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Kalonikae Drenckhahn

RED 414 First Six Weeks Clinical

Professor Nancy Eckerson, PhD.
30 October 2015
Tuning Protocol Final Reflection
I have two different reflections on the tuning protocol. One is on the lesson itself and
the answers to the questions that pertain to it. The other is on the actual presentation, including
the PowerPoint and video clip. Ill begin with the presentation.
I wasnt very happy with my presentation. I had problems with the video because I was
unable to show the video I wanted due to file recognition issues. I was able to play some video;
however it wasnt nearly as good as the one I wanted because it didnt show what I wanted to
present, actual teaching. Im not going to dwell on it because its in the past and Im still able to
view the video I wanted to. Theres a small silver lining. I would have liked to fine tune my
presentation as well. My PowerPoint was average. One of my strengths is PowerPoints so I
know I could have done much better in that department. I thought the feedback from my
classmates and Nancy was fantastic and Im grateful for it. I will continue to work on the things
suggested like my learning objectives, voice level, and confidence.
As far as the actual lesson goes, I feel I did quite well. I can see significant changes
compared to last years videos. I move around more and I use visuals very well. I would
consider that a major strength for me. I take time to think about how I will hook and then keep

the class engaged. As a visual learner myself, I know this can keep an audience. My strengths
overall include engagement and creating a warm climate.
As far as my opportunities for improvement, I believe there are many things to work on.
My voice level has been my battle from the beginning. While I have made some improvement,
there is definitely room for growth. I would also like to bring the tone up a level; with a bit of
volume and inflection, I believe I can do this. On video I come off as a bit timid, that could
cause problems in the future. Another idiosyncrasy includes using the work like or neat too
much. I think if I slow down some and use more academic language I could correct this.
My questions fall all the way along the spectrum. I ask both open-ended and closeended questions fairly equally depending on the response Im seeking. I do, however, think I
could be using more open-ended and higher level questions. My wait time seems appropriate
because I like to give the students an opportunity to self-correct. I also feel I involve everyone
equally in responding and participating. While the clip is short, in other lessons I make an effort
for everyone to get a chance to answer and participate, especially with the Smart Board.
Overall, I see the tuning protocol as a learning experience. I made some mistakes, but I
learned from them. I learned from my classmates and I hope they learned from me. I can
certainly see the benefits of tuning protocols or simply taping yourself from time to time to get
an idea of how youre performing.

Further Reflection (Different Format)

1. What are some of your personal idiosyncrasies? What can you do about them?
I have a quiet, almost monotonous voice. From time to time, my voice rises slightly in a
peculiar way. I also use common words like like or neat far too often. With some
practice, confidence, and pacing I can work on this. I also think making sure to use
more academic language would benefit.
2. What happens to your voice in different situations?
My voice is my nemesis. I wish I could say it did something other than not be loud or
energetic enough. I did notice that is does rise from time to time for a split second and
at an unusual time. Its very strange.
3. What do you do to set the mood or climate for learning? Would you do anything
I like to have a warm climate. I want all the students to be engaged and interact. I use
visuals to do this. With my PowerPoint, I wanted students to learn from the content, but
also have fun with it. That is why I included an optical illusion.
4. Analyze the questions you ask of students. What do you notice in terms of quality,
levels, wait time, your response to students?
The questions I ask are mixed between open-ended and closed-ended. I would like to
ask more open-ended and deeper level questions. My wait time seems just about right. If

they get it wrong, I allow time for them to self-correct or try to guide them in the right
direction. Though, there are times where this is difficult.
5. How well did you involve all students in responding and participating? Equity issues?
I think this is another strong point for me. I do my best to include everyone. If I see one
student that may not grasp a concept right away, I give them another chance later.
6. With what progress are you the most pleased?
Im pleased to see my comfort level has increased. Im not as scared of making a
mistake and I move around more. Last year, I saw in one video I was practically like a
7. What areas do you still need improvement?
My voice, confidence, and transitions all need work. I also want to use more academic
language and open-ended questions.
8. What did you learn?
I learned that Im going to make mistakes.
9. What 3 things would you do differently if you taught this segment again?


Open-ended questions/higher level questions


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