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Magic Show

file:///L:/Zaubern - Einzeltricks/Faro Lap.html

Doug arranges the invisible exit from the deck for

one card.

By Doug Edwards
Sessioning with others can be instrumental to ones 'creative spark.' In 1994, while visiting
David Copperfield and his museum in Las Vegas, I spent many hours with the late Gary
Ouellet who, at the time, was Copperfield's consultant.
During our session, he proposed a card problem. He wanted a way to secretly lap a card while
seated without palming or coming too near the edge of the table. I came up with this original
method almost immediately. He said it was so good that it should be published. Here is the
handling I developed on that great day.
Basically, while executing a faro shuffle (perfect or pluperfect,) the selected card is
imperceptibly propelled into the lap. The good news is that the move is very easy, in fact
automatic. All you need to know is how to perform a faro or butt shuffle.
Control the card you want to secretly lap to the top of the deck. The illustrations tell the

The top portion is faro'd into the bottom portion for about an inch or so. At the completion of
this interlacing, as the right hand comes over the deck to squeeze or waterfall them
together, the left pinky pulls the top card slightly off to the right (Illustration: hand at left,)
enough to clear the right thumb (which will make sense in a moment.)
As the right hand grasps the ends and flexes them downward, and as the cards start to shoot
into each other, automatically the jogged card, free of the right thumb, shoots backward and
into your lap (Illustration: hands at right.) The whole thing happens under cover of the right
hand and wrist. The selection can now be magically produced/revealed in any manner you
see fit.
Try it. It all takes place during a natural action, the shuffling of a deck.

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04.03.2011 12:24

Magic Show

file:///L:/Zaubern - Einzeltricks/Faro Lap.html

Faro Lap 2005 by Doug Edwards. Illustrations by Greg Webb.

Magic Show is 2005 by Robinson Wizard, Inc.

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04.03.2011 12:24

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