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Parish Pastoral Council

(PPC) Guidelines

Chancery Office
Cathedral of the Good Shepherd
Regalado Avenue Ext., Fairview Park 1, Quezon City

as of September 8, 2015

Guidelineson the relationship between the Parish Pastoral Council, Parish
Finance Council and the Parish Priest, which are in accord with the prescription of
Canons 528-529, 532, 536# 1-2, 537 authorized by the Local Ordinary, shall be
formulated and disseminated (PCP 11, Decrees, Art. 127).
As the Diocese continues to journey, growing as a Local Church in Novaliches,
new programs and structures evolve to respond to the needs of the people. The people,
especially the urban poor who comprise the majority in the Diocese, have expressed
their concrete needs in the Urban Poor Summit held last March 22, 2004. The Summit
was facilitated by the Diocesan Social Service and Development Ministry (SSDM).
The major concerns arising from the event served as the bases for organizing
Diocesan pastoral ministries and programs. In order to convene in one solid direction, a
General Assembly of parish priests, religious communities, diocesan schools, and
parish representatives was organized on March 11-12, 2005. It was during this
momentous event that the Diocese of Novaliches drafted the Vision and Mission and
also adapted the building of Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) as the main pastoral
thrust. As we progress as a church, we enrich our learning experiences. We begin to
view the parish as a process of building and sustaining relationships, forming and
exercising servant-leadership, creating and renewing organizational structures. As more
people get involved in the parish life, experiences become deeper, wider, and more
complex. With this, a need for organizational order begins to emerge. Thus, the making
of the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) Guidelines of the Diocese came as the outcome.
This will serve as a viable pastoral instrument for coordinated and effective ministry
work. Recognizing this need, the Council of the Laity (CLAN) immediately took the
initiative of data collection in order to assess the existing organizational structures and
operating procedures of the different parishes in the Diocese.
Primarily, the information gathered was considered in formulating the PPC
Guidelines on May 25-27, 2009. This was participated by various parish priests and
CLAN officers. Thereafter, Most Rev. Bishop Antonio R. Tobias, DD promulgated the
PPC Guidelines on August 15, 2009 and initiated official implementation on November

29, 2009 (First Sunday of Advent). After two years, a review and evaluation of the
Guidelines were conducted on November 12, 2011.
In 2013, the Diocese made plans to review the PPC Guidelines, two years after it
was amended. However, it was later decided to postpone the review to give way to the
preparations for the general transfer of assignments of Diocesan parish priests. Every
six years, the priests are appointed to new parishes.
In June 2014, the annual renewal of the Clergy raised the need for and timeliness
of the evaluation of the PPC Guidelines. The establishment of the Parish Finance
Council (PFC) and the review of the Council of the Laity of Novaliches (CLAN) were also
proposed. Immediately, a drafting team was organized to undertake the initial study and
integration of the amendments. On May 14, 2015, the draft of revised Guidelines was
presented in a Clergy meeting and then reviewed by all Vicariates. Recommendations
were heard and amendments were made. With the participation of the Clergy and the
laity, the amended PPC Guidelines follows a ratification and approval of the General
It is our fervent hope that the newly amended PPC Guidelines will provide a clear
direction on parish leadership and management. It is not made to restrict the leadership
and management of Parish Priests and PPCs but to provide directions and order. With
proper implementation, it can ensure continuity of pastoral programs and guarantee
stability in the parish community. The Guidelines provide a wide opportunity for the lay
to find their most appealing area of service. Such will facilitate utmost participation in the
life and development of the parish community.
May this development bring forth more fruits for our Diocese!

Rev. Fr. Antonio E. Labiao, Jr.

Vicar General Pastoral


Promulgation Decree
Definition of Terms
Vision-Mission and Core Values
Brief History of the Diocese of Novaliches
PPC Guidelines
Nature of PPC



A. Composition of the PPC
B. Ministries
C. Qualification of Members
D. Ineligibility
Roles and Responsibilities of PPC Officers and Members
A. Parish Priest
B. Chairperson
C. Vice Chairperson
D. Secretary

E. Treasurer* to be reviewed upon creation of PFC Guidelines


F. Auditor* to be reviewed upon creation of PFC Guidelines

G. Ministry Coordinator
H. BEC Pastoral Team Coordinator
I. Bukluran/Kawan/Pamayanan Head
J. Chapel Stewardship Head
K. Heads of Associations of the Christian Faithful
Ministries: Composition and Functions
A. Worship Ministries
1. Composition
2. Specific Responsibilities





B. Growth in Faith Ministries

1. Formation in Faith Ministry
2. Youth Ministry
3. Family and Life Ministry
4. Stewardship Ministry
5. Vocation Ministry
6. Social Communications Ministry
C. Social Action Ministries
1. Composition
2. Specific Responsibilities
3. Description of Ministries
Compassionate Care Ministries
a. Health and Nutrition Ministry
b. Disaster Preparedness and Response Ministry
c. Care for the Elderly Ministry
Human Development Ministries
d. Economic Development Ministry
e. Education and Scholarship Ministry
Social Transformation Ministries
f. Pastoral Care for Children & Vulnerable Adults Ministry
g. Persons with Disability Ministry
h. Migrants Ministry
i. Labor Ministry
j. Land and Housing Ministry
k. Good Governance and Public Affairs Ministry
l. Restorative Justice Ministry
m. Ecology/Environment Ministry
Building and Sustaining Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs)
A. BEC Organizational Structure
B. Roles and Responsibilities of Parish BEC Pastoral Team
Organizational Dimension of PPC
A. PPC Regular Meetings
B. Manner of Selection and Tenure of Officers and Members
C. PPC Relationships with Other Organizations
D. PPC Organizational Chart
Codes of Conduct and Discipline
A. Code of Conduct



B. Discipline and Accountability

A. Organizing the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)
B. Chapel Stewardship Guidelines


A parish is a certain community of Christs faithful stably established within a
particular Church, whose pastoral care, under the authority of the diocesan
Bishop, is entrusted to a parish priest as its proper pastor. (c. 515, 1)
As a general rule, a parish is to be territorial, that is, it is to embrace all Christs
faithful of a given territory. Where it is useful, however, personal parishes are to
be established, determined by reason of the rite, language, or nationality of
Christs faithful of a certain territory, or on some other basis. (c. 518)
As a general rule, a parishioner is Christs faithful residing within the territory of a
As of the present, the Diocese of Novaliches has no personal parish, as
stipulated in canon 518. However, according to the pastoral life and experience of
the diocese, a faithful is considered a parishioner not only by reason of residence
or domicile, but also by reason of active involvement and formal registration.
Hence, even though he/she resides outside the territory of the parish, he/she can
still be considered a parishioner provided he/she is actively involved in its

pastoral life and is formally registered therein. In this case, however, he/she may
be restrained from any major position of leadership in the parish.
The term Council refers to two different bodies, viz., concilium and consilium.
When the Code uses the term concilium, it means a consultative body of the
church. Consilium is the term used for the deliberative body.
In the case of Pastoral Council, the term council refers to concilium, that is, a
consultative body.
The Code does not give a clear distinction between a Council and a
Committee. However, councils are larger in membership than the other
consultative bodies. Secondly, the members of a council are at least partly
elected, while those of a committee are appointed. Thirdly, a council has a more
stable membership and wider scope of responsibility, while a committee is a
smaller group temporarily or stably constituted to perform a particular activity or
For our purpose, a commission refers to a group on the diocesan level
composed of the heads of organizations in the parish with a specific mission or
Canonically, a (lay) ministry refers to a specific liturgical service and function
that the lay faithful are allowed to share in either a stable or temporary manner,
such as the ministry of lector and acolyte. (c. 230, 1-3). For pastoral purposes,
we adopt the term ministry in a wider sense, which is, referring to charism shared
within the structure of the Church for particular service.
ASSOCIATION OF CHRISTIAN FAITHFUL (consociatio christifidele)
It is generally a body of persons associated for a common purpose. A group of
Christs faithful, clerics or laity, or clerics and laity together strive with a common
effort to further spiritual purposes in the church.

