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YEAR AND SECTION:______________________

DIRECTIONS: Match each equation with the word problem it represents. Write
the equation and corresponding letter. Then write the letter of the equation in
the circle that has the problem number. Discover the message formed by the

M- p/2 = 73
m 13 = 41

T- x + 8 = 21

S- a 12 = 25


1. Allan has 8 more marbles than Jon does. If Allan has 21 marbles, how many does
Jon has?
2. Ana is 12 years younger than Ellen, if Ana is 25, how old is Ellen?
3. Owen has scored twice as many goals as Rich has. If Owens goal total is 18, how
many goals has Ric scored?
4. Liza delivered 13 fewer magazines this week than last week. If she delivered 41
magazines this week, how many did she deliver last week?
5. Three friends went out for lunch. They share the cost of the meal equally. If each
person paid P55.00, what was the total cost of the meal?
6. Jenny and her friend share a pizza. The cost of the pizza is shared equally
between them. If each of them pays P73.00, how much does the pizza cost?
7. Henry sold 10 more cards than Eric did. If Henry sold 35 cards, how many did Eric
8. Edna paid four times as much for a tape as her friend did. If Edna paid P360.00,
how much did her fiend pay?

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