into your teaching. You have organised a visit to Sandy Water Park and
completed the necessary risk assessments yourself. Your decision to focus on the history of the park shows originality

and creativity. You have also taught another class at short notice and planned all the work in detail for that experience.

S3.2: Teaching: Monitoring and Assessment:

Here again you have been diligent in your record keeping from the time you arrived at the school. Your on-line record
keeping system is excellent. You have linked pupils work to NC level descriptors by highlighting what each one has
achieved. In addition to this, statements achieved but for which you have no evidence are underlined. This represents
hours of work but is further evidence of your commitment to the profession and your willingness to do whatever it takes
for the benefit of the pupils. You have been able to set targets informed by evidence. You have completed a display
about Y Teulu using your Welsh to good effect and have created a book for the school which is being published. You
have plans to complete another display. Your lesson evaluations are honest and indicate next steps. Your end of week
reviews are detailed and you expressed your gratitude to your Senior mentor and Class mentor for the amount of time
they have spent on this. Your checklist of QTS standards could be used for Performance Management by an
experienced teacher, though I doubt that many would have the evidence which you do. This is yet another example of
exemplary work and I have never seen this document completed to such a high standard. It has the WOW factor!
S3.3: Teaching: Teaching and Class Management:

You demonstrated your ability to challenge pupils in this lesson and in the lesson I observed during my previous visit.
You have learned a great deal about behaviour management strategies from your class mentor and have made these
your own. Your materials are of consistently high quality and are readily available. You have incorporated AfL strategies
in all your lessons and pupils were able to tell me about these. You have demonstrated that you are prepared to face
any challenge you are given and have built up a very positive relationship with some of the characters in the class. I
was particularly impressed by your sensitivity towards pupils and your ability to identify issues which you raised with the
class mentor.
*E Excellent, G Good, A - Adequate,

U Unsatisfactory (Significant Improvement Required)

Overall judgment on the quality of teaching (S1 S3.3):

Overall judgment on the quality of pupils learning experience


(in relation to learning objectives and learning



Quality of trainee self-evaluation in relation to previously set targets (including lesson evaluations and end of week reviews):

Phylips progress has been rapid, he is able to reflect critically and evaluate his own performance honestly. His end of
week reviews are completed with his Senior mentor in detail and he has consistently sought advice, which has been
implemented immediately.
Please check the trainee file(s) for evidence of:

Please check the trainee file(s) for evidence of:


g) satisfactory evidence of pupils

assessment including:











a) satisfactory planning



b) satisfactory lesson evaluations


c) satisfactory end of week reviews


d) up to date student training record




e) satisfactory pupil observations



Other (please state)

Majority of NC subjects taught at KS2

f) up to date Attendance Register



Number of days absent from this placement to date: _3____

Is there concern over progress?

(If yes has been circled please refer to the Concern over Progress process)


Quality of Oral and Written Language:

Phylip speaks to pupils using standard language which is differentiated to meet their needs. His use of subject specific
vocabulary is of a consistently high standard. He engages in high quality dialogue with colleagues every day, to ensure
that he can add to his bank of assessment information or learn more about Additional Learning Needs. In the dialogue
which I have heard with parents, he communicates clearly and sensitively, respecting their opinions. He is a fluent
Welsh speaker and his class mentor has said that Phylip has given him more confidence to use his own Welsh in the
classroom. He also used his Welsh language and knowledge of YCC to contribute to the class item on St. Davids Day.

General Comment(s), Trainee Progress (including progress against previous targets):

Absolutely superb in all ways, Phylip has never given less than 100% and would give more if it was possible.
He has become a very popular and greatly valued member of the team at Halfway Primary School. I have thoroughly
enjoyed being part of your lessons Phylip and have learned from seeing you teach.

Targets for Improvement:

Continue to maintain the exceptionally high standards
which you have set yourself. I know that you will.

Suggested ways forward:

I hope your book arrives in time.
Enjoy your forthcoming DT day Im sure you will.

Verbal feedback?



Written feedback?

Mentor: Miss Jayne Thomas

Joint Observation?
(Verbal feedback should be given by the end of the day
the session is taught with written feedback given within 2
working days)

Tutor: Marian Williams

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