The Christian faithful have the right to constitute associations. They can be
public, private, juridical private association, catholic, third order, or the
associations with the intention of raising it into an Institute of Consecrated Life
(ICL) later. These associations do not have public vows, common life and status
of life in the church. Though they have their own statutes, they are under the
supervision of the diocesan bishop.
It must be noted that within the parish are parochial and transparochial
organizations and movements. The parochial consists of groups within the parish
organizational structure, fully and directly under the authority of the Parish Priest,
such as Legion of Mary, Knights of Columbus, Apostleship of Prayer, Mother
Butlers Guild and the like. The transparochial refers to groups whose leadership,
organizational structure and programs go beyond the parish and diocesan
boundaries with their own statutes, such as, Couples for Christ, El Shaddai and
the like. Nevertheless, they remain under the supervision of the diocesan bishop
and respective parish priest.


We, the local Church of Novaliches, are a Christ-centered community of
disciples, responding to the needs of the people, journeying with the Blessed Virgin
Mary towards the newness and fullness of life.

Trusting in the grace of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we commit
ourselves to: promote renewed and integral evangelization, empower the laity and form

servant leaders, commune with the poor, oppressed and marginalized and work for their
upliftment, through the building and developing of Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs)
towards total human development and social transformation.

Through baptism we are all made sharers in the mission of the Church as priest,
prophet and king. It is necessary that a forum be created in each parish where clergy
and laity can meet to live this mission to the fullest. An active Parish Pastoral Council
(PPC) is the way to realize the vision and mission of the parish and the diocese.

The Vision-Mission of the Parish rests on or articulates certain core values that
are meant to be shared by each member of the community. These core values define
the shared identity, character and spirituality of all those who wish to be part of its life
and mission.
As expressed in its mission statement, the work of evangelization should be
characteristically integral if it can truly be said to be human and Christian. This means
that the proclamation of the Gospel includes the development of the total human person
in all aspects of life -- socio-economic, political, cultural, spiritual, intellectual, emotional
and physical.


The mission of Evangelization does not belong only to the clerical state but to the
whole people of God. All baptized Christians have both the rights and duties to take
active part in the life and mission of the Church in the most dynamic, participatory, and
creative ways according to the distinct gifts endowed by the Holy Spirit.

It means

recognizing and developing the unique charisms of the members for the service of the
whole community. Capacity building and empowerment of the lay people happen

through human and Christian formation programs which should be on-going,

sustainable, and relevant. It should lead the lay faithful to appreciate more profoundly
their Christian identity, vocation and mission in the Church as well as in the world.
Conscious of the real condition of its lay people in the grass-roots level who
struggle in poverty and marginalization, and inspired by the rich Catholic social tradition
in general, the Parish has Preferential Option for the Poor as another core value. This
means that the parish should have clearly defined, sustainable, effective and efficient
social programs especially for those who are in situations of poverty. Instead of
considering or understanding them as mere beneficiaries, it ensures that the poor take
active part in the shaping, implementation and evaluation of these programs. This is the
only way for the parish social services to become truly relevant and sustainable. In the
long run, becoming principal players themselves in the life and mission of the Church,
the parish hopes to be the Church of the Poor.
The fundamental identity of leaders and members of the parish community and
BECs is that of stewards of the God-given life and of all the manifold blessings that
sustain that life: nature and environment, time, talents, treasure, faith, and vocation. As
stewards, they are imbued with the spirit of gratitude for the graciousness of God; with a
sense of awe for the wonderful surprises from God; with fundamental trust in Gods
providence, and with love and justice that enable them to commit themselves to serve
God in others. Stewardship of the environment enables BECs to help protect the natural
resources of Mother Earth from further degradation and assist especially the poor who
suffer severely from adverse effects of climate change. Christian life finds its fullest
expression in giving and sharing. Stewardship becomes a way of life that makes one,
not only give to a need, but also constantly feels the need to give.


Within the framework of Spirituality of Stewardship in the Church of the Poor,

leadership is appreciated in terms of service. One does not become a leader for selfish
interests, needs or agenda, but for the service of God in the building of His Reign in the
Church and in society. Such spirit of service finds concrete manifestations in ones
commitment to be men and women for others, always concerned on how to be
instruments in the hands of God in bringing about greater possibilities and opportunities
for people to develop as human persons and reach their full potentials according to
Gods purpose. As leaders, they become animators, capable of empowering the people
they serve and thus also empower others to serve.
The commitments expressed above lead to the realization of the Vision of the
Parish for each of the members to become genuine disciples of Jesus marked by
selflessness, self-sacrificing love, and intimate imitation of Christ. Bound by a common
life of faith, worship and values, they witness to Gods Love, Compassion and Mercy in
the world and thereby contribute to the promotion of the fullness of life for all. Sense of
community is important in the life of a parish. Christ-like community building is
characterized by unity in diversity, active concern for and contribution to the common
good, delegation of responsibilities, empowerment of community leaders and members,
and community enculturation of Christian values.


On February 2, 1854, Feast of the Presentation, General Manuel Pavia y Lacy
arrived in Manila to serve as the 62nd Governor-General of the Philippine Islands.
Having defended the child queen Isabela II from the claims of her uncle Prince Carlos,
he was awarded earlier with the title of Marquez of Novaliches, a small village 60 kms
away from the city of Valencia.
One of his first projects in the Philippines was to establish a penal colony
where prisoners would be given lands and their freedom as long as they develop the
area of settlement. When they cleared the area, they called it Hacienda Tala because it
was like a star that had fallen in the heavily forested area. It then attracted people from
Meycauayan, Polo, San Mateo and Montalban to form a larger community.
When Gen. Manuel Pavia left on October 28, 1854, the settlement grew to
comprise the nine barrios at present: Bagbag, San Bartolome, Bagbaguin, Kaybiga,
Llano, Bagombong, De Paro, Camarin, Tala and 5 sitios: Kapre, Damong Maliit, Pasong
Putik, Maligaya and San Agustin. The inhabitants therefore decided to form a municipio
with a Gobernadorcillo: Presidente Munisipal, Teniente Mayor, Cabeza de Barangay and
proposed to name it in honor of Gen. Manuel Pavia, Marquez de Novaliches. In January
26, 1856, the 64th Governor-General Manuel Crespo y Cebrian therefore officially
established the town of Novaliches.
In the same year Archbishop Jose Aranguren, OAR, sent the Augustinians under
Padre Andres Martin to establish the first Church in the newly established municipio
dedicated to Nuestra Senora de la Merced.
It was in Novaliches that Andres Bonifacio organized the Katipunan so that when
the first shot of the revolution was fired on August 24, 1886, in Pugad Lawin, the second
shot was at Binuksok, Novaliches. When the Katipuneros massacred Gen. Luis and his
soldiers and burned the convent, the Church was left abandoned by the Augustinians
for almost 35 years. Only in 1931 did the clergy return with the diocesan priests: Padre

Paterno Bernabe, Padre Nicolas San Juan, Msgr. Hernando Antiporda, Padre Francisco
Santiago, Padre Segundo Alto.
In 1990, the present area of Novaliches came under the Ecclesiastical Districts of
Kalmana and Quezon City.

