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15 is Ge drs — BOOK LOVER'S JOURNAL fi oe eS @ READING CHALLENGE: 4M. aul 5] The ror King (The Orphan Queen) by Joa Meadows Apri is National Poetry Month! Try reading poems from w ” different cuitures and tine. periods! 1] No Housework Day @ WRITING CHALLENGE: a Tend to write freeform? Try a sonnet, sestina, or vilanelle! 95 Like structure? Experiment with free versel TDS MTV Movie Awards re re spring PI Hold Me Closer: The Tiny Cooper Story by David Levithan a ae a! when the world is puddle-wonderful a Cin Just-] by e¢. cummings rr BOOKS | WANT 10 /HAVE READ THS MONTH &s Bat Appreciation Day Wee, Tien FAVORITE MOMENT OF THE MONTH Print a photo oF your favorite: moment, 50 you can remember i al year! With love, from LO

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