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Le Pass Compos

A Review
Le Pass Compos is used for completed actions in the past, as
opposed to ongoing actions in the past. For example I talked
rather than I was talking. It may also be used for events that
happened several times in the past.
The Pass Compos is composed of two parts:
1. Lauxiliaire
2. Le participe pass of the verbe
Le participe pass
1. Regular Verbs: To form the past participles, drop the ending
from the infinitive and add in the participe pass endings.
-ER verbs: -, regarder regard
-RE verbs: -u, vendre vendu
-IR verbs: -i ,sortir sorti
2. Irregular Verbs: If the verb is irregular, the past participle will
probably be irregular, too (not aller/all). Here are some of the
ones youll use more often:

apprendre: appris
avoir: eu
boire: bu
comprendre: compris
croire: cru
devoir: d
dire: dit
crire: crit
tre: t
faire: fait
lire: lu
mettre: mis
natre: n
pouvoir: pu
prendre: pris
recevoir: reu
suivre: suivi
venir: venu
voir: vu
vouloir: voulu

Most verbs are conjugated withAVOIR
2. TRE
The verbs conjugated with TRE are the following: DR MRS
VANDERTRAMP (see the attached sheet)

Le Genre
Remember that you will need to change the ending of the vere
depending on if it is masculine, feminine (e), singular or plural (s), as
explored in Unit 1.
Les Examples
1. Je suis all(e) au parc. I went to the park.
2. Je suis n(e) Paris. I was born in Paris.
3. Je suis arriv(e) en retard. I arrived late.
4. Je suis sorti(e) avec des amis. I went out with friends.
5. Je suis parti(e) en vacances. I went/left on vacation.
6. Je me suis lev(e) six heures. I got up a six oclock.
7. Je me suis couch(e) dix heures. I went to bed at 10 oclock.
8. Je me suis lav(e) les mains./le visage. I washed my hands/face.
9. Je me suis bross(e) les dents./les cheveux. I brushed my
1. Jai fait mes devoirs. I did my homework.
2. Jai regard la tl. I watched tv.
3. Jai mang un sandwich. I ate a sandwich.
4. Jai perdu mes cls. I lost my keys.
5. Jai parl avec mes parents. I talked with my parents.
6. Jai cherch un bon restaurant. I looked for a good restaurant.
7. Jai trouv un bon caf. I found a good caf./coffee.
8. Jai prpar le dner. I made/prepared dinner.
9. Jai achet du pain. I bought (some) bread.
10. Jai envoy une lettre. I sent a letter.
11. Jai bu un soda. I drank a soda.
12. Jai lu un bon livre. I read a good book.
13. Jai choisi deux desserts. I chose two desserts.
14. Jai dormi jusqu' 9 heures. I slept until 9 oclock.

*See pages 216-218 in your textbook

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