In 1994, the new District of Quezon City North was

established by Jaime Cardinal Sin, D.D, and was headed by Most Rev. Francisco
Claver, SJ, and Msgr. Felipe Ocol as his Episcopal vicar. In 1996, Most Rev. Teodoro
Bacani, took over the two districts of Kalmana and Quezon City North where Msgr.
Alfonso Bugaoan, Jr., served as Episcopal Vicar. In March 2002, the new Ecclesiastical
District of Novaliches comprising the bulk of Quezon City North and Kalookan North
comprising 51 parishes was established with Bishop Bacani as her District Bishop and
Fr. Gerardo Tapiador as her Episcopal vicar.
On December 7, 2002, the Diocese of Novaliches was formally established and
promulgated at the Villa San Miguel with the appointment of Bishop Teodoro Bacani, Jr.,
as her first Bishop.

He was formally installed on January 16, 2003 at the Good

Shepherd Cathedral in Fairview, Quezon City, where he also appointed the first Vicar
General, Fr. Gerardo Tapiador, first Chancellor, Fr. Jaime Lara and first Oeconomus, Fr.
James Gaa.
On June 10, 2003 Bishop Bacani left for the United States of America, taking an
extended leave from the Diocese pending completion of an investigation initiated by
Rome on certain allegations made against him. Meantime, in order to closely oversee
the still very young diocese in his absence, the Most Rev. Antonio R. Tobias, D.D. of the
Diocese of San Fernando, La Union, was appointed Apostolic Administrator of
Novaliches on June 19, 2003. In late November of that same year, Rome formally
accepted the resignation of Bishop Bacani and likewise announced the appointment of
Bishop Tobias as the new Ordinary of Novaliches. On January 26, 2004, Bishop Tobias
was installed as the Second Bishop of Novaliches at solemn ceremonies held at the
Good Shepherd Cathedral Shrine, presided by the Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines,
the Most Rev. Antonio Franco, D.D.
In the first year of his ministration to the Diocese of Novaliches following his
installation, the new Bishop carried out two principal initiatives: first, the setting up of an

ad hoc committee to study and to recommend a better organizational management set

up for the Diocese. One of the key recommendations that this Committee pushed
forward was the creation of another office of vicar general in addition to the already
existing one, splitting two major areas of responsibility normally performed by one vicar
general in behalf of the Bishop: hence, a Vicar General for Administration and a Vicar
General for Pastoral Affairs. Acting on this recommendation, the Bishop appointed the
members of the new Curia with Fr. Miguelito G. Lagrimas and Fr. Antonio E. Labiao, Jr.,
as Vicars General for Administration and for Pastoral Affairs, respectively. The following
priests were also appointed and officially installed with the new Vicars General on
December 7, 2004 at the Good Shepherd Cathedral, namely, Fr. Marlou V. Lemaire,
Oeconomus, and Fr. Jaime Z. Lara and Fr. Jerome U. Rosalinda as Chancellor and
Vice-Chancellor respectively.
Another important initiative in the wake of the aforementioned major
organizational shake-up was the staging on March 22, 2004 of the 1st Urban Poor
Summit led by the Diocesan Social Services and Development Ministry (SSDM) in
partnership with Caritas Manila and the Assisi Foundation. That one-day Summit was
attended by more than 500 participants with the resultant discussion serving
subsequently as the basis for the setting up of the Social Action programs of the
The following year 2005 was also a very vital and determinative year for the
Diocese. At the Bohol R&R Clergy gathering on February 21-24, 2005, the Clergy
decided to pursue the following programs: Standardization Program, General Reshuffle
of Priests Assignments, One-Priest Directorship of all Diocesan Schools and the closing
down of the Good Shepherd House of Formation. Then on March 11-12, 2005, for two
days in a row, the Clergy, the Religious and the Lay leaders of the Diocese gathered
together at the Mater Carmeli School in Lagro, Novaliches for the 1 st Diocesan General
Pastoral Assembly. From that first general and major pastoral gathering came forth the
Vision-Mission Statement of the Diocese, one from which would flow many other
important and significant changes in policies and procedures that would further shape
the future of the young diocese.

In May of that same year, the Pastoral Office of the Diocese was formally set up
with five (5) pastoral commissions and BEC Team. The Standardization Program was
implemented on April 2006 and the first General Reshuffle of the Diocesan Parish
Priests was effected on June 2007.
Meanwhile, in pursuit of thoroughgoing reforms and reorganization following the








reorganized. In its place the new Roman Catholic Bishop of Novaliches-Educational

System (RCBN-ES) was created with all parochial schools put under one priest
directorship with Fr. Albert N. Delvo, thus, appointed as Superintendent-Director.
Following the massive reorganization of parochial schools and parishes, with entirely
new parish priests in place, so also came the election of new Vicar Foranes for all the
existing vicariates. This vicariate election in turn ushered in the formation of the new set
of officers and members of the Presbyteral Council.
Also in that same year 2005 which was designated as the Eucharistic-Marian Year,
two landmark pastoral-theological congresses were held in the Diocese: the Eucharistic
Congress on the 11th to the 13th of August at the Celebrity Sports Plaza, and the Marian
Congress on the 9th of December at the huge parking lot of SM City Fairview.
On November 14-15, 2008, the Diocesan Strategic Planning was held. A
Diocesan survey was conducted to prepare for this planning. Seven (7) strategic goals
were formulated to direct the work of the different pastoral commissions and ministries.
Furthering the pastoral growth in the Diocese, Bishop Antonio R. Tobias, D.D
promulgated the PPC Guidelines on August 15, 2009. The Guidelines aim at helping
the parishes in organizing their pastoral councils.
As the administrative and pastoral affairs of the Diocese developed with new
offices, commissions, and ministries created, the need for a bigger and more integrated
Diocesan Office was felt. Thus, on July 2012, the Chancery transferred from its original
and rather cramped office space at the second floor of the Good Shepherd Parish
Church building facing Omega Street to the 2 nd Floor of the Good Shepherd Parish

Pastoral Formation Center facing Regalado Avenue. Ditto, the Pastoral Office from St.
Peter Parish in Regalado Avenue, Quezon City moved to the same office venue.
On December 7, 2012, the Diocese marked the 10 th anniversary of its
Establishment and this it did with thanksgiving, joy, and confidence that it has been on
the right track towards becoming a Community of the Lords Disciples of the Church of
the Poor as it has primarily envisioned.
Since 2003 the diocese has further grown from fifty-one (51) to sixty-eight (68)
parishes, and from six (6) to eleven (11) vicariates.



