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Goal Statement

During the 2016 school year I will integrate technology into the history curriculum.
Actions Steps

I will watch tutorials on quizlet and poll everywhere and create the required
number of these assessments during the school year at semi regular
I will also buy 3 documentaries to be used in the classroom from the history
channel or the military channel.
I will choose at least 10 videos from the YouTube channels: Extra Credit
History, Crash Course History, CGP Grey, Caspian Report, Kurzgesagt, or Last
Week Tonight.
I will confer with teachers in the English and history departments on the best
practices and strategies when using the tablets to make the most use of that
resource and the time allowed for in class work with the tablets.

Evidence of Attainment
To measure my progress towards my goal I will present evidence that I have
included at least 10 quizlet assessments, 6 poll everywhere quizzes, weekly power
points, at least 3 full video or documentary episodes, at least 10 short videos from
YouTube and used the schools tablets to teach students to write at least one paper;
incorporating the strategies learned from the English and history teachers I
consulted. These videos and interactive assessments that provide immediate
feedback will ensure that my instruction of the content will be more interesting and
concise in the classroom. The documentaries will provide previews of the content to
be covered in broader units like the World War II era. The smaller videos will provide
students with internal summaries, examples and analogies. I will also be able to use
similar videos as part of the students homework to ensure that they learn all of the
essential information. The use of tablets while teaching students to write a formal
historical paper will enable me to model for my students what I expect of them and
how to navigate the software they will use to write their papers.

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