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Appendix 1


Year Level:


60 mins Date: Term 4

Students Prior Knowledge:

Learning Area: Science

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum:
The growth and survival of living things are affected by
physical conditions of their environment (ACSSU904)

Living things have structured features and adaptations

that help them survive in the environment (ACSSU043)
Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and
informs personal and community decisions (the Year 5
version of ACSHE083)

Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and inform

Living things depend on each other and the
environment to survive (ACSSU073)

personal and community decisions (ACSHE100)

Earths surface changes over time as a result of

natural processes and human activity (ACSSU075)
Students would have basic ICT competency and would
know how to access their Gmail account for the
purpose of accessing other software
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Critical and

creative thinking


Personal and


Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia


Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
Develop an understanding and critically analyze the most common threats to endangered species.
Recall at least 3 way in which humans can prevent and limit a threat from advancing.
Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:
Weebly WebQuest lesson two completes and
published prior to the lesson. The teacher makes
sure that all links go to the correct places.

All students are able to log into the class

Kidblog to upload their SpiderScribe mind maps.
TitanPads created and places on the Weebly
WebQuest, with appropriate topics for each threat.
Have a computer that is able to connect with
the projector.

Provision for students at educational risk:

Students with visual impairment can
be seated at the front of the class.
Students with hearing difficulties are to
be seated towards the front of the class.
Early finishers have the opportunity to
find their own websites to strengthen and
develop their understanding on their allocated
High risk students can be given more

direct teacher attention during the independent

WebQuest portions of the lesson.

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:
Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:
[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)


Motivation and Introduction:

Ask students to get into their teams from the previous lesson. Students will be
working in these same groups for the duration of the lesson series.
On the whiteboard the teacher creates a brainstorm focusing on the most
common types of threats endangered species are facing. Students give their
answers by raising their hands and waiting quietly to be chosen by the
teacher. The brainstorm must include deforestation, pollution, illegal wildlife
trades and overfishing/illegal fishing.

Align these with the
segment where they will be

Whiteboard and
whiteboard markers.

The teacher tells all students that their task for today's lesson will be to
research information about the most common threats endangered species are
facing. Each group will be allocated a different threat at random.
The aim of todays lesson is to develop students understanding of common
threats and the ways in which we can prevent them from occurring. This will
all be conducted via a WebQuest.
Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

At 10

At 15

After each group has been assigned a threat by the teacher, students are to
return to their computers and await further instructions.
Display the class Weebly Webquest page on the projector for all students to
see. Students are to follow the instructions on the lesson two page.
Instructions include:
Using the brainstorming tool SpiderScribe each student is to brainstorm what
they already know (or think they know) about their allocated threat. This will
be quite brief. Once they have finished their brainstorm, students are to
upload their SpiderScribes onto the class Kidblog.
Students are then directed to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) website page to
research information on their allocate threats. Verbalise the main directions to
the class. All groups have a collection of topics for each threat, which must to
covered in the duration of the lesson. Topics include:
1. An accurate definition of the threat/problem.
2. A description of the causes of the threat.
3. A description of how severe the threat is.
4. An outline of some of the geographic regions which is most
effected by the threat.
5. A list of some of the animals species that are threatened by
the threat, and how close they are to extinction.
6. What can we do to prevent the threat.
Students are advised to divide the 6 topics between one another and work
collaboratively to collect appropriate research for their allocated threat.

WebQuest Lesson Two

Class Kidblog:

WWF Website:

The WWF website page will provide students with appropriate information for
each heading. However students are encouraged to use websites from the
more resources link on the Weeby WebQuest page to strengthen and
develop their understanding of the threat topics. Students also have the
option of finding their own websites, although are recommended to use the
provided resources first.

The groups are to use their allocated TitanPad workspace as a place to put all
their newly discovered information. Each group has their own TitanPad which
is found on the Weebly WebQuest lesson two page. Students are to write
their answers under the correct topic headings. Answers may be written in
short sentences or dot point form.


Leave students to their independent work. Filter through the class, looking to
see if any students are lagging and need help. At the same time the teacher is
to monitor each TitanPad making sure students are on task and being
At 25

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

Ask students to stop what they are doing and sit quietly in their seats. Ask
each groups to allocate one or two members to come to the front of the class
to give a brief overview of what their threat is.

At 55

Review the four threats (pollution, deforestation, illegal wildlife trades and
overfishing/illegal fishing) that affect the survival of endangered animals and
what we can do to prevent and limit the threat from advancing.
Tell students that any gaps in information will need to be filled during
homework time.
Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)
Students are asked to log out of their computers and return to their original
Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)

At 60

Teacher views each students mind maps (SpiderScribe) on the class Kidblog
to assess their prior knowledge of their allocated threat.
Teacher monitors and views each groups TitanPad to assess students
development of their understanding their allocated threat, and their ability to
critically analysis information. Objective 1
Teacher views each groups TitanPad assess groups research on ways to
prevent or limit the advancement of their allocated threat. Objective 2


Charlton, M., Pendlebury, M., & Santalucia, E. (2016). Lesson Two. Retrieved from

Disarea LLC. (2016). SpiderScribe (version not displayed) [Mobile application software]. Retrieved from

Hofstdtler, C., Prokop, M., & Renner, M. (2010). TitanPad (version not displayed) [Computer software]. Retrieved

Kidblog. (2016). Kidblog (version not displayed) [Mobile application software]. Retrieved from

School Curriculum and Standards Authority. (2016). Western Australian Curriculum Science v8.1. Retrieved from

World Wildlife Fund. (2016). Tackling threats that impact the earth. Retrieved from

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