By divine institution, the Holy Church is ordered and governed with a
wonderful diversity. For just as in one body we have many members, yet all

the members have not the same function, so we, though many, are one body
in Christ, but severally members one of another. Therefore, the chosen
People of God is one: one Lord, one faith, one baptism; sharing a common
dignity as members from their regeneration in Christ, having the same filial
grace and the same vocation to perfection; possessing in common one
salvation, one hope and one undivided charity. (Lumen Gentium 32).
In recognition of this basic unity and dignity of Christs faithful, and the varied
and unique charisms each one possesses, lay people are encouraged to
undertake a more active role in the pastoral life and mission of the Church.
Since, in baptism, they share in the role of Jesus Christ as priest, prophet and
king, they have their work cut out for them in the life and activity of the
Church. Their activity is so necessary within the Church communities that
without it the apostolate of the pastors is often unable to achieve its full
effectiveness. (Apostolicam Actuousitatem 10.)
Pastors, therefore, are urged to recognize and promote the dignity as well as
the responsibility of the laity in the Church. Hence, they are to listen to their
advice, confidently assign duties to them in the service of the Church and
encourage them to develop their own initiative (Lumen Gentium 37). They
must work together with the lay faithful, and sincerely acknowledge and
promote the dignity of the laity and the part proper to them in the mission of
the Church They must willingly listen to the laity, consider their wants in a
fraternal spirit, recognize their experience and competence in the different
areas of human activity, so that together with them they will be able to
recognize the signs of the times (Presbyterorum Ordinis 9).
A significant response to the abovementioned teaching and active
recommendations of the Second Vatican Council regarding the common
responsibility of all the faithful in the life and mission of the Church and the
mutual cooperation between the laity and the pastors of the Church, the
establishment of Pastoral Councils in the diocese and in parishes was
introduced into the 1986 Code of Canon Law. It is a new institution in the
canonical system.

Canon 536, 1 If, after consulting the council of priests, the

diocesan Bishop considers it opportune, a pastoral council is to be
established in each parish. In this council, which is presided over by

the parish priest, Christs faithful, together with those who by virtue of
their office are engaged in pastoral care in the parish; give their help in
fostering pastoral action.2 The pastoral council has only a
consultative vote, and it is regulated by the norms laid down by the
diocesan Bishop.


Second Plenary Council of the Philippines. Parish Pastoral Councils

shall be supported, developed and renewed according to the norms of
the Code of Canon Law and appropriate diocesan norms (PCP-II,

Composed of members truly representative and reflective of the entire parish
community (c. 512 2), the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is a body that is
constituted and presided over by the Parish Priest so that the faithful
collaborate with and help him through their expert advice on pastoral and
apostolic subjects (c. 536, 2). As a consultative body according to Canon
Law, it studies, gives advice, and fosters pastoral activity in the parish. In the
light of the Philippine pastoral context, it also serves as an executive and
coordinating body in pursuit of the vision-mission of the parish.
Its nature and function are similar to the diocesan pastoral council and is
regulated by particular norms coming from the diocesan bishop. Though
strictly speaking, its role is only consultative, with the pastor still having the
final decision, prudent pastoral leadership demands that the pastor consults
with and listens to the Parish Pastoral Council. He ought not to ignore the
advice and opinions of its members on the various pastoral concerns of the
parish. In fact, he should recognize and empower the PPC towards fruitful and
meaningful implementation of pastoral programs.


As a Consultative body, the PPC has a two-fold dimension of purpose:

A. Strengthens and deepens the faith of the PPC members and their
service-commitment to the people of God
B. Develops a spirituality based on following Jesus in His words and
deeds, inspiring selfless service, compassionate leadership, humane
and Chirstian work-ethics
C. Builds worshipping, serving, self-determining and reliant communities
in touch with the local, national and global realities enabling members
to read the signs of the times
A. Considers and reflects upon pastoral concerns expressly brought to its
attention by the Parish Priest, the parish community and BECs, and
propose practical resolves and/or concrete actions thereupon
B. Presents and submits to the attention of the Parish Priest apostolic
concerns, pastoral agenda and/or administrative issues in the Parish
as perceived by the Council Members, for proper attention and action
C. Attentively and carefully listens to the voice, feels the pulse of the
Parishioners in general and particular sections thereof in order to
address their felt pastoral needs and concerns


The PPC realizes and concretizes its purpose by being faithful to its functions:
A. Identifies and studies the situations and conditions of life, needs, ideas
and hopes of the parishioners
B. Defines the Vision-Mission of the Parish in conformity with the Gospel
Values, with the teachings of the Church, and the Vision-Mission of the

C. Draws a strategic plan which will help attain the vision-mission of the
parish in consonance with the threefold functions of Christ, which are
Worship (Priestly), Teaching (Prophetic) and Service (Kingly) and with a
special focus on the building of the Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs),
especially among the poor and marginalized sectors of the parish
D. Leads in the implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and recommendation
of policies, procedures, programs and projects, meant to inspire the
different ministries toward a more dynamic Parish in its life of fellowship
(Koinonia), of witness (Martyria), and of service (Diakonia)
E. Makes itself accountable to the Parish Priest, to the Bishop and the

Diocesan Commissions and Vicariate Coordinating Teams on the one

hand, and holds the ministries under it accountable on the other hand,
through compliance to reportorial requirements in terms of pastoral
programs, and finances


There are three levels in the Composition of the PPC: The PPC Officers, the
PPC Executive Committee (Execom), and the entire PPC body.
1. PPC Officers

Parish Priest
Vice Chairperson
Treasurer* to be reviewed upon creation of PFC Guidelines
Auditor* to be reviewed upon creation of PFC Guidelines

2. Executive Committee


PPC Officers
Coordinators of Ministries (Worship, Growth in Faith, Social Action)
BEC Pastoral Team Coordinator
Chairperson of Parish Finance Council (ex-officio)* to be reviewed upon
creation of PFC Guidelines

3. PPC Members
a. Executive Committee
b. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Ministry Coordinator
c. Ministry of Lectors and Commentators Coordinator
d. Liturgical Music Ministry Coordinator
e. Ministry of Altar Servers Coordinator
f. Ministry of Reception of Gifts Coordinator
g. Ministry of Care for the Sanctuary and Sacristy Coordinator
h. Formation in Faith Ministry Coordinator
i. Catechetical Ministry Coordinator
j. Biblical Apostolate Coordinator
k. Youth Ministry Coordinator
l. Family and Life Ministry Coordinator
m. Stewardship Ministry Coordinator
n. Vocation Ministry Coordinator
o. Social Communications Ministry Coordinator
p. Health and Nutrition Ministry Coordinator
q. Disaster Preparedness and Response Ministry Coordinator
r. Care for the Elderly Ministry Coordinator
s. Economic Development Ministry Coordinator
t. Education and Scholarship Ministry Coordinator
u. Pastoral Care for Children and Vulnerable Adults Ministry Coordinator
v. Persons with Disability Ministry Coordinator
w. Migrants Ministry Coordinator
x. Labor Ministry Coordinator
y. Land and Housing Ministry Coordinator
z. Public Affairs Ministry Coordinator
aa. Restorative Justice Ministry Coordinator
ab. Ecology/Environment Ministry Coordinator
ac. Pamayanan Head
ad. Chapel Stewardship Head
ae. Heads of Associations of the Christian Faithful

4. Others who may be invited:

a. Representatives of Parochial Schools
b. Heads of Religious Communities
c. Leaders of Partner Organizations

1. Worship Ministries

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Ministry

Ministry of Lectors and Commentators
Liturgical Music Ministry
Ministry of Altar Servers
Ministry of Reception of Gifts
Ministry of Care for the Sanctuary and Sacristy

2. Growth in Faith Ministries

The Growth in Faith Ministries are autonomous and clustered for coordination
of formation programs.

