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What is Kundalini?

The Cosmic Energy Inside Your Body

Kundalini Yoga Meditation
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Meditation Methods

Kundalini Yoga and Chakra positions. (c) Getty Images

Subhamoy Das
Hinduism Expert

Kundalini is the cosmic energy lying dormant within the human body. This latent
energy resides in the kunda or the pit at the base of the spinal cord, in the form of a
serpent like coil. This place in the body or energy center is
the base chakra or the Mooladhar Chakra. When stimulated, it travels from the base
chakra to the crown chakra orSahasrara Chakra in the form of
awakened kundalini or superconsciousness.

3-Minute Chakra Test
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Kundalini Yoga Meditation
Yoga for Kids
When it rises to the highest point, it unites with the Godhead, which is the divine
energy of the Almighty - be it Shiva or Krishna or Brahma or the union of male Shiva
and goddess Shakti, and the person attains a state of liberating rest or samadhi.
How to Raise Your Kundalini

The process of raising the kundalini is easier said than done. It requires a different
orientation of the mind and body, way of life and yogic awareness, meditation, will
power, and rigorous regular practice and perseverance that cannot be mastered in a
day. [Scroll below for 5 tips]
How is it Like to Attain Kundalini
First a person has to learn the methods from a guru and train himself in a systematic
way with sincerity and complete dedication. Gradually the gross senses will begin to
fine tune and the person will be aware of the subtle sense perceptions and subtle
energies within and without his body. Awakened kundalini starts to ascend, passes
through each chakra and reaches the brain. Once a person begins to awaken this
energy at every chakra point, s/he will be aware of a sensation in the brain.

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It could be as varied as a tingling, numbing, cold or a warm feeling along the spine
or the forehead or the top of the head. Some experience enhanced creativity, some
develop super sensory perception and smell hear and perceive divine images,
sounds or fragrance, some even perceive memories from subconscious self or
collective subconscious.
Notwithstanding the different sensations a person experiences, there is definitely a
feeling of superior consciousness. If any chakra is congested in between, kundalini
becomes static and the person experiences mental disturbances. On the other hand,
if s/he is able to master the art of activating kundalini shakti or power, s/he will be
free of worries, anger, jealousy, pride, covetousness, gluttony, sloth, lechery, and
sorrow. S/he will ascend above all evils and attain a spiritual bliss or as some would
term it liberation from the cycle of life and death / moksh / nirvana.
Controlling the Chakras
In Sanskrit the word 'chakra' means wheel. There are seven chakras or centers of
dynamic energy in our body, and when they are set in motion the kundalini
shakti passes from the root to the crown through the spine or the Sushumna nadi,
resulting in positive effect on the physical body as well as on the psychological and
spiritual evolution of a human being. It not only improves physical health but also

leads a person away from the illusions of the material world that surrounds us
towards an awareness and understanding of the spiritual world around. Read more
about the 7 Chakras
5 First Steps Towards Awakening Your Kundalini:
1. Practice complete detachment from material things
2. Train oneself to be non-aggressive, patient, asexual, focused
3. Follow controlled diet
4. Eliminate all distraction; perfect silence is necessary
5. Find the right guru / expert who has mastered this art over many years and
can teach and guide; books are not enough
Top 8 Books on Kundalini:
Art & Yoga Kundalini Awakening in Everyday Life
Kundalini Yoga Sadhana Guidelines
Kundalini Rising: Exploring The Energy Of Awakening
Shakti: An Introduction to Kundalini Maha Yoga
Raising Kundalini in 30 Days
Kundalini Secrets Revealed: A Proven Guide to Awakening Kundalini
Within & Naturally Heal Your Body
Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini: The Transformative Power of Saturn,
Chiron, and Uranus
Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful Experience the Natural Power of Pregnancy
and Birth With Kundalini...

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