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Transformative Visceral Questions (TVQ)

( 2000 Monroe Judkovics)

For triggered emotions (Fear and Anger) we take a slightly different approach:
For Fear:
Find the emotion in your body,
Become the physical sensation and
Ask one the following questions (Pick the one that works best for you)

The Transformative questions are:

What was there before this?
What was this before it was this?

(Source: Mickey Judkovics)

(Source: David Grove and Mickey Judkovics)

What is my experience of the source of this energy?

(Source: Mickey Judkovics)

What is behind this? What is beneath this? What is underneath this?

(Source: Brandon Bays)
Where does this come from?

(Source David Grove, Mickeys Judkovics)

Where is this from?

(Source: Megan Reichman)

Be Silent, without words, and sense your response in your body.

Let it spread throughout you whole body.
Stay with it as long as you can.
Repeat this process as least twelve times a day for 60 Days. You can also use this twice daily, as
a 20-minute meditation.
For Anger:
Find anger in your body, become the physical sensation and ask one the following question:
And through being angry what am I wanting that is more important than being angry?
Keeping focused on physical sensations in your body keep asking this question, And what am
I wanting that is more important? until you get to qualities of beingness.
If you still need to get to more comfort you can do some Transformative Questioning using the
questions from For Fear above.

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