Formation in Faith Ministry

Youth Ministry
Family and Life Ministry
Stewardship Ministry
Vocation Ministry
Social Communications Ministry

3. Social Action Ministries

Parishes may vary in the number of their social action ministries, based on
parish needs and resources.
Compassionate Care Ministries
a. Health and Nutrition Ministry Coordinator

b. Disaster Preparedness and Response Ministry Coordinator

c. Care for the Elderly Ministry Coordinator
Human Development Ministries
d. Economic Development Ministry Coordinator
e. Education and Scholarship Ministry Coordinator
Social Transformation Ministries
f. Pastoral Care for Children and Vulnerable Adults Ministry Coordinator
g. Persons with Disability Ministry Coordinator
h. Migrants Ministry Coordinator
i. Labor Ministry Coordinator
j. Land and Housing Ministry Coordinator
k. Good Governance and Public Affairs Ministry Coordinator
l. Restorative Justice Ministry Coordinator
m. Ecology/Environment Ministry Coordinator

Practices the faith, with good moral standing in the community
Has the desire, interest, commitment and time to fulfill the functions and
duties of the office without expecting anything in return
5. Open to formation and renewal
6. Has basic knowledge of and interest in BEC or Ministry work
A parishioner is ineligible from membership in the Council if he/she is one of
the following:
1. Salaried employee of the Parish
2. Elected Public Official



A. Parish Priest By virtue of his jurisdictional competence and administrative
accountability, the Parish Priest shall be the Head and President of the PPC.
He shall have the following functions:
1. Appoints the officers and members of the PPC and the rest of the
members not included among the regular or ex-officio members
2. Convenes and presides over all PPC meetings, but he could request the
Chairperson of the PPC to moderate the meeting
3. Works towards the attainment of the constitutive PPC objectives as well
as directs and coordinates its activities
4. Formally terminates a PPC member gravely erring in faith and morals,
not conforming to the Code of Conduct of the PPC and seriously
neglecting to discharge his/her duties and responsibilities
B. Chairperson

Works in close coordination with the Parish Priest

Moderates PPC meetings when delegated by the Parish Priest
Represents the Parish Priest when delegated and renders a report to him
Monitors the implementation of PPC decisions, programs and activities
Coordinates with the Parish Priest and other PPC members in setting the
agenda for meetings
6. Serves as parish lay representative in vicariate and diocesan affairs and
7. Performs other related tasks as may be assigned by the Parish Priest
C. Vice Chairperson
1. Works closely with the Chairperson of the PPC
2. Assumes or takes over the functions of the Chairperson in his/her absence
or physical incapacity
3. Helps ensure a smooth flow of the operations of the PPC by coordinating
with the heads of different commissions, ministries and BEC leaders
4. Works towards a healthy dynamics and synergy of the PPC in its meetings

5. Performs other related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign

D. Secretary
1. Issues notices for PPC meetings and disseminates all needed
2. Records the minutes of the PPC meetings and reads the minutes of the
meeting, and keeps all pertinent records
3. Ensures the effective flow of communication within the Parish
4. Maintains at all times an accurate and up-to-date directory of the officers
and members of the PPC
5. Performs other related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign
E. Treasurer* to be reviewed upon creation of PFC Guidelines
1. Has responsibility for the receipt, collection, deposit/safekeeping and
proper use and application of the funds of the PPC
2. Maintains accounting records for all receipts and disbursements of funds
of the PPC
3. Prepares the periodic financial reports of the PPC
4. Ensures that all funds are properly accounted for in compliance with the
principle of accountability, transparency and trustworthiness
5. Performs other related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign
F. Auditor* to be reviewed upon creation of PFC Guidelines
1. Audits, verifies and examines the Books of Accounts of the PPC Funds,
chapel Funds and all other organizations in the parish
2. Prepares and submits to the PPC quarterly reports on the financial status
of all the commissions, organizations, movements and committees
3. Performs other related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign
G. Ministry Coordinator

Facilitates the meetings of the ministry

Gives regular reports of ministry status and concerns to the PPC
Recommends necessary activities for consideration of the PPC
Represents the ministry in parish, vicariate and diocesan level activities

5. Maintains close coordination with other ministries for smooth and

undisrupted implementation of programs/activities
6. Identifies and recommends potential ministry members and leaders
7. Submits annual plan with budgetary requirements to the PPC based on
the reports of the sub-ministry heads.
8. Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign
H. BEC Pastoral Team Coordinator
1. Forms and leads the Parish BEC Pastoral Team whose function is to
spearhead the organizing and strengthening of BECs, to provide the
formation of the existing BECs in the Parish, and to monitor and animate
BECs to ensure their long term viability
2. In coordination with all the Ministries, provides necessary assistance to
ensure the sustainability of BECs, especially formation and training to
upgrade individual skills and capabilities and deepen the commitment of
the BEC leaders
3. Attends to BECs that require special attention
4. Monitors social needs of the BECs and reports them to the PPC for
appropriate action
5. Ensures periodic evaluation and planning of the BECs
6. Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign
I. Bukluran/Kawan/Pamayanan Head
1. Presides over Bukluran/Kawan/Pamayanan meetings, respectively
2. Serves as coordinator: of household heads for Bukluran Head, of
Bukluran Heads for Kawan Head, and of Kawan Heads for Pamayanan
3. Supervises and assists in the implementation of pastoral programs in the
Bukluran/Kawan/Pamayanan, respectively
4. Represents the Buklurans in Kawan activities for Kawan Head, and the
Kawans in PPC meetings and parish activities for Pamayanan Head
5. Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign
J. Chapel Stewardship Head


Supervises and coordinates religious activities in the Chapel

Represents the Chapel in PPC meetings
Facilitates the meetings of the Chapel Stewardship Team
Reports regularly to the PPC on the status of the Chapel
Performs related tasks as the Parish priest may assign

K. Heads of Associations of the Christian Faithful

1. Represents the organization in PPC meetings
2. Informs the organization of PPC decisions and activities
3. Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign



This Ministry attains its full effectiveness by leading and uniting the faithful to
come to the liturgical celebrations with full, conscious, and active participation
glorifying the Lord and aimed at sanctification of parishioners. Headed by its
coordinator, it is composed of the coordinators and members of the different
1. Composition

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Ministry

Ministry of Lectors and Commentators
Liturgical Music Ministry
Ministry of Altar Servers
Ministry of Reception of Gifts
Ministry of Care for the Sanctuary and Sacristy

2. Specific Responsibilities
a. Provide for dignified, orderly, animated and meaningful liturgical
celebrations, especially of the Eucharist and the sacraments in
accordance with the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines




(CBCP) approved Episcopal Commission on Liturgy (ECL) Statutes for

Diocesan Liturgy Commission
Guided by liturgical rites in accordance with the general norms, make
provisions for the updating of liturgical practices for growth and
deepening of faith and commitment so as to enhance worship life and
community service
Promote the love and devotion for the Eucharist, the Blessed Virgin
Mary and the Saints through Liturgical Celebrations and devotional
Coordinate with the Vicariate and Diocesan Worship Commission on
programs, updates and other liturgical activities
Plan, implement, monitor and evaluate all parish liturgical celebrations
and devotional practices
Submit periodical progress report to the parish pastoral council and to
the vicariate worship heads
Schedule regular meetings as agreed upon with ministries and
devotional groups
Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign


