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Educational Philosophy
Shelby Piatt
EDUC 101

Educational Philosophy

Educational Philosophy
Educational philosophy is how a teachers vision of education and how that vision is
implemented. There are many different factors in a teachers educational philosophy. It depends
on what they believe is the best method to get material across to students and how they are
comfortable displaying those materials.
Education is everything. It is formal, inside the classroom and it is informal, outside the
classroom. Formal education is taught by teachers and informal education is not taught by a
teacher, but is learned through a number of things. According to Enhancing Education (2002),
after-school programs, community-based organizations, museums, libraries, or at home (par.
#1). Education is all around and should be an important part of everyday life regardless of how it
is being consumed by learners. There are several different types of philosophies teachers identify
with when teaching students throughout the educational process. According to Parkay (2015),
educational philosophy consists of what you believe about education- the set of principles that
guides your professional action (p.114). Two types of educational philosophies are progressive
and perennialism or perennial. Progressive is more child centered. It is based on the childs
interest. The perennialism philosophy is more for everyone to learn the same materials,
regardless of personal interest.
I relate with the progressive view, I believe that schools should be more focused on the
specific student and how they learn, however in elementary level classrooms I believe it is
important to have the basics of math, writing, spelling, and reading. I would have a studentcentered classroom accompanied by a very interactive way of teaching. One that is engaging and
always keeps the students involved so that the learning process is like a discovery for them.
Students would not only learn from the lessons, but from each other. I would incorporate

Educational Philosophy

creativity and growth in the classroom every day. Pushing the students in the direction of positive
development in their education and lives.
School is an important place for children and sometimes adults to learn and further their
educations: a place of positivity, understanding, caring, teaching, learning, and support. It is a
schools goal to help the students learn and grow as individuals. Striving to make every day a fun
and exciting experience to further the understanding of not only academics but the world
surrounding them. A school needs many things to be an effective place for students to thrive. A
staff that makes it their duty to assure the success of the pupils. Holding the students to high
expectations in academics such as reading and writing, and moral standards. Schools should be
orderly and dependable for students. They should follow a routine that a student can count on
every day. Everyone in the school should feel as if they have a purpose. Reaching the goals that
teachers and students set out to accomplish together should be a huge part of a schools everyday
agenda. Finally, a school should give a strong sense of community for everyone involved.
Teachers, staff, students and parents should feel as if their school is a place where all parties
work together to reach the goals and cater to every individual students needs.
According to The Glossary of Education Reform (2013), the term curriculum refers to
the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course or program. In
dictionaries, curriculum is often defined as the courses offered by a school, but it is rarely used in
such a general sense in schools. A curriculum is a complex set of courses and standards. A set
of guidelines for the school. According to Parkay (2015) content standards refer to, the content
or knowledge and skills students should acquire in various academic disciplines (p.390). This
means that at different grade levels students should be able to do certain things academically.
These are important to keep a student moving in the right direction for their future. Progressively

Educational Philosophy

students build off of the previous year and the curriculum helps assure that students can continue
to develop their skills. Classroom teachers are responsible to teach students the standards given
by the state. Teachers must ensure that all students learn the content in the standards by providing
course content that is developed to convey these lessons and by having a stimulating classroom
environment in order to help performance and behavior succeed.
Teaching takes many instructional strategies. These strategies help students understand
and convey what is being taught to them. Students come in a classroom carrying different
learning styles and cultures. Group work is an instructional strategy that helps students learn to
work together and also a student may be able to explain the information to a group or a partner in
a way that helps both students understand the work better. Adapting the content to a students
personal needs is a very important strategy to help insure that each student is able to understand
and convey the materials required. Monitoring a students progress is a key tool in determining
whether or not a student understands the lessons. It also helps the teacher evaluate the lesson
plan and the way the lesson is being taught. Adapting the content to a students personal needs
becomes easier once a childs progress has been evaluated. After monitoring and evaluating a
student, adapting the lessons to them and their needs is the next step in helping them to fully
understand the material. Making the material more challenging for students who already
understand is vital so they are not held back if other students are having trouble. Learning
disabilities and other special needs also need to be taken into account when teaching. These
students not only need to be in the classroom and feel as if they are a working part of the
classroom, they also need other special attention to help them complete their assignments and
learn the material. These students will need the teachers extra help and attention from the
teaching aids that assist the teacher throughout the day to help them excel. According to Great!

Educational Philosophy

KIDS, the clinical professor of teacher education at the University of Maryland Jean Snell stated,
There is a richness that comes from students working side by side with others who are not of the
same cookie-cutter mold. Students are always going to differ from one another, on many
different levels. Academically, culturally, and depending on grade level age. It is important to
cater to each and every student with the same amount or care and interest, as well as providing
students with the correct assistance to learn and finish assignments. Changing material and
making sure the classroom is equipped with the right materials and aids for the students will help
with adapting to each different type of student need in the classroom.
A schools role in society is to help foster a better future for the world by helping students
learn and grow into the best person they can be by teaching children not only the basic
academics, but teaching a better understanding of the world they live in. Most children spend at
least 13 years in school, regardless if they care about school or not. Schools play a large factor in
shaping a person academically and socially. Teachers and schools must work with the families of
the students to help insure the success of each student. The family of each student is the best
place to start when inquiring about a students abilities outside of the classroom. There has to be
strong communication between a teacher and families to make sure students are getting the help
they require to learn. Teachers need to build trust with the families of their students to make
interactions meaningful and constructive. The teacher can tell the family what the student should
work on at home and the family can inform the teacher of anything the student does not
understand. This can be accomplished via email, notes, phone calls and parent teacher
conferences. Families are not the only important factor for a students success. A teachers
colleagues can help tremendously. Schools that see themselves as professional learning
communities encourage teachers to plan lessons together and learn from one another (Sliver.

Educational Philosophy

2015). It is important for teachers to talk among themselves and share ideas that work in the
classroom. It helps ensure that all possibilities are being taken into consideration when finding
the best way to educate the students. The communication between colleagues is also a form of
support for teachers, these people go through the same situations and can be there to help each
other throughout the tough times that inevitably come with being a teacher. This creates a
community that everyone can depend on, it is not only a part of a larger community of other
schools and people, but it becomes its own.
I believe that education should be student centered and that all knowledge is important
for students to succeed. School is a great place for students to grow and attain knowledge as well
as an excellent place for students to begin looking and planning for the future which they will
help to shape. In schools, diversity is all around and should be used to help ensure that each
student gets the assistance they need to complete each grade level to the best of their abilities.
Communication with parents and colleagues is key to the success of all students. Education is an
important part of everyday life for students, not only in reference to the formal education they
receive in the classroom but also the informal education they take part in outside of the
classroom. As teachers, it is our duty and responsibility to ensure that all students are placed on a
path that will lead them to a brighter future.

Educational Philosophy

Curriculum Definition. (2013, May 15). Retrieved November 15, 2015, from
Formal vs. Informal Education. (2002). Retrieved November 15, 2015, from
How important is cultural diversity at your school? | GreatKids. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11,
2015, from
Parkay, F.W. (2016). Becoming a teacher. Upper Saddle River, NJ; Pearson.
Silver, F. (2015). Why Is It Important for Teachers to Have Good Communication Skills?
Retrieved December 12, 2015, from

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