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Jason Seeterlin
Ms. Dockus
American Literature
February 16, 2016
Response to What Is Patriotism and What Shall We Do With It? by Max Eastman
Patriotism is a persons love for their country or homeland, and is almost always seen as a
virtue. But it can sometimes be confused with its evil twin; Nationalism. Nationalism is different
from Patriotism because Nationalism replaces pride with a sense of superiority. This sense of
superiority leads to things like wars, which nobody ever wants. In the essay What Is Patriotism
and What Shall We Do With It? by Max Eastman, we can learn about the nature and use of
patriotism before WWI.
Eastmans essay describes how patriotism is A talent for fighting solidarity with a
group and part of the instinctive equipment of the human animal. Both of which are a result
of mans natural pugnacity and gregariousness, or group-loyalty. What Eastman is trying to say
is that all humans love to fight, and all humans love to identify with a group. Some examples are
clubs, sports fans, gangs, countries, even religions and cultures. Patriotism is when a group of
people form an identity that goes with being a resident of a country or homeland. The strength of
Patriotism comes from self-identification, a part of individuality.
I personally identify as a patriot, and I love being an American Citizen. I am filled with
pride every time I sing the Star-Spangled Banner before a sports game. And my personal
devotion to my country is something i take pride in. However, I am against the idea of
Nationalism. Nationalism threatens to wreak havoc on other independent nations and people. It

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also threatens the idea that ones government should be challenged by its people, which is a
fundamental idea of the United States.

Eastman, Max. "Max Eastman's Classic Essay on Patriotism: An Extended Definition." Education. N.p., 27 Dec. 2015. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.

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