1. Formation in Faith Ministry
Tasked to design and facilitate an integral human and Christian formation, the
Formation in Faith Ministry ensures that parishioners, especially those
involved in the different ministries, grow in their knowledge of the faith and
become more mature in their Christian life and mission. The members of the
Formation in Faith Ministry are the heads of the different groups involved in
formation work and other individuals designated by the Parish priest.

a. Composition
i. Catechetical Ministry
ii. Mission Animation Ministry

iii. Biblical Apostolate

iv. Parish Renewal Experience (PREX)
v. Cursillo Cristianidad Movement
b. Specific Responsibilities

Provides spiritual formation in order to deepen the faith and

commitment of Church workers and likewise provide pastoral


formation to upgrade skills in pastoral management

Deepens the knowledge of parishioners on the Word of God as


the means to sustain, nourish and deepen their faith

Promotes more effective catechesis on renewal in the Church
according to the teachings of Vatican II, 2 nd Plenary Council of


the Philippines (PCP II), and PCM II

Develops a pool of formators, speakers and resource persons
Coordinates with the Vicariate Formation in Faith Ministry and
Diocesan Formation in Faith Commission on the Diocesan


evangelization program for implementation at the Parish level

Plans, implements and evaluates the programs and activities of
the Ministry according to its functions and Parish/Diocesan


Vision-Mission and Guidelines

Recommends to the PPC relevant policies
Leads parish participation in formation in faith activities at the


vicariate and diocesan levels

Submits periodically a progress report to the PPC, Vicariate
Formation in Faith Coordinating Team, and Formation in Faith


Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign

2. Youth Ministry
Engaged in the dynamic work of evangelization for young people, the
Parish Youth Ministry is composed of youth core leaders who work along
with the heads of the different organizations of young people in the parish.

The main task of the team is to ensure that young people in the parish
grow in their faith and become more actively involved in the life and
mission of the Church.
a. Composition
i. Parish Youth
ii. Young Professionals
iii. Campus Ministries
iv. Out-of-School Youth
v. Other Youth Organizations
b. Specific Responsibilities
i. Provides for the formation and organization of the youth to
realize their potential, motivate their participation in church
programs and prepare them as future parish leaders
ii. Mobilizes the youth as instrument of evangelization among their
fellow youth and others
iii. Coordinates with the Vicariate and Youth Commission on the
diocesan youth program for implementation at the parish level
iv. Plans, implements and evaluates the programs and activities of
the Commission
v. Recommends to the PPC relevant policies
vi. Coordinates and monitors the projects of the organizations
under the Commission on Youth of the Diocese
vii. Submits periodically a progress report to the PPC, Vicariate
Youth Coordinating Team, and Youth Commission
viii. Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign

3. Family and Life Ministry

The Ministry aims to facilitate in the accompaniment of Catholic Families in
their journey of faith through programs of formation (Pre-CANA seminars,
marriage encounter weekends, Christian Life Program, etc.) and activities
that would strengthen the bonds of love between husbands and wives,

parents and children. Headed by a couple-coordinator, the Ministry is

constituted by groups involved in this important apostolate in the Church.
a. Composition

Pre-CANA or Marriage Preparation

Marriage Enrichment
Parenting Ministry
Family Counseling
Responsible Parenthood and Natural Family Planning
Shepherding and Advocacy

b. Specific Responsibilities

Promotes among the parishioners the importance of the


sacrament of matrimony
Provides adequate spiritual and psycho-emotional preparation


for engaged couples through the Pre-CANA Seminar

Enriches the relationship of married couples through the
Marriage Encounter Program and its subsequent deepening
programs which encourage fuller family life and more active


participation in the parish

Enriches the relationships of parents with their children through
the Family Encounter Program, the Sons and Daughters
Encounter Program, Parenting Seminar and other subsequent


deepening programs
Encourages married





mobilization, to be more involved in shaping public policies


affecting the integrity of marriage, family and life

Provides personalized guidance and counseling to married


couples and families

Plans, implements and evaluates the programs and activities of


the Ministry
Recommends to the PPC relevant policies


Submits periodically a progress report to the PPC, Vicariate

Family and Life Coordinating Team and Diocesan Family and


Life Commission
Connects with the Diocese on the programs related to Family


life and spirituality

Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign

4. Stewardship Ministry
Committed to propagate the Spirituality of Stewardship, the Ministry
designs, implements, monitors and evaluates formation programs,
structures or systems in the Parish. The same is provided for the different
Parish Chapels, BECs and organizations, encouraging the whole parish to
adopt generosity and stewardship as a way of life as witnesses of faith.
The Ministry specifically ensures that parishioners appreciate and live out
their being good stewards of all talents, time, treasure, life and faith.
a. Composition:
i. Spirituality of Stewardship
ii. Balik-Handog Program
b. Specific Responsibilities
i. Designs formation programs that would promote Spirituality of
Stewardship as a way of life in every parishioner, especially
among those involved in the different ministries
ii. Develops, plans and implements creative ways of tapping the
resources of the parishioners for self-reliance (Balik-Handog
Program and Abolition of Arancel System)
iii. Comes up with activities that would concretely make people
practice stewardship for the Church and for the poor
iv. Submits ministry reports to the PPC on the Balik-Handog
v. Schedules regular Ministry meetings

vi. Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign

5. Vocation Ministry
Specific Responsibilities
i. Spearheads the promotion of vocations in the parish
ii. Organizes recruitment of potential candidates for vocations
iii. Does pastoral accompaniment programs for those engaged in
iv. Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign

6. Social Communications Ministry

Specific Responsibilities
i. Networking with television, radio and print media platforms
including TV Maria, Radio Veritas, among others
ii. Manages social media advocacies and activities of the parish
iii. Does research, documentation, and information management
iv. Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign
The Social Action mission of the Church is broad and covers a number of
interrelated yet unique aspects. To facilitate better understanding and
appreciation of our mission, three sub-clusters or sub-categories are
presented--- Compassionate Care Ministries, Human Development Ministries,
and Social Transformation Ministries. These are organized based on the
needs and the direction of the parish.
1. Composition
Compassionate Care Ministries
a. Health and Nutrition Ministry
b. Disaster Preparedness and Response Ministry
c. Care for the Elderly Ministry

Human Development Ministries

d. Economic Development Ministry
e. Education and Scholarship Ministry


Social Transformation Ministries

Pastoral Care for Children and Vulnerable Adults Ministry
Persons with Disability Ministry
Migrants Ministry
Labor Ministry
Land and Housing Ministry
Good Governance and Public Affairs Ministry
Restorative Justice Ministry
Ecology/Environment Ministry

2. Specific Responsibilities
a. Plans, implements and evaluates the programs and activities of the
b. Coordinates with Diocesan and Vicariate Social Action Commission
in the implementation of programs and services at the parish level
c. Establishes effective networking/partnership with public and private
organizations involved in social programs
d. Recommends to the PPC relevant policies
e. Coordinates and monitors different programs and projects under
f. Submits periodic reports to the PPC, Vicariate Social Action
Coordinating Team, and Social Action Commission
g. Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign

3. Descriptions of Ministries
These are the works of mercy of the Church, providing special
attention to parishioners who are living in survival, crisis, or
especially difficult conditions.

