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WWI Modern

Joe Palaski

A U-boat is a German submarine. During WWI, U-boats roamed the Atlantic
sinking Allied merchant ships. U-boats
caused a lot of damage to the Allied
side and gave a reason for the United
States to enter the war.

Convoys were a group of merchant ships
protected by warships. Allied forces used
these in order to counteract the German
U-boats. The merchant ships carried vital
supplies to Britain, so convoys played a
crucial role in the Allied forces warfare.

Poison Gas
Poison gas was first used by the Germans to blind or choke enemies in
1915. These gases also caused agonizing burns and blisters. The Allies later
began using poison gas. Although, the
gas sometimes backfired on the troops
because of shifting winds.

Automatic Machine Guns
Automatic machine guns revolutionized fighting tactics. Gunners were now
able to mow down lines of soldiers.
These guns, used by both sides in the
war, helped to create a stalemate in
battles by preventing any advance
across the no mans land.

At first, the airplane was mainly used for

observation by both sides. Later, airplanes were equipped with machine
guns. Flying aces took part in dogfights,
but the outcome of most of these dogfights did not impact the war.

Zeppelins were huge gas-filled balloons.
The Germans began to use these in 1915.
They first used them to bomb the English
coast, but then other places too.

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