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Jenn Darer

ECE 270
Educational Philosophy
DUE: 10/9/14
I believe that the purpose of education is to instill knowledge on the future generations to
help them find themselves and aid them throughout the worlds obstacles. I strongly believe that
education is the guide that cultivates the mind and instills values to the minds of young children,
enabling them to be able to distinguish between right and wrong. With these qualities, children
will then be able to embrace the ability to learn different skills pertaining to certain areas of
education; moreover leading to the achievement of overall development. Ideally, I would want
my students to be able to acquire the skills to analyze, for themselves, what type of message they
are obtaining from any literature they read. Lastly, I believe that teaching involves the deep
awareness of the significance of the choices I make and how those choices will then influence
the development and well-being of my students and what their sense of choice will become.
Therefore, being aware of my educational philosophy can increase my understanding and
performance of my work.
As a student, children need simple language that is supplemented by authentic instruction
that is not only relevant to the world around them, but also relevant to what is being taught in the
classroom. I also believe that students need an equal balance of implicit and explicit instruction.
Once students have obtained the skills to process and analyze new information through explicit
instruction, they need to be evaluated through different assessments to be able to see if they have
the capacity to comprehend vocabulary and material that is exposed to them through implicit
instruction. Additionally, I believe in the idea of individualism for my students because the
ability to acquire knowledge occurs at different rates among children and is being forgotten
because of the CCLS. Moreover, I need to be able to realize how different each student is from

one another; therefore, it is necessary for me to be able to diversely explain each lesson so each
student can understand.
As a teacher, I need to have five ethical beliefs to carry throughout the classroom in
order for my students to have the most potential for learning. Without perception, rationality,
reflection, emotion, and care for my students, my educational philosophy would be pointless.
Perception involves my ability to see the uniqueness, desires, and needs in each individual
student. This leads to rationality which helps the classroom run smoothly. Also, in order for my
students to be successful I will need to be able to recognize the unsuccessful events and qualities
within the classroom. From that point, the students can therefore do the same during the
reflection process; they will recall, identify, and question their own values and actions based on
what they have learned from me. Lastly, without the emotional connection between my students
and me, they wont be able to rely on me for support because they will see me as a controller and
themselves as an object with no meaning or purpose. By implementing all of these beliefs into
my classroom, this will let my students to think more creatively even within the constraints of
the Common Core Learning Standards. We, as teachers, dont produce robots or clones; we are
supposed to create thinkers. Moreover, throughout my educational career, I will need to be
professional, held accountable if anything happens, stand by what I teach my students, and
ethically follow any other teacher responsibilities within my philosophy of education.
Classroom environment is an essential factor for successful learning. I believe that the
environment needs to be safe, comfortable, and welcoming, yet enables the children to complete
simple daily tasks on their own. The environment also needs to be interactive in order for the
students to shape experiences through well-planned, purposeful curriculum. Having a purposeful

curriculum with appropriately challenging tasks that support the students interests will
ultimately foster a better acquisition of knowledge.
Lastly, the manner in which I believe to be the best way to run a classroom consists in
dealing with the components of who, what, when, where, how, and for what purpose. I believe
that these components are the basis for how I should teach my students. Firstly, Who is the
relationship between my students and I and whether I see them to be active participants in their
own learning or not. Secondly, What is the content that I teach to my students and whether or
not s/he can comprehend the cognitive, social, and emotional situations in the classroom. Thirdly,
When is the time to teach What. Therefore, I will need to know the ability of my students
well. Fourthly, Where is how and where students physically sit and play in the classroom. My
ability to interpret the students interactions in and among the class not only affects
the success of my teaching, but their learning as well. Fifthly, How revolves
around the idea of classroom structure and discipline and finding the right
balance of the two. Lastly, What is the purpose of all of this? Moreover, I
believe that my students need to be able to have the knowledge to help
them achieve their goals inside and outside of the classroom.

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