a. Health and Nutrition Ministry


Develops a sustainable program for health and nutrition of

the parish
ii. Recruits physicians, dentists, nurses and other professionals
for the Clinic
iii. Organizes and mobilizes volunteers for feeding programs
iv. Monitors and periodically evaluates the programs
v. Creates and manages a data base of beneficiaries
vi. Cascades the programs to the mission areas and works
closely with the BECs
vii. Establishes partnerships with volunteers, government
agencies, non-government or civic organizations to improve
or expand the programs
viii. Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign
b. Disaster Preparedness and Response Ministry
i. Develops an orderly and responsive program for disaster
response in the Parish
ii. Does stockpiling and periodically monitors availability of relief
iii. Creates a data base on hazards, strengths, and resources of
the community
iv. Provides formation and capacity-building for preparedness
and contingency measures
v. Works with government agencies and non-government or
civic organizations in the design and implementation of
vi. Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign
c. Care for the Elderly Ministry

Develops a needs-based and responsive program for the


elderly in the Parish

Mobilizes resources for the program for the elderly


Works with partner organizations, government agencies, and

socio-civic organizations concerned for the welfare of the


Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign


These are the works of development of the Church, providing
capacity-building, education, and creating measures for the
economic development of individuals and communities.
d. Economic Development Ministry

Works with the poor and marginalized in crafting economic

development programs towards self-reliant families and


Designs and implements savings mobilization, microfinancing,

entrepreneurship and income-generating programs.


Creates management teams to spearhead planning, proper

implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the programs


partners with government agencies, non-government or

socio-civic organizations to improve or expand the programs


Generates funds that can also subsidize and assist related

start-up programs for economic development


Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign

e. Education and Scholarship Ministry


Prepares clear guidelines for the educational assistance or


scholarship programs
Helps to source out funds from generous parishioners and
philanthropists who are keen with educational causes


Partners with educational institutions supportive of the


Takes charge of screening and selection of beneficiaries
Designs a formation program for the beneficiaries
Ensures the sustainability of the program
Performs related tasks as the Parish Priest may assign


These are the works of transformation of the Church, advocating for
policies, structures, and systems on socio-political, cultural, and
communal issues that affect the lives of families and communities.
f. Pastoral Care for Children and Vulnerable Adults Ministry
Women and children are change agents in the community. With
the rise of violence, especially committed against women and
children, even in the inner sanctum of the home, the parish
needs a ministry for their survival, protection, development, and
g. Persons with Disability Ministry
Ever aware of the various gifts that persons with disabilities can
contribute to the life of the Church and society at large, despite
their various situations and conditions, the parish is strongly
encouraged to set-up a persons-with-disability (PWD) desk to
welcome children and adults with disabilities to become active
church members. Parish programs that not only respond to their
special needs but, more importantly, seek to empower them to
be more productive agents of social transformation may be
coordinated with the Diocesan ministry to persons with
h. Migrants Ministry

With the increasing number of families set apart because of

migration due mainly to economic reasons and the social costs
of this economic trend, there is a greater need for the parish to
set up ministry for the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and
their families based in the Philippines.
i. Labor Ministry
Unemployment and underemployment remain problems in the
Philippines. The parish may help its people, especially the most
vulnerable workers by protecting their rights thru organizing and
by undertaking trainings and skills-development to empower
them. Also, by organizing a labor desk, the parish can provide
assistance to those who may have issues related to labor
problems, disputes and unjust labor practices.

j. Land and Housing Ministry

Considering that many parishes in the Diocese of Novaliches
have large population of urban poor in informal settlements, the
Land and Housing Ministry becomes an important component in
the work of evangelization. The Ministry is tasked to further
understand, along with the BECs in the mission areas, the
issues, needs and problems that confront the urban poor
communities. Certain initiatives could be explored in the area of
low cost housing, sanitation, utilities and lighting and cementing
of path-walks. This could


done by organizing the

communities and facilitating their access to these services from

government agencies and institutions like the Urban Poor Affairs
k. Good Governance and Public Affairs Ministry

The Public Affairs Ministry aims to promote good governance

and empowered citizenry among the Catholic faithful. This
includes formation of good governance advocates, forging
partnerships with the local government leaders, and community
mobilization for policy reforms.
l. Restorative Justice Ministry
Restorative Justice Ministry answers the command of Jesus to
visit those in prison, who nowadays: in penitentiaries, jails,
precinct, lock-up cells and youth offender reception centers.
Even hardened criminals can become useful members of
society. This insight has prompted the Church to establish a
Restorative Justice Ministry aimed at making offenders, their
victims and correctional community members work together for
the resolution and healing of the consequences of a crime.
The Ministry works to promote effective rehabilitation of those
prison or jail residents. The program also fields paralegal
volunteers to follow up cases and help facilitate the release of
those proven innocent, or who have already served their time.
Inmates benefit from training sessions where they learn
livelihood skills. They are also offered courses in values
formation and family life seminars, preparing them for peaceful
and productive lives as they are reintegrated into the community.
m. Ecology/Environment Ministry
The Ministry on Environment is meant to help the parish
community and BECs to address environmental issues and their
corresponding impact on people, especially the poor.


Ministry also helps develop new patterns and habits that would
improve the environment through proper disposal of waste,
beautification, cleaning and greening of the surrounding. The

ministry is also concerned with policies concerning the

environment, partnerships with the barangay and the city
government for environmental preservation.



Responding to the mandate of the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines

(PCP II) and faithful to the thrust of the Diocese of Novaliches to build the
Church of the Poor, the parishes are committed to empower the faithful to
grow as Christians and as a community of disciples within the grassroots
structure of Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs). To ensure that this focal
element of the vision-mission is realized, a BEC Pastoral Team is highly
recommended to be constituted, in order to focus on this particular ministry of
organizing BECs in the whole parish, particularly in the mission areas.
Organization includes immersion, dialogue of life, identification and training of
leaders, mobilization, prayer meetings, reflection and celebration.
1. The entire parish is composed of Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs).
However, to facilitate the management, development and monitoring of
these communities, there is a need to form several levels of groupings.
2. The most basic unit or cell of a BEC is termed BUKLURAN. It is
composed of ten (10) to fifteen (15) families in the neighborhood. This
term connotes close interpersonal relationships among neighbors.
3. Two (2) or three (3) and more Buklurans can be grouped together, mostly
by reason of geographical proximity, into a KAWAN. This term has a
more pastoral nuance. The heads of each Bukluran constitute the leaders
of the Kawan.
4. Depending on the size of the parish and the existing natural groupings
within the parish, the Kawans can be grouped together according to









communication and coordination. This grouping is termed PAMAYANAN,

connoting a larger and more complex community.
5. The Parish BEC Pastoral Team is a core group of leaders consisting of
selected organizers, formators, animators and pastoral workers, whose
functions are to organize communities and form leaders.
1. Organizes, strengthens, sustains the BECS and trains lay leaders in the
2. Makes all Pamayanan Coordinators automatic members of the Parish BEC
Pastoral Team
3. Plans, implements, coordinates, monitors and evaluates the projects and
activities of the BEC in the areas
4. All Kawan Coordinators and Ministries shall regularly hold their quarterly
meeting and submit their reports regularly
5. Submits periodically a progress report to the PPC
6. Strengthens and sustains the organized BEC in the areas
7. Serves as resource persons for formation and training of lay leaders in the
8. Coordinates with the Vicariate and Diocesan BEC about activities for
implementation at the parish level
9. Performs other duties as may be assigned by the Parish Priest



For purposes of planning, monitoring, and evaluation of results of pastoral
programs and activities and for the sharing of information on Diocesan and
Vicariate activities, programs, events and related matters, the PPC shall meet
1. To constitute a quorum, 50 % plus 1 should be present during the meeting
2. The PPC shall meet once a month on a specified date and time to be
decided by the officers and members.

3. The PPC shall also meet as the need arises, on a day and time set by the
Parish Priest and/or chairperson.
4. The Parish General Assembly shall be held once or twice a year where
members of mandated organizations are invited. General Pastoral
Assembly includes all
active members of the different ministries and
organizations in the Parish.
5. Attendance to the said meetings shall be properly documented and


1. The members of the PPC shall choose three (3) names for each position
among them.
2. The Parish Priest shall appoint the officers and members of the PPC based
on the recommended names for each position.
3. The officers of the PPC shall serve for a period of three years,
subject to extension of another three years, as the Parish Priest
deems it necessary.
4. Appointed PPC officers must not hold two (2) or more major positions
during his/her term.
5. In case of vacancy due to prolonged illness, death, resignation, loss of trust
and confidence, or transfer of residence among the appointed officers of
the PPC, the newly-appointed officer(s) shall serve only the un-expired
term of the vacated position(s).
6. Tenure of the Ministry Coordinators and BEC group heads can be
longer, as recommended or appointed by the Parish Priest in view
of program sustainability and skills required for the Ministry/BEC positions.


1. With transparochial groups: Trans-Parochial groups and communities
serve as a resource pool of human capital and talents. They may be
invited to join ministries and parish programs. It is ideal to align the

activities of the groups with the goals of the parish. Once a transparochial
group expresses its intention to be a parish-based organization, its
admission requires accountability to the parish and compliance to policies.
2. With Homeowners Associations: The PPC shall aim to maintain neighborly
and good working relationships with the homeowners associations
(HOAS). Parishes shall respect and abide by the guidelines of the
association pertaining to use of common spaces in the community. HOAS
have no control over parish or chapel programs and finances.
3. With Partners in the Community: Guided by the principle of subsidiarity
and the exercise of responsible autonomy, a parish may engage in
partnerships with the Barangay, foundations, and other socio-civic
organizations, provided that the partnership (a) is purposive and for the
benefit of the parishioners and; (b) will not incur harm to the parish and to
the Diocese, both in the present and in the future. Unless authorized by
the Diocese, it is advisable for the parish to only enter into time-bound
Understandings or Agreements so as not to bind the succeeding parish

D. PPC ORGANIZATIONAL CHART *Still subject to changes


*for review with


Representatives of
Parochial Schools
Heads of Religious
Leaders of Partner


and Nutrition Ministry

Disaster Preparedness and Response

Care for the Elderly Ministry

Ministers of Holy
Communion Ministry
Ministry of Lectors and
Liturgical Music
Ministry of Altar
Ministry of Reception

Formation in Faith
Ministry (including
Catechetical, Biblical
Apostolate, etc.)
Youth Ministry
Family and Life
Stewardship Ministry
Vocation Ministry
Ministry on Social

Human Development Ministries

Economic Development Ministry
Education and Scholarship Ministry
Social Transformation Ministries
Pastoral Care for Children and
Vulnerable Adults Ministry
Persons with Disability Ministry
Migrants Ministry
Labor Ministry
Land and Housing Ministry
Good Governance and Public Affairs
Restorative Justice Ministry






1. The PPC is a venue not only for matters relevant to the pastoral life of the
parish, but typifies the ideal community of the faithful: a community that is
united in the midst of diversities. Therefore, each member should strive to
keep the unity of the PPC through mutual love, respect and care for one
2. The PPC is to be one heart and one mind with the parish priest; therefore,
members must at all times refer to their pastor, through respect and
obedience, as he acts in the person of Christ.
3. Each member, while striving to contribute to the good of the PPC and the
parish in general, is to give his/her honest opinion especially on matters in
which he/she has competence. It is considered as right and obligation of
the faithful to make their opinions heard, while respecting the opinions of


Whenever a consensus has been achieved the PPC presents the matter
to the parish priest. The parish priest, although bound by law to consult the
PPC on matters affecting pastoral administration, may or may not act
according to the recommendation, especially if it contradicts right
judgment, diocesan statutes, and the moral precepts of the Church. The
parish priest, by reason of his pastoral leadership, has the prerogative in

matters concerning administration of the parish.

5. Officers and members of the PPC shall attend regular PPC meetings as
well as emergency meetings called by the parish priest. In case of
absence, he/she is to inform the parish priest or the coordinator the reason
for the absence.
6. Officers and members of the PPC shall conduct themselves in a manner
befitting their office, and must therefore be exemplary in faith, morals and
doctrine among the parishioners.
7. By principle of subsidiarity, officers and members of the PPC are to
resolve conflicts and misunderstandings among themselves. They are to
act in a charitable way in solving conflicts when it comes to issues brought
up in the PPC meetings. Character assassination and rumor mongering
habits have no place in the PPC, much more in the Church.
8. Members of the PPC are to be examples of service towards all, especially
the poor and the marginalized. They are to strive to contribute positively to
the teaching of the Lord to take care of the least, the lost and the last, by
their preferential option for the poor as the measuring stick for creation of
policies and programs in the parish.
9. Members of the PPC shall strive to constantly develop themselves through
formation and training seminars.
10. Constant communication among members is encouraged so as to avoid
misunderstandings among the members that lead to conflicts blown out of
proportion. Each member is to strive to patch gaps in communication
through respectful and open dialogue.



1. Commission of offenses mentioned in Canon Law (from Canon 1 364-1

399), which shall be sanctioned according to the prescriptions of law.
These offenses are committed externally, except those matters of
conscience, and are to be proven. However, no person may be punished
without due process.
2. Any member of the PPC who has been proven guilty, may be suspended
or removed by the parish priest on the basis of the commission of one of
the following:

Conviction of an offense involving moral turpitude


Conviction of an offense in Civil and Criminal Courts


Proven involvement in any well-publicized scandals


Conversion to Non-Catholic Religion


Hostility and open obstinacy towards the parish priest, the Bishop,
the Church and Her moral teachings and doctrine

3. The parish priest may suspend or remove any member of the PPC upon
valid grounds, from those mentioned above, without prejudice to due


Amendments to the guidelines require 2/3 votes of the total number of parish
priests and chairpersons during the meeting convened by the Bishop for this
purpose. The Guidelines shall be reviewed after every five years.




1. For newly-established parishes, the parish priest may begin to identify and
invite potential leaders and gradually create an interim PPC. This will allow
the parish priest and the lay volunteers to get to know one other, build
rapport, and become more familiar with parish life. Ad hoc positions may
be assigned to the members of the interim PPC.
2. As a pastoral core group, the members can begin the process of
understanding the Diocesan Vision and Mission. A strategic session may
be convened to draft Parish Vision, Mission, and Core Values. An
orientation on the roles and responsibilities of the Council shall follow. The
interim PPC may be consulted in the set-up of structures, systems, and
start-up programs in the parish. After some time, and with the discretion of
the parish priest, the group can formally appoint their leaders following the
process in Manner of Selection and Tenure of Officers and Members. A
commissioning ceremony can mark the official appointment of the PPC
officers and members.
B. *CHAPEL STEWARDSHIP GUIDELINES will be